
Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 11

Improvement of state support measures for milk production in Russia

In the course of the study, priority measures of state support were identified, among which one can distinguish: subsidies for the modernization of the material and technical base; direct subsidies and preferential loans; grants; subsidies for the purchase of cattle. A comparative assessment of the directions of state support for milk production in foreign countries was carried out: Poland, Great Britain and France. The article uses horizontal analysis methods to diagnose the effectiveness of state support for milk production in the largest farms in Russia. The emphasis is placed on the allocation by the state of targeted budget subsidies to farms, support for farms that ensure the growth of productivity of dairy cows. Extensive statistical material on the availability and dynamics of state support made it possible to analyze subsidy measures for the purpose of supporting dairy cattle breeding. Based on induction, economic and statistical research methods, situational approach to the analysis of agri-food markets and macroeconomic indicators of the country's development in 2023, the formula for calculating the effectiveness of state support for milk production is derived in the article. The article examines the current measures of state support provided to agricultural producers, provides the best regional practice of providing subsidies in the subjects of the Siberian Federal District. The justification of the algorithm for calculating the economic efficiency of subsidizing milk production is proposed in the context of existing and newly introduced state support measures in 2023.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 13

System of indicators for evaluating the activities of hop processing enterprises in the Chuvash Republic

The system of economic indicators to characterize the activities of a business entity should be formed taking into account the characteristics of its type of activity, as well as the possibility of obtaining