
Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 3

Specifics of implementation of strategic directions of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the russian economy in modern geopolitical conditions

The article is devoted to the specifics of the implementation of strategic directions of innovative development of the sub-sectors of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy formulated in accordance with the strategic national priority "Scientific and Technological Development" and aimed at neutralizing threats to national security, taking into account the tasks defined in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2021, №400). The high dependence of domestic agricultural producers on foreign innovative technologies, technological equipment, seed and breeding material, as well as plant and animal protection products was noted. The need for a comprehensive approach to improving state support in terms of stimulating the innovative development of the country's agricultural sector is justified, involving, on the one hand, measures for the development of agricultural science and education, and on the other, the formation of sectoral innovative systems with appropriate financial support for their implementation in production. Strategic directions of innovative development of individual sub-sectors of the agricultural sector of the country's economy have been developed, aimed at: organizing priority research in the agro-industrial complex, improving sectoral scientific and technological policy taking into account the interests of scientists, an influx of private investment in agricultural research and development based on interaction with the sectoral business community, training and retraining of personnel in the interaction of agricultural universities, classical universities and institutions of additional vocational education. These areas should become the basis of the "Strategy for the innovative development of the sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex of Russia for the period up to 2035," the implementation of which will reduce the dependence of domestic agricultural producers on foreign technologies, which is especially important in modern geopolitical conditions.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 4

The role of agromelioration in the development of organic farming in Siberia Economics of Agriculture of Russia

The article discusses the role of agro-reclamation in the transition to organic farming in the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The elements of the agro-reclamation system that can be integrated into "green" agriculture are considered. These include: hydro-reclamation, gentle methods of tillage, organic fertilizers, plowing of fallow lands, transfer of part of the reserve lands to agricultural lands, as well as crop rotation systems. It is revealed that in the regions of Siberia, as well as in Russia as a whole, there is an imbalance in the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. Most of the fallow lands in the region are located in the Altai Territory – 33%, and the Omsk Region, the Republic of Tyva and the Krasnoyarsk Territory also have significant growth potential for organic production. Fallow land is the basis for obtaining environmentally friendly products without significant effort and additional costs. For the production of eco-friendly crop production based on the principles of organic farming, it is necessary to use specialized crop rotations, the basis of which should be grains, legumes, fodder and oilseeds. The regions of the Siberian Federal District are located in different climatic zones, this also needs to be taken into account when choosing methods of tillage, in "green" agriculture, as in agro-reclamation, preference is given to gentle methods of tillage, the most common of which are, strip-till, no-till and mini-till. Based on the study, it was revealed that the priority regions for the gradual transition to organic farming are the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia and the Omsk region. It is calculated that in the Siberian Federal District as a whole, with the transition to organic farming and the introduction of an agromelioration system, the decrease in grain yield will be 16%. This decrease will occur precisely during the transition period (about 3 years), in the future, with the rational use of organic farming technologies, it is possible to increase yields and exceed the indicator achieved with the use of mineral fertilizers.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 5

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 6

Theoretical substantiation of the creation of a unified national technology transfer system in the context of technological independence of the agro-industrial complex

The purpose of the study was to substantiate the possibilities of creating a unified digital national technology transfer system for the Russian agro-industrial complex in modern conditions. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the author's concept of technology transfer system development in the agro-industrial complex based on the creation of a single specialized digital technology transfer system, including several scientific and technological platforms, substantiation of the directions of transition of regional agricultural systems and their adaptation to changes in connection with the development of digital technologies, improvement of the mechanism of interaction between the state and private business structures in the process of technology transfer, the development of new approaches used in the construction of complex economic systems in agriculture, as the basis of the national economy, guaranteeing national food security, the possibility of introducing new advanced technologies. According to the author, the creation of a unified digital technology transfer system in the agro-industrial complex, which includes several technological platforms with its own thematic specialization, should provide commodity producers with the opportunity for effective interaction between all economic entities, state authorities and scientific institutions. The creation of this technology transfer system in the Russian agro-industrial complex will contribute to the construction of modern agriculture based on the use of developments and technologies of Russian science will ensure an increase in the efficiency of interaction between scientific institutions, public and private structures. The use of a digital technology transfer system in the domestic agro-industrial complex will create equal opportunities in the availability of Russian technologies for both large and small companies, will contribute to improving the efficiency of their activities and will provide equal opportunities in technological modernization and the construction of highly competitive agriculture.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 7

Efficiency of agriculture digitalization: What do we know about results and methods of quantitative research?

