
Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 18

Assessment of the quality of life of the population of the region

The state of the economy of any country is characterized, first of all, by the level and quality of life of the population. The indicators of the quality of life of the population are the most important indicators for assessing the real socio-economic consequences of the ongoing transformations and the degree of social tension in society. For a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of the population of the region, a comparative analysis of the subjects of the Volga Federal District was carried out in the study. In the study of the quality of life of the population, the proposed system of indicators characterizing the demographic situation in the region, the health of the population, the sphere of work, the standard of living of the population, housing conditions, health care, education, culture and sports, environmental protection, safety of living, transport infrastructure, provision with objects of trade and catering, economic development. The calculation was carried out by the method of single, group and integral indices. The study showed that the leading position in the ranking of the quality of life of the population among the subjects of the Volga Federal District is occupied by the Republic of Tatarstan. High positions in this rating are for the Republic of Mordovia and the Nizhny Novgorod region. Outsiders are the Republic of Mari El, the Orenburg region and the Kirov region. The Ulyanovsk region in this rating belongs to the regions with an average level of quality of life of the population and takes only tenth place. Using the results of the developed methodology for the integral assessment of the quality of life of the population of the region made it possible to form a comprehensive idea of the priority areas for improving the quality of life of the population of the region.

Methodology for assessing the impact of the multiplicative effect of agro-tourism activities on related sectors of the regional economy

The impact of the tourism industry on related industries can be assessed through a multiplier effect. The article details international and national approaches to estimating multiplicative effects. All methods of calculating the multiplicative effect are similar in that they consist of assessing the direct, indirect and forced contributions of tourism to the economy. The most difficult task, according to the author, is to collect information and assess the indirect contribution of tourism to the economy. The assessment of indirect contribution to the economy can be carried out according to the options: the use of cross-industry balance models; Using the social account matrix (cross-industry balance sheet modification) Cost - Issue tables. The most difficult is the collection of statistics on the tourism industry, since statistics are classified only by OKVED codes and economic institutions. There are also no regional cost-output tables, which makes it difficult to calculate the multiplier. One of the priority areas of domestic tourism is rural tourism. The publication provides criteria for the selection of projects for the development of rural tourism, on the basis of which conclusions about the relevance and importance of collecting information for calculating the indirect effect at the initial stage of the implementation of priority projects on agritourism are formulated.

On the issue of the methodology for assessing the economic effectiveness of the introduction of digital innovations in agriculture

Digital innovations are increasingly being used in Russian agriculture. At the same time, there is practically no methodology for determining the effectiveness/efficiency of the introduction of digital technologies, which would allow taking into account all the effects of digitalization, which are not always explicit. The purpose of this study is to analyze existing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations, as well as to develop an author's methodology that allows taking into account these effects. Abstract-logical method, method of expert estimates, monographic method, computational-constructive method were used to solve this problem. As a result, a methodology is proposed for determining the effectiveness of digital innovations based on an improved criterion - "the difference in the reduced costs" in the basic and project versions. In contrast to the traditional one, this methodology includes the secondary coefficients to the cost items that determine the change in these items when using digital technologies, and are determined by experts. These correction coefficients are of a regional nature, since the effects of digitalization are determined by such factors as the quality and mechanical composition of soils, the length of the rutting fields, relief, water regime, and others. In order to obtain objective values of the coefficients, actual material on changes in the values of various types of costs from different regions must be collected. After summarizing this information, correction coefficients for various regions can be derived and officially approved, which will allow the most objective determination of the effectiveness of the introduction of digital innovations in the conditions of this region.

Digital transformation of feed production as a factor in the sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding in the north-west of Russia

Digital transformation is the transition of digitalization of production and management in agriculture to a qualitatively new level. Digital transformation expands the possibilities of effective adaptation of feed production to regional and local conditions of agriculture, optimal implementation of economies of scale and intensification in the zone of risky farming, to ongoing and possible, predictable and probabilistic changes in the external and internal environment, including climatic, technological, demographic, social and institutional. A long-term analysis of the process and results of the production of feed from perennial grasses, carried out on the example of farms in the Leningrad region, revealed an insufficient level of adaptation of feed production to local agro-climatic, production and economic conditions, direct dependencies of losses of harvesting volumes and feed quality due to deviations in the parameters of the production process when making operational, tactical and strategic decisions from optimal ones. The development of the scientific foundations of digital transformation for the effective development of adaptive feed production in the North-West of Russia can accelerate the processes of database formation, the use of neural networks and machine learning in diagnosing problems and solving problems, will increase the pace, efficiency and sustainability of innovation and investment development of dairy cattle, taking into account local opportunities and limitations in accordance with the global ESG agenda.