
Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 13

Features of integration of Russian agrofood complex into a globalizing economy

Globalization of the world economy created new opportunities for its development. However, the benefits from the globalization spread unevenly, that causes the contradiction between the developed and developing countries. Existing international institutes protect the interests of their founders’ countries, who determined the rules, conditions and principles of their activity. In the economically weak states, the life level decreases that don’t contribute to the solving of starvation and malnutrition problems in the world. Nowadays process of regionalization is carried out at the time of globalization. This contributes to the protection of geopolitical and economical interests of agreements parties. Imposition of sanctions against Russia, hidden food export restrictions are directed against our country, as well as the importers. Non fulfilment of earlier concluded contracts on the supply of production is not only decrease of export, but also discredit of Russia as a reliable trade partner. At the same time problems of food supply for the population in the countries-importers are exacerbated. This allows western countries exerting pressure on the governments of national countries when solving international problems. Aspiration of Russia to integrate into the world economy didn’t find support from the West. They consider participation of our country in global economy only as supplier of raw materials and production sales market. Therefore, Russia needs to strengthen its positions on the global market and expand the geography of provisions. Nowadays domestic agrifood complex not only ensures the country's food security, but also annually increases export supplies. However, the import component remains significant in production, which makes it vulnerable. Therefore, in the fundamental areas, the output of the agrifood complex should be based on domestic developments. Participation of the federation subjects in the food export depends on the concentration of agrarian production in the region. Leading positions in the export are occupied by the south regions of the country, subjects of the federation with the developed commercial fishing and also subjects with large logistic hubs.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 15

Foreign experience of monitoring and agricultural sustainability solution in the Arctic on the example of domestic reindeer herding and hunting of wild reindeer

The article analyzes the Scandinavian and North American experience in achieving sustainability of agricultural systems of domestic reindeer herding and wild reindeer hunting in the Arctic. The exchange of experience in maintaining the sustainability of agricultural reindeer herding systems is extremely relevant in the current conditions of sharp and rapid climatic and ecological changes observed in the Arctic. The consequences of changes in natural and ecological conditions affecting the sustainability of domestic reindeer husbandry and wild reindeer hunting in the Arctic include a decrease in the productivity of pasture vegetation, thawing of permafrost, seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation, erosion of coastal areas, forest and tundra fires. Significant impacts on the sustainability of reindeer husbandry are also being made by environmental modernization undertaken at the national level and implemented in the Arctic. The ongoing socially-oriented monitoring in the Norwegian province of Finn mark, which has been started in 2021, shows that the problem of the negative impact of wind power plants on the state of reindeer pastures and reindeer herd has not yet found constructive solutions and requires taking into account traditional knowledge and the opinion of reindeer herders and local residents when choosing a territory for the construction of wind farms. Judging by the experience of Alaska and Canada, an important problem in the development of wild reindeer hunting is the increasing industrial and infrastructural development of the Arctic, which, along with climate change may have also impacts on the reduction of reindeer herds. Measures for adaptation to natural and ecological changes are given, in particular, the creation of a joint bio resources management system - co-management, developed in Canada.

Rating assessment of the performance of rural and economic organizations of the Volga Federal District

The efficiency of agricultural organizations is the key to the sustainable development of the industry across the region and the country as a whole. Trends in the formation of the number of agricultural organizations and the effectiveness of their activities allow us to substantiate the problems and prospects for the development of agricultural production. The purpose of the study is to assess trends in the formation of the number of agricultural organizations and the financial results of their activities in the context of the subjects of the Volga Federal District to identify problems, directions of development, rating evaluation of efficiency. The study was conducted in the context of the subjects of the Volga Federal District based on the materials of official statistics of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020. Methods of statistical analysis, methods of comparison, grouping, summation of places are used. Positive and negative trends have been identified. Faster rates of reduction in the number of profitable organizations than unprofitable ones have led to a reduction in the share of profitable organizations in a number of subjects of the Volga Federal District. There was an increase in the net financial result, including per agricultural organization of the Volga Federal District, an increase in the profitability of crop and livestock production. The leading position in the rating of agricultural organizations of the Volga Federal District is occupied by the Republic of Mordovia. The potential for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production has been identified in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mari El, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Samara, and Ulyanovsk regions. Solving these problems and realizing the potential for increasing the efficiency of agricultural organizations in a number of subjects of the Volga Federal District will have a positive impact on the state of agriculture and the level of food security of the Russian Federation.

Development of methodological support for digital services for strategic planning of agro-industrial complex berry support

The work is devoted to the problem of instrumental support for strategic planning of agricultural development in the context of digital transformations of the economy. The need to improve the methodological support for resource planning is shown, and at the same time, the expediency of its digitalization is approved. It is concluded that the methodological apparatus laid down in the software systems used by the authorities does not allow to justify the required amount of financial resources for conducting expanded reproduction and does not make it possible to identify the amount of budgetary funds for the effective functioning of agriculture. The author has developed a methodology for planning subsidies for state support of agriculture, the essence of which is to calculate, at the first stage, the level of financial results that creates conditions for the expanded reproduction of material, technical and labor resources of agriculture, at the second stage, the volume of own and budgetary funds, taking into account their efficiency of use, ensuring the achievement of the required level of financial results. The calculation scheme for this method was, on the one hand, the fundamental basis of the algorithm incorporated in the development of a software application for determining state support, on the other hand, an element of the business process of providing subsidies to agricultural producers. The development of the application was carried out using modern methods of functional modeling and application programming tools. The functionality of the developed software tool is designed for input of initial data and output of results according to the principle of balance linking and the relationship of such indicators as the profitability of agricultural activity, the income of commodity producers, the wages of employed workers and the amount of government subsidies. The scientific significance of the research results lies in the improvement of the system for supporting the adoption of strategic decisions on subsidizing agriculture and the development on this basis of recommendations to the governing bodies for its implementation as a software block in the information system of digital services of the agro-industrial complex being developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Features of agricultural development in the Arctic regions

The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that agriculture in the Arctic regions, not currently playing a significant role in the economic indicators of their regions, both for objective and subjective reasons, is the most important direction for achieving self-sufficiency of these regions in various areas, including food. The Arctic regions, being priority geostrategic territories of the Russian Federation, play a crucial role in ensuring sustainable development and concentrate the resource, transport, military, environmental and strategic potential of our country. At the same time, living and working conditions and agricultural activities are incomparably more severe compared to the rest of the country. In this regard, special attention should be paid to rural areas and the population living there. Within the framework of the study, the goal was set to assess the current state of security of agricultural workers in the Arctic regions and to highlight the features of remuneration in these territories. Based on the analysis of statistical information, modern scientific works, official reports from the mass media, the insufficiency of disclosure of the agricultural potential of these territories was determined, an assessment of the state of animal husbandry as a key branch of agriculture in the Arctic zone was given. Based on the current situation, a number of proposals have been formulated that can contribute to improving the situation in agriculture in the Arctic regions. The active use of mechanisms within the framework of the national project «Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support of individual entrepreneurial initiative» was particularly highlighted as one of the methods of increasing the contribution of novice agricultural producers.