When assessing the effectiveness of the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex, industry participants often operate with evaluation indicators. In this article we solve the problem of analyzing and summarizing the results of available quantitative research in the Scopus database for 2010-2022, which are at the intersection of two topics - "digitalization of agriculture" and "economics". The article presents both the identified production and economic effects of the introduction of digital technologies and the main methods used in this type of research, which is important in terms of defining the design of quantitative research, including on Russian data. Against the background of a large number of studies focusing on the savings of individual cost elements due to digital technologies, the article focuses on examples of publications based on net profit, which allows us to determine the impact of digitalization on the economy as a whole. In addition, the influence of digital technology on the greening of agriculture is considered, and the ambiguity of this influence is shown. Several common factors for the effectiveness of digitalization identified in the analysis of publications are highlighted, despite their differences in the technologies, crops or industries under study and the methods used. It is shown that the most studied are the effects for precision farming technologies on the example of the main cash crops of crop production. At the same time, empirical assessments of the effectiveness of precision livestock technologies are few, which require additional research in this area. One of the reasons for this shift may be a reflection of the actual situation of innovation activity by sub-sectors of agriculture in the world.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 9

Participation of rural population in the labour force and its employment in the conditions of demographic crisis

The object of the study is the rural population and the labour force of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the work is to study the demographic situation and the formation of the workforce in rural areas of the Russian Federation. Over the period 2015-2021, the number of rural populations decreased, both due to natural decline and due to the departure of the population from rural areas. In 2016-2021, the demographic burden of young people in the city has increased, and in rural areas it has decreased. The demographic burden over the working age is decreasing among the urban population and increasing among the rural population. The level of participation of the rural population in the labour force is falling. The percentage of employment of the rural population in 2021 was 53.1% compared to 60.7% in 2015. During the studied period of time, every fourth rural resident is at retirement age. The level of participation in the workforce of the disabled rural population in 2021 was 16.2%. The level of participation in the workforce and the level of employment of graduates of 2018-2020 in 2021 in urban areas are higher than in rural areas, which testifies to the need to create jobs and improve the quality of life of the rural population. While maintaining the prevailing trends in the development of rural areas characterized by low quality and standard of living of the population, there remain problems of participation of the rural population in the workforce and employment. The solution of demographic problems of the country is carried out in accordance with the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 10

Soybean seed production in the Russian Federation – current state and development prospects

In accordance with the Doctrine of Food Security, the share of seeds of domestic selection for agricultural crops should not be lower than 75%. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, soybeans belong to agricultural crops with a share of seeds of foreign selection from 40 to 50%. The main objective of the development of breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation is to reduce the share of imported seeds by using various methods of influence from the state in this segment and increase the number of seeds of domestic selection. The purpose of the study was to analyze the state of domestic soybean breeding and seed production in the modern economic conditions of the Russian Federation to identify current organizational and economic problems in this segment. It has been established that there are certain organizational and economic problems in the soybean breeding and seed production industry, such as low crop yield (the increase in yield since 2010 is no more than 0.57 t/ha), a low level of provision of domestic producers with seeds of domestic selection, an increase in the share of foreign seed material in the structure of acreage over the past 5 years on 24% – from 17.6% in 2016 to 41.6% in 2020. These problems need to be solved, and the effectiveness of these solutions can be ensured with direct state participation and strengthening the importance of domestic breeding and seed production through the implementation of programs aimed at improving the system of state variety testing and registration actions, obtaining competitive soybean varieties on the domestic market, the introduction of innovative technologies for seed crops, methods of creating scientific and educational centers for the purpose of training highly qualified personnel in the field of breeding and seed production for the agricultural sector of the economy.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 11

Development of the beet sugar subcomplex as the basis for intensive economic growth of the regional agro-industrial complex

Sugar beet subcomplex began to form in Penza region in the first half of the XIX century. In 1975, the last of three sugar factories (operating to date) was put into operation in the Kamensky district. The raw material zones of these enterprises were formed in the central, north-western and western parts of the region, characterized by high soil fertility (chernozems) and the most favourable climatic conditions for production of sugar beet. Current state of sugar beet subcomplex development in Penza region is characterized, on the one hand, by increase in production capacity of three sugar factories from 7.7 thousand tons of sugar beet processing per day (in 1990) to 20 thousand tons per day (in 2021), as well as increased concentration and intensification of sugar beet production in the raw material zones of these plants. Increasing productivity of the crop, especially its technological qualities, is an urgent task of sugar beet production. Regarding, the article analyzes current state of sugar beet subcomplex in Penza region, identifies its strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for intensive economic growth. In addition, this article identifies the main directions and mechanisms for managing placement of new production facilities for production of sugar, in-depth processing of by-products based on innovative technologies. The main factors limiting development of sugar beet subcomplex in the region are: increased competition on the sugar market and possible restrictions on its export; increase in price for seeds, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products; high capital intensity of projects for development and modernization of sugar beet production. The result of this paper is determination of potential for development of sugar beet subcomplex based on principles of cyclic economy. It is done through implementation of investment projects to increase production capacity of existing enterprises, through creation of new facilities for production of sugar and molasses processing in the central part of the region.