
Assessment of real opportunities to increase wages in agriculture (on the example of agricultural organizations of the Voronezh region)

Modern specialists in the agricultural sector should know the economic aspects and methods of analyzing and assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, as well as the basic methods of managing non-current and current assets, business activity, solvency and financial stability, tax optimization, economic security and financial and economic risks. They should be able to set and solve the problems of financial development of enterprises from new market positions, when it is necessary to ensure not only the process of competitive agricultural products, but also contribute to the achievement of full annual employment of workers and increase their remuneration. The economic basis formed in recent years, support for the development of the agrarian sector of the economy, and regional anti-crisis measures have led to a systemic increase in the level of wages of employees of agricultural organizations in the Voronezh region to the average level of wages in the economy in the region. Studies have shown that in modern economic conditions, a significant number of rural producers consider issues of labor resource management only from a financial standpoint - the lower the costs to personnel, the higher the competitiveness of their enterprises. The current level of wages in these farms does not guarantee the receipt of an old-age insurance pension by employees. The remuneration of labor does not correspond to the level of its productivity, which allows us to draw conclusions, on the one hand, about the high level of labor intensity at the enterprise, on the other hand, the exploitation of available labor resources. An analysis of the level of labor intensification in individual agricultural enterprises, as well as a grouping of 411 farms in the Voronezh Region according to the share of wages accrued for the year and insurance premiums to revenue for 2021, showed that bringing the level of average monthly wages to the average level of economic mike, taking into account the growth of insurance premiums, does not require significant financial costs. The increase in payments to personnel does not have a significant impact on the financial performance. Enterprises fully maintain their financial stability, solvency and "strengthen" their investment attractiveness.

Issue № 2, February 2023, article № 14

Adaptive method of group performance management food subcomplexes

The grain production has always been leading an agricultural sub-sector and the core of grain-product subcomplex. It will forever remain the most prestigious “monetary” type of activity and will largely retain its role as a kind of donor in agriculture. But agriculture is not safe: extensive technologies prevail in grain production, and animal protein is not provided with livestock. The purpose of the work is to develop adaptive approaches and mathematical models to manage product complexes in the region, taking into account the traditional specialized in Siberia, based on the predominant specialization of the industries of crop production and livestock. The methods of research of discrete processes are based on methods of analysis and synthesis, the theory of statistical solutions based on Markov processes (chains), and theory of effectiveness. The developed technique allows you to determine the dynamic survival strategy (encouraging more active development of industries of crop and livestock) in market conditions, which is also required by the emerging social problems, which are needed for state support for domestic agriculture. Mathematical models of adaptive group management of product subcomplexes, as a result of studies, confirms the practical orientation of the effectiveness of the use of large forms of organization of agricultural enterprises that produce a larger volume of products. The prerequisites are created for agricultural producers, while the production of grain and meat, to obtain guaranteed state support. Being a derivative of the crop production industry, animal husbandry helps to develop requirements for crop rotation for resource -saving technologies for cultivating grain crops. This ensures the implementation of the conditions for creating full -fledged diets for feeding and maintaining animals, as well as obtaining the required output indicators of efficiency in the grocery subcomplexes of the agro -industrial complex of the region.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 1

Food security in the context of availability, accessibility, use and sustainability of food consumption in Russia in 2019-2021

Based on an integrated approach, the article considers the issues of food security and achieving sustainable economic growth of the agri-food market in Russia. The purpose of the work is to study the availability, accessibility, use and sustainability of food consumption in Russia as a whole and in the context of individual population groups for 2019-2021. It is noted that a feature of domestic agricultural production is the high growth rate of gross per capita output, relative to the world market situation against the background of rather modest values in relation to 1990. Confirmed are the conclusions of Engel's Law that with an increase in real disposable money incomes of the population: food consumption increases, but to a lesser extent than income increases; increased consumption of expensive foods in the diet; food quality improves. It is shown that: the Russian population consumes food products at a level below the rational consumption norms in almost all nomenclature positions; the consumption of inexpensive nomenclature items is increasing; a significant part of the population has significant limitations in the economic accessibility of food products; the groups of the population most vulnerable to a drop in income and a deterioration in the situation with food consumption have been identified: in the context of socio-geographical groups and the territorial aspect; noted that there are restrictions in physical access to food. A concept is proposed for changing the state policy of regulating the agro-food situation in the direction of supporting demand and building a system of interconnected institutions to increase food consumption in Russia.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 2