
Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 11

Effectiveness of the use of robotic technologies in dairy cattle breeding in the Kaluga region

Agriculture, as the leading branch of the economy, is aimed at providing food to the population of the country and obtaining raw materials for various industries. Dairy cattle breeding occupies one of the leading places in agriculture. The development of high-tech innovative technologies related to the automation of production processes will lead to an increase in the production of high-quality milk and create conditions for increasing labor productivity in the industry, which in turn will favorably affect the efficiency of dairy cattle production. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and empirical (analysis of scientific literature) research methods were used in the course of the study. Milk production in the Kaluga Region has a steady positive trend. This is due to the introduction of robotic technologies into the production process. The introduction of robotic technologies in dairy cattle breeding is currently impossible without the support of farmers at the state level. To analyze the results of the use of robotic technologies in agricultural organizations operating in the field of dairy cattle breeding, organizations that have brought robotics to design capacity and have certain results are considered. By applying robotic technologies on a dairy farm, commodity producers get round-the-clock access to information about all processes taking place on the farm. The productivity of animals increases, and as a result, the volume of milk production and profitability of production.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 12

State of the domestic meat market in new economic conditions

The article considers the current state of the meat and meat products market based on an integrated approach. The purpose of the work is to study the dynamics and pace of development of meat markets in Russia as a whole and in the context of the subjects of the Federation during the period of the sanctions regime. In the context of geopolitical instability, there is a risk of production instability, especially in the agri-food industry. The current situation in the Russian economy implies a reorientation only to domestic production, therefore, it is necessary to analyze the state and pace of development of industries that provide the population with food, and above all those included in the consumer basket. The article notes that demand in all meat markets is lower than supply, this is primarily due to the income of the population, which currently demonstrates an insufficient level, so that in addition to white and red meat, self-sufficiency is ambiguous in the diet of every Russian, self-sufficiency is ambiguous by types of meat. In general, the meat market is fully provided with domestic commodity resources, the leader in meat production is the Central Federal District, and in consumption the geography of the regions is wide Moscow and Pskov regions, the Republics of Kalmykia, Altai and Mari El. It is noted that the rate of change in prices for food products included in the category "meat and meat products" is significantly ahead of the rate of change in real disposable income.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 15

The influence of non-market forces on the balance in the markets of agricultural products of the Smolensk region

The article discusses the theoretical foundations of regulating the market of agricultural raw materials and food, the role of the state in this process. The article analyzes how the balance in the agricultural products market of the Smolensk region could be with a reduction in the impact of non-market forces from 100% satisfaction of the population's need for basic foodstuffs to almost complete removal of control. The research is carried out based on the results of a computer experiment based on a partial equilibrium model in the markets of agricultural products of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is based on the innovative architecture of the PF+PE model developed at the A.A. Nikonov VIAPI. The scenarios included in the model differ in the level of recommended medical nutrition standards for all products included in the model. The simulation results are considered correct under the assumption that, in addition to reducing the permissible level of consumption, the remaining conditions will remain unchanged. Through scenario analysis, changes in consumption volumes, food prices, output and sales volumes, exports and imports, as well as in the size of the main production resources used in agricultural production are considered. Based on the identified trends, it is concluded that only a slight weakening of non-market forces can have a positive impact on the situation on the market of agricultural products in the region. The main consequences that such a weakening can lead to are listed.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 16

The zonal specialization of agricultural production in the region

The zonal specialization of agricultural production is a consequence of the geographical and climatic conditions of the territories. Natural and climatic factors cannot be considered in isolation from such a concept as a system. At present, increased attention is being paid to the development and development of systems that increase the sustainability of agriculture as a whole. In agricultural production, they mainly deal with open systems that are characterized by a high degree of interaction with the external environment and are able to adapt to it. At the same time, adaptation does not always lead to the development and improvement of production and processes taking place in the region. It is not uncommon if this process is not regulated, it leads to an imbalance between the sub-sectors of agriculture. The influence of the external environment has led to drastic changes in the zonal specialization of the territories of the region. If in the twentieth century natural and climatic conditions were the basis for specialization, now geopolitical factors are in the first place. The most affected branch of agriculture in the changed conditions was animal husbandry in terms of beef cattle breeding, sheep breeding. To equalize the position of industries, the authors propose to apply zonal distribution when using agricultural insurance. The authors also believe that agricultural insurance should contribute to the balance of zonal specialization, since agriculture is a specific branch of the economy, the features of which are the seasonal nature of crop cultivation, and high dependence on weather conditions, which entails uneven costs and output. In this regard, in agriculture, special attention should be paid to the protection of the property interests of agricultural producers − agricultural insurance. It is advisable for agricultural producers to provide insurance services in a "package", which includes insurance of crops, animals, vehicles, finished products, etc. At the same time, insurance "in a package" may primarily be of great interest to highly profitable agricultural enterprises with livestock specialization.

Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 1

New industrialization of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy or a change in the management paradigm in science and business

The article is devoted to one of the most important problems in the agricultural sector of the economy of the Russian Federation in modern geopolitical conditions - accelerated industrialization. The need for a change of management paradigms in both the scientific and technological development of agriculture in the country and the entrepreneurial thinking of agricultural producers is substantiated. The high dependence of the agricultural sector on Western technologies, technical means, seeds of agricultural crops, breeding products, active substances necessary for the production of pesticides was noted. All this requires a critical import substitution of the means of production in the country with the active participation of the state. It is shown that in the conditions of external restrictions, domestic agricultural production faced an increase in prices for materials, seeds, machinery and fuel, which combined with the problem of overcoming sanctions and complicated logistics, as well as with a decrease in effective demand in the country. A set of operational measures developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to provide agricultural producers with mineral fertilizers, technical means, and seed material and plant protection products in a situation of high uncertainty is presented. The paper shows the need for the formation of industry innovation systems, as well as an integrated inter sectoral program with a detailed plan for its implementation. A conceptual model of a "separate" innovation system in the agricultural sector of the country's economy is presented. The role and importance of the RAS in the management of scientific research and development in the interests of the development of the agricultural sector and high-tech industries are shown. The key technological directions in the development of the agro-industrial complex and ways of their implementation in agricultural production in order to accelerate its industrialization are proposed.