
Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 7

Analysis of investment activities and financial risks of agricultural enterprises

The analysis of the investment activity of agro-industrial enterprises is an important tool for assessing their effectiveness, as well as financial stability and economic security. Based on its results, it is possible to identify the main problems and risks associated with investments in agriculture, as well as identify opportunities for improving investment policy. The article presents the results of a detailed study of the investment activity of the largest processing enterprise of the Chuvash Republic, assesses the structure and quality of cash flows from investment transactions, evaluates the effectiveness of investment projects and suggests directions for the development of investment activities. According to the study, the company has a negative balance on investment transactions related to the acquisition, modernization and renewal of non-current assets. With the right approach to such investments, you can get high efficiency through a potential increase in return on funds and profitability. An increase in production capacity is expected to bring an increase in output, and, accordingly, an increase in financial results. However, investment projects require a preliminary assessment of their economic efficiency. Having made financial calculations using several different methods that characterize investments from different points of view, more effective investment policy directions were chosen that would bring economic benefits and contribute to its stable financial position in the market.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 9

Methods analysis for economic efficiency estimating of digital technology in dairy cattle

The problems of production efficiency increasing during the introduction of high-performance industrial conveyor-type technologies on large dairy complexes are analyzed. Structured factors constraining the development and implementation of digital technologies in dairy cattle breeding: the difficulties of reliable assessment of economic efficiency, complexity, high cost, variability of technical requirements, investment and current costs of implementation at specific livestock facilities; complex, prolonged nature of the impact on the production and economic results in the industry. Traditional methods of economic efficiency calculating for early diseases diagnosis on the basis of production and economic models solve only individual problems, allow to estimate the economic effect of the introduction of digital technologies in the first approximation, as they include a limited number of variable parameters of the production process and herd reproduction, considering the effects and efficiency mainly through integral indicators. A method for evaluating digital video monitoring systems efficiency based on probabilistic-statistical models built using the graph of animal states and including a set of parameters: statistical estimates of the diseases considered, differentiated by physiological groups of animals; the proportion of detection and value of productivity losses and reproductive parameters at early and late stages of diseases; cost of "transition" animals from "health" to " disease" was proposed and tested on data from farms in the Leningrad Region. The developed method allows to take into account the absolute and relative changes in the complex of detailed parameters of production "before/after the project" due to the set of isolated states of animals and probabilities of events in the production cycle when calculating the efficiency. Probabilistic-statistical models improve the quality of solutions and inverse problems of analysis of the processes under study, providing an increase in the efficiency of justification requirements for technical parameters, the marginal value of investment and operating costs at the pre-project stages of the development of individual digital solutions and their systems.

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 12

Problems of transition to organic agriculture

The article examines the main negative factors faced by agricultural producers during the transition from traditional to organic agriculture. The transition period is considered as a process from the moment the entrepreneur assesses the expediency of making such a decision until the certified organic farm reaches a sustainable pace of development. The research is based on the analysis and generalization of scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the relevant topic. The identified problems are grouped in three directions, depending on their belonging to the stages of the transition process: problems affecting the decision of the manufacturer to switch to organic production and the certification process; problems related to the production of organic products; problems of storage and marketing of organic products. Taking into account the identified problems, the key directions of the development and implementation of state policy aimed at the creation and development of farms producing organic agricultural products are proposed. The main blocks of such a policy should be: measures of financial and credit support, taking into account the peculiarities of the period of conversion of traditional production into organic, with an emphasis on preferential lending and taxation; creation of a multi-agent system for the formation, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about organic farming technologies with the involvement of existing producers; formation of regional libraries of standard technological maps for the production of certain types of organic products taking into account the natural and climatic characteristics of rural areas. The detailed development of the proposed set of measures may be the subject of further research by scientists involved in the development of organic agriculture.