
Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 5

Investments in human capital as the factor in the formation of investment attractiveness of agricultural holdings

The article considers investments in human capital and technological innovations as the main factors of economic growth for the transition of the agro-industrial complex economy to the new technological order. Large agricultural holdings are the main driving force in this direction. The information base of agricultural holdings served as the basis for analyzing the state of investment capital, evaluating the effectiveness of investments, the dynamics and structure of investing financial resources in human capital for the development of the "knowledge economy". The author revealed that financially stable and profitable integrated holding are actively investing, the efficiency of investments is constantly increasing, but at the same time, for sustainable development, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the investment rate of at least 30%. The author notes that the structure of investment capital is dominated by investments in real assets; investments in human capital shows annual growth, and this confirms that the company considers these investments to be one of the priority areas for growth and ensuring its investment attractiveness. Based on the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling, the author describes the dynamics of investments and factors influencing it from the standpoint of a systematic approach and builds the predictive model for increasing investment in human capital to ensure economic stability and increase the investment attractiveness of the agricultural holding.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 6

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 8

Transformation of human resources needs and digitalization in the dairy industry

The staffing needs of the dairy sector in the transition to the «Industry 4.0», which provides for the active implementation of digital and biotechnology analyzed. The actual dairy farms data show the characteristics of current use of labor resources in the industry, their dynamics over the past five years, analyze the differentiation of farms with various digitalization degrees by the level of main groups of workers’ wages, the share of specialists in the total number of employees, labor productivity. It is shown that the increase in the number of digital technologies implemented in dairy farms did not always lead to a proportional increase in the wages of highly skilled workers with an obvious increase in the specialists’ share in the staff. The following trends in the transformation of staffing needs in the dairy business were considered: an increase in the specialists’ role— both industry-specific and digital solutions specialists; deepening of the labor division; emergence of new specialties; and acceleration of wage growth rates. The sources of staff hunger risks in dairy cattle were determined, including due to the loss to other sub-sectors of agriculture in the competition for labor resources: the lag in the level and growth rate of wages, especially specialists in comparison with "production" workers; rigidity of agricultural education; unequal investment in human resources by the industry participants. Suggestions are formulated to adjust the agrarian policy in terms of staffing needs support for medium and small milk producers.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 9

Development of a management system for specialized high-tech industrial agricultural zones

The purpose of article is to form a management system for specialized high-tech zones for the production of certain types of agricultural products, the development of which will be relevant to ensuring effective economic and economic activity of agricultural business related to the observance of the rights and interests of various forms of ownership, including integration and agricultural cooperation in these territories. The management of the agricultural production sphere at present can be explained by inadequate management (regulation) associated with the formation of organizational activities at the level of regional (municipal) functioning of agriculture. In this regard, it is necessary to identify the key areas for the formation of high-tech zones and the production of certain types of agricultural products in them, as well as formulate a set of measures related to improving the efficiency of agricultural business management of these zones and their territories. In our opinion, one of the primary directions will be the development of human resources using educational, industrial and socio-economic factors, and the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the personnel management system should be based on objective assessments of qualitative and quantitative indicators of agricultural education, as well as prospects for its development, taking into account self-organization at various levels. Hierarchical levels of these zones and territories.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 10

Problems of pricing for breeding material at dairy cattle breeding

The methods of long-term storage and transportation of sperm which were developed under the guidance of VASKHNIL Academician V.K. Milovanov led the animal breeding system to the fundamentally new level and predetermined the intensive integration of local livestock populations into the global international system. Russian dairy cattle breeding hardly hold its position in constant competition with the largest multinational corporations which produce and sell breeding materials. In 2021, the import dependence of the breeding stock at breeding farms rose up to 22.1%, the share of imported heifers at domestic market was 36.3%. At the market of breeding bulls the domestic cattle still prevail (95.5%), but, for example, for Holstein breed this figure has dropped to 68.8%. The particularly unfavorable situation, which has had a negative impact on positions of Russian dairy cattle breeding, remains at domestic market of bull seed producers. Ignoring by modern producers the basic principles of "large-scale breeding" at dairy cattle, as well as the transition to "monobreed" led to significant imbalance at domestic breeding market. The periodic reduction of the customs tariff and the cancellation of taxes for importers, as well as the using of dumping prices by them, significantly unbalance the domestic market of breeding materials and reduce the demand for domestic products. The economic mechanisms of government regulation to overcome the influence of external factors on the prices at domestic market of breeding products, which could contribute to the sustainable development of Russian dairy cattle breeding, are presented. They are based on simple principles that are successfully used in the world practice of agricultural markets regulating. When there is a shortage of products at domestic market, first of all, domestic producers are stimulated to increase the supply, and when it’s overproduction, the buyers are subsidized for demand increasing.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 12

Selecting export policy priorities

The paper analyzes the volumes and proportions of exports of unprocessed grain, products of processing of grain and meat products obtained by fattening livestock in Russia and other countries. Also proposals for choosing a policy for the use of produced grain, contributing to the development of agriculture, processing industry and export growth are addressed. Russia exports almost half of its wheat, a quarter of barley and a third of corn. The agrarian policy of the country was aimed at increasing exports, primarily of unprocessed grain. Russia has come out on top in the world in wheat exports and ranks high in other grain crops. At the same time, in terms of the share of domestic grain consumption for industrial processing and livestock feed, Russia lags behind most grain-producing countries. Should the current policy be maintained or should it be changed? Should agrarian policy stimulate the export of unprocessed grain or restrain it and stimulate the production and export of grain processing products, the consumption of grain in animal husbandry and the export of livestock products? Publications have appeared claiming that it is difficult or impossible to sell processed products, that large grain producers from other countries also sell grain, and not processed products. Is it so? From 2021 The Government of the Russian Federation introduced floating export duties. The overwhelming majority of the expert community proposes to abolish duties. They reduce the income of agricultural producers, increase the risk of a slowdown in growth or even a recession in grain production. The data presented in the paper confirm this conclusion. But if the duties are canceled, then the growth of exports of unprocessed grain will continue, Russia will achieve new export records, but the grain processing industry and animal husbandry will not develop. Whether to maintain duties or eliminate them is another issue addressed in this article.