
Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 14

The relationship between the level of risks and profitability JSC Russian Agricultural Bank

In conditions of various economic and financial difficulties, which are accompanied by uncertainty, it is necessary to regularly monitor changes in the market and continuously optimize the risk management process using various financial instruments. Increasing the level of profitability, minimizing losses are the main attributes of the stability and success of banks. The study of the relationship between the level of risks and profitability allows us to identify the main factors that significantly affect the value of profitability, which will provide the bank's management with tools aimed at finding reserves and improving the effectiveness of the bank's activities. Indicators of liquidity risk, credit and market risks were selected to build a multifactorial nonlinear model of the relationship between the return on capital of JSC Russian Agricultural Bank. The resulting model describes the dependence of the bank's return on capital on the following factors: the current liquidity ratio, the level of stability of resources, the ratio of highly liquid assets, the indicator of dependence on interbank risk, the indicator of the share of overdue loans, the indicator of the amount of reserves for loan losses, the indicator of interest rate risk, the indicator of stock risk. The 73% return on equity is described by selected risk factors. Each factor has a certain impact on the return on capital, and in each case the dependence is nonlinear. The most significant indicator is the size of reserves for loan losses, with its increase by 1%, the return on equity will increase by 1.54%. This is followed by an indicator of interest rate risk, with an increase in the value of the indicator by 1%, the return on capital will increase by 1.09%. With an increase in the current liquidity ratio by 1%, the return on equity will increase by 0.42%. An increase in the stock risk index by 1% will lead to a decrease in the return on capital by 0.12%. Based on the model that highlights the level of stability of resources, the ratio of highly liquid assets, the current liquidity ratio, the interest rate risk indicator and the indicator of the amount of reserves for loan losses of JSC Russian Agricultural Bank, the directions of risk reduction are proposed.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 17

Comparative assessment of the financial position of organizations

The article analyzes key financial indicators for industry organizations and the economy as a whole, depending on their size and types of activities. The initial data for the study were statistical reports presented in the TestFirms database. Despite the higher share of large organizations in the industry (1.4%), which is 0.5 percentage points higher than the Russian average, and the share of medium-sized organizations is 1.4 percentage points higher (2.6%), small enterprises with low revenues up to 10 million rubles prevail in agriculture. - 36.8%. At the same time, reporting is not submitted by households, producing 24.1% of agricultural products. The specialization is dominated by organizations that produce grain crops (24.3% of the number of organizations), breed dairy cattle and produce milk (10.9% of the number of organizations). The analysis of the results of the activity of organizations in the economy as a whole for 2012-2022 showed an increase in the share of organizations with unprofitable activities, with an improvement in the ratio of own and borrowed funds, taking into account the possibilities for repayment of current obligations. Organizations of the type of activity "Crop and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of relevant services in these areas" have a better financial position compared to the average all-Russian indicators of organizations. The exception is the turnover and stock return indicators, which is due to the industry characteristics of production. In the forecast period, while maintaining the existing trends described by linear dependencies, the industry is expected to further increase the indicators of profitability of sales and return on equity.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 20

Study of prospects for the development of the aroma and alpha hop world market

In 2022, the Chuvash Republic remains the Russian leader in terms of the area of hop plantations at fruiting age, which accounts for about 90% of the area. Aroma and alpha-aroma hop varieties are traditionally grown in the region. To identify the prospects for the further development of different types of hops, the dynamics of the world hop growing and the factors influencing the formation of the industry in the international arena are studied in the work. According to the results of the work carried out, it was revealed that the area for growing aroma hop is systematically and steadily increasing in the world market: the average annual growth rate for 2017–2021 amounted to 1.7%. Plantations of alpha hop have multidirectional dynamics. However, on average over 5 years, the indicators for them also increased: by an average of 2.7% per year. At the same time, the aroma hops’ areas are more than 2 times higher than the alpha hops’ areas, amounting, according to the data for 2021, to 41.6 thousand hectares and 19.4 thousand hectares, respectively. Given the quality characteristics of aroma hops, this type is more preferred by craft brewers, while alpha are preferred by large brewers, including multinational ones. It follows that the bitters market is highly consolidated, while the number of participants in the aroma hops market continues to expand. Which will unquestioningly stimulate the development of this type of hop.

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 1

Methodology for the formation of specialized high-tech zones in the country's agriculture

For Russia, which has a huge agricultural potential, but which is not effectively involved in agriculture, its rational organization through the formation and development of specialized high-tech zones for the production of certain types of agricultural products is of great importance. Their formation and development is a natural and objective process. It intensifies with the development of productive forces and occurs under the influence of a complex combination and interaction of numerous and various factors of production of an internal and external nature. However, among them, first of all, it should be noted the maximum compliance of natural conditions with the biological requirements and characteristics of the cultivation of individual crops and animal rearing, the most complete and rational use of local production resources and capabilities, and also the optimal combination of intensive and extensive factors of production. The basis of the allocation of multi-scale specialized high-tech zones are materials of agro-climatic zoning and the use of scientific and technological progress. Therefore, their formation and development is based on a completely objective natural and economic basis. In fact, this is one of the basic and most effective directions for the development of domestic agriculture, which is especially important in the context of sanctions aggression against the country, even despite some possible risks in the formation and development of specialized high-tech zones of the production of certain types of agricultural products.