
Assessment of the potential for growth in the technological efficiency of soybean production in the Amur Region

The article discusses the main results of the development of soybean production in the Amur region for the period from 2010 to 2021 in the context of agro-climatic southern, central and server zones. As of 2021, the gross soybean harvest amounted to 1138.6 thousand tons, including 58.2% of enterprises in the southern zone, 40.2% in the central zone, and 1.6% in the northern zone. The sown area of soybeans for the analyzed period from 2010 to 2021 increased by 50.8% and amounted to 769.3 thousand hectares as of 2021. Based on the calculated index of technological efficiency of soybean production in the Amur region for the period from 2010 to 2021, a rating assessment of municipalities in the context of agro-climatic zones of the region was carried out. In order to assess the growth potential of technological efficiency of crop production, the author's methodology is proposed, based on the use of the technological efficiency index and allowing to gradually determine the growth potential of the index of technological efficiency of crop production, yield growth and gross harvest of agricultural crops. The approbation of the proposed methodology in the assessment of soybean production in the Amur region made it possible to identify the growth potential of technological efficiency of municipalities in the context of agro-climatic zones of the region. In particular, it was revealed that the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the identified potential for yield growth in the context of agro-climatic zones will eventually allow for an increase in the gross soybean harvest in the region in the amount of 193.24 thousand tons.

Issue № 12, December 2022, article № 12

Issue № 12, December 2022, article № 15

Key Technologies for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas of Russia

The purpose of this study was to identify the key technologies of agricultural and non-agricultural activities that ensure the sustainable development of rural areas in Russia. Sustainable development of rural areas is understood as a balanced combination of three components: economic growth, social well-being and ecological balance. It is shown that innovations introduced into production in rural areas mainly provide economic efficiency, while forgetting about the social and environmental well-being of the village. According to world practice, sustainability is achieved only if innovative technologies lead to an improvement in the working conditions of employees of enterprises, an increase in their well-being, getting rid of monotonous and hard work, and also preserve/improve the ecosystems of rural areas. The priority technologies of sustainable agricultural production are: agrobiotechnologies, nanotechnologies in crop production and animal husbandry, mobile agricultural robots and autonomous agricultural machinery, unmanned aerial vehicles, robotic greenhouse complexes, technologies for animal waste management, adaptive landscape farming, technologies for biomelioration and biodiversity conservation, technologies for minimizing tillage. For non–agricultural activities, these are alternative and renewable energy sources, waste recycling, green construction technologies and other environmental management technologies. The technologies presented in this study should become a priority for the further development of rural areas of Russia, as they allow not only to meet the needs of modern rural society, but also to create conditions for the life of future generations.