
Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 13

Financial infection in the agricultural goods market during the grain crisis of 2022

The article examines the causes and conditions of the spread of financial contagion in the markets of agricultural goods in the conditions of the grain crisis of 2022. This crisis was caused by a failure in the export of food from Ukraine, which was preceded by a special military operation. Methodological approaches to financial contagion are substantiated, consisting in comparing the links between objects in pre-crisis and crisis periods. Approaches to the assessment of contagion using special econometric tests are disclosed: Forbes-Rigobonatest, coskewness test, cocurtosistest, covolatilitytest. Two hypotheses about the transmission of contagion were put forward, which were supposed to be confirmed or refuted in the practical part of the study. In the process of assessing the contagion, information on prices for futures contracts of the portal was used Investing.com . In the practical part of the study, estimates of the contagion of agricultural goods from the grain and energy market were obtained, the coefficient of contagion of agricultural goods was calculated. It is concluded that during the crisis of 2022, the contagion spread more actively in agriculture from the grain market than from the energy market. Oats and soy flour were the most affected by contagion, raw sugar and soybean oil were the least affected. A detailed study of these issues made it possible to identify assets that are most susceptible to financial contagion in conditions of instability. This information may be useful for investors to manage their assets.

Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 14

The use of scenario approaches to substantiate the choice of directions for improving the efficiency of the functioning of the crop sub complex

The need to increase the pace of production of domestic agricultural products, increased requirements for its quality and environmental friendliness of production pose the task of increasing the efficiency of the crop sub complex, including through the introduction of digital solutions. The article analyzes the research on the efficiency of agricultural production. The study of the HSE Research Institute, reflecting Russia's position on the 47th place in the GII-2022 rating, reveals the need for an in-depth study of the current state of the crop production sub complex and its innovativeness. Abstract-logical, decomposition, monographic and analytical, economic and statistical research methods were used in the work. The nature of the spread of innovations in crop production is positive, but the coverage of organizations is insignificant and lower in comparison with other types of economic activity. In this regard, a method of decision-making based on the use of scenario approaches is proposed, consisting of stages: analysis and assessment of the state and behavior of the processes of production and sale of agricultural products, identification of problem areas, scenario preparation, individual and comprehensive assessment of scenarios, scenario selection and management decision-making with subsequent translation to performers, control of implementation, formation of feedback links by results. The methodology allows us to calculate various scenarios for the development of events as a result of various options for decisions, including the digitalization of agricultural production. The decision-making tool based on scenario approaches is tested on the example of an agricultural enterprise of the Ryazan region, economic calculations and statistical models are presented.

Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 15

Analysis of methodological approaches to calculating the level of improvement of households in rural areas

The article contains the results of a study of the current methodological approaches to the calculation of the share of the housing fund, provided by all types of improvement, in relation to rural areas. The main shortcomings of the current methodology are revealed, which does not allow to objectively assess the level of home improvement in rural settlements. In the course of the study, theoretical, empirical and general scientific methods were used, including analogies, synthesis, generalization of available data and expert assessments. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of clear methodological approaches that make it possible to reliably calculate and assess the real level of improvement of residential premises (households) in rural areas due to the lack of relevant and verified data on a full range of statistical accounting objects, which, in turn, does not allow evaluating the results of implemented measures at the federal and regional levels aimed at achieving the goal of improving housing conditions in rural areas. The scientific novelty lies in the development of new methodological approaches to calculating the level of home improvement in rural settlements, allowing an objective assessment of the change in the proportion of well-maintained housing in rural areas in relation to the category of residential premises (individual residential buildings, block buildings, apartment buildings). The results of the study showed that at present, the calculation of the proportion of well-being of households in rural settlements is presented according to an incomplete range of reporting objects, which is primarily due to the lack of verified data on the types of improvements that individual residential buildings in rural areas are equipped with. In addition, the problem of the lack of full-fledged technical accounting and technical inventory of the housing stock of rural settlements is urgent. In modern realities, it seems that the current methodological approaches can be used as the basis for calculating the level of well-being of households in rural settlements, but due to the presence of a number of serious problems associated, among other things, with the collection of relevant, verified data, which affects the continuity of previously made calculations and underestimates the real data on the level of improvement of rural households, the authors propose a three-level system for calculating the indicator in relation to the type of household, as well as a number of additions and clarifications regarding the types of improvement.

Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 3

Transformation of social and labor relations under the influence of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex: adaptive aspect

The article considers the issues of transformation of social and labor relations under the influence of digital solutions in the agro-industrial complex and identifies the characteristic aspects of transformational processes in the digital environment. The classification of participants in the agricultural sector of the economy according to the level of adaptation to the digital sphere is presented. The algorithm of digital adaptation of organizations of the agro-industrial sector is defined. The elements of the mechanism of adaptation of agricultural entities, in terms of social and labor relations, are presented, allowing to determine the list of factors of digital transformation affecting them. The assessment of the direct and reverse motivational impact of the factors of digital transformation affecting the components of the economic mechanism of adaptation of the subjects of agriculture, in terms of the implementation of social and labor relations. Conclusions are drawn that digital technologies allow to increase the efficiency of industry management, as well as to increase productivity and quality of work by optimizing technological processes, while social and labor relations in the conditions of digital transformation should be considered from the standpoint of ensuring the personnel sovereignty of production, technological development of the agro-industrial complex and the national economy.