
Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 13

Creation of a vertically integrated system of breeding and seed production in agriculture as an innovation-oriented direction of its new industrialization

The main factors and criteria for the formation of a vertically integrated system of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops as the main innovation-oriented direction of the new industrialization of the agricultural sector of the country's economy are investigated. The high dependence of domestic agriculture on foreign producers of agricultural seeds is shown. It is noted that increasing the scientific and technological potential of Russian breeding and seed production will gradually reduce the dependence of agricultural producers of the country on imports of foreign technologies. The significance of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of scientific and technical support for the development of agriculture signed between the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" for the accelerated implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2030 is considered. (hereinafter – FNTP). The importance of vertical integration in the system of breeding and seed production is shown, which should include the whole complex of technological measures, starting from the production of basic material and ending with the technological map of the production of a separate crop. The paper presents the modern components of the vertically integrated process in the selection of agricultural plants. A model of a vertically integrated system in the selection and seed production of agricultural crops is presented. The system of seed production of double interlinear corn hybrids by the type of "recovery" is illustrated by the example of Ross 209MV, the implementation of the law of vertical integration of which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of seed production. New rules for localization of agricultural seed production by foreign companies in Russia are considered, which will significantly reduce the risk of loss of competence in the field of breeding and seed production of major crops. The main factors and reasons for the creation of vertically integrated breeding formations, which are an innovation-oriented direction in carrying out new industrialization in the agricultural sector of the country's economy, are substantiated.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 16

The main global trends in the development of the market of vegetable products

The purpose of the work is to formulate the main vectors of the development of the world market of vegetable growing, taking into account the main trends, including in relation to consumer preferences. Thus, the world production of vegetables has increased 2.8 times over the past 20 years and in 2020 amounted to 1,250 million tons. A number of factors contributed to such a serious growth, in particular the development of the Asian region, where production growth amounted to about 370% over this period of time. The world vegetable trade, unlike the fruit trade, is based on several types of products, such as garlic and onions, which are transported over long distances, as well as the trade in fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, salads, etc., which is carried out between different climatic zones and is a significant aspect of the saturation of the assortment. Growing fresh vegetables in the open ground is limited in time, which is one of the reasons for the low level of self-sufficiency in both developed and developing countries, so in Central and northern Europe, the self-sufficiency index is equal to 34% in 2020. The main vegetable exporting countries are Spain and the Netherlands with 36% and 35% for fresh vegetables and Italy are mainly tomatoes in processed form. The vegetable market is a very heterogeneous market. Basically, there are big differences between the production of fresh vegetables and the production of raw materials for further production, as well as between cultivation in open and closed ground. It should also be noted that there is an increased global trend towards the consumption of vegetable products, which entails an increase in the growth rate of average per capita consumption of vegetables. The article describes the main global trends in the development of the vegetable market. The main factors influencing the growth and development of this market are considered. The main trends of vegetable consumption regarding the development of the vector "healthy nutrition" are formulated. The main trends in the development of the global vegetable market are presented.

Issue № 6, June 2023, article № 4

Development of the competitive potential of organic land use

Based on the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of production, marketing, and increasing the competitiveness of organic crop products, the study formulated the principles for the effective development of the industry (the principle of balance between ecology and production, scientific validity of the choice of technological process, resource saving and cost minimization, target orientation of production to the consumer, intersectoral interaction, profit maximization while minimizing environmental damage, optimizing the ratio of income and expenses, efficient use of production factors, optimal management decision-making, social responsibility).The necessity of using innovative components in the formation of market conditions for organic products, which ensures the expansion of the range, is revealed. The concept of developing the competitive potential of agricultural producers of organic crop production through the combined use of natural, material, financial, labor resources, ensuring the involvement of unused reserves while maintaining a resource-saving effect, is outlined. The monitoring of indicators of the structure of organic crop production in the Russian Federation, according to regional data, revealed the most (pea) and least (milk thistle) crops that are popular for organic cultivation. The conclusion is formulated, confirming the options for resource-raw material, resource and resource-intellectual way of conducting organic land use with the definition of the latter as the most effective one that ensures the introduction of agro-innovations and the development of the competitive potential of the industry.

Issue № 6, June 2023, article № 5

Conceptual foundations of the digital transformation of an agricultural organization

The use of digital technologies in economic activity is one of the key factors contributing to increasing the competitiveness of business at the current stage of development of the agro-industrial complex. The article is devoted to the conceptual problems of digital transformation of agricultural organizations. The necessity of digital transformation of agribusiness as the main, basic element in the agro-food sector is substantiated. The main factors contributing to the digital transformation of an agricultural organization are summarized. The stages of gradual, evolutionary development of the process of transformation of agribusiness are established. It is shown that, thanks to the digitalization of technological processes and automation of the collection of information about industrial and commercial activities, it is possible to create an extensive database and partially neutralize the negative influence of the subjective human factor. It is proved that the developed concept of digital transformation of an agricultural organization will contribute to a planned transition to a digital economy and a significant increase in the efficiency of its economic activities. The digital transformation of an agricultural organization will allow collecting data on all real estate objects in digital format, forming a large database, creating digital profiles of all departments and a digital double of an agricultural organization.

Issue № 6, June 2023, article № 6

Transformation of agriculture in the region

Within the framework of the previously allocated periods of transformation of the structure of agricultural investments (1995-2005, 2006-2013 and 2014-2020), the impact of the structural transformation of agricultural investments on the economic indicators of agricultural production in the Leningrad and Penza regions was assessed in order to identify regional differences. Based on the data of the Statistics for 1995-2020, the growth rates and average growth rates in the periods of transformation are calculated. It is established that there are regional differences in the average growth rates in the periods of transformation. The grouping of indicators was carried out within the period of the predominance of attracted funds. The first group is represented by the synchronous growth of the average rate in two regions for the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter, egg production, potato acreage and its gross harvest. The second group includes a synchronous decline in these areas of milk production. The third group of indicators with asynchronous dynamics is represented by a decrease in the average volume of winter wheat acreage in the Penza region and an increase in the Leningrad region. Asynchrony is manifested by a decrease in the average growth rate of agricultural and livestock production, sown areas of spring wheat in the Penza region and growth - for sown areas of grain and leguminous crops, as well as the gross harvest of vegetables in the Leningrad region. The fourth group is represented by indicators whose average rates do not show a reaction to periods of transformation in the Leningrad region (agricultural and animal products, sown areas of spring wheat and vegetables) and in the Penza region (sown areas of agricultural crops, cereals and legumes and gross vegetable harvest). The effectiveness of the transformation is manifested during the period of the acquisition of attracted funds by an increase in the average rate of yield in the Leningrad region for potatoes and vegetables, and in the Penza region - winter and spring wheat, potatoes, sugar beet and sunflower seeds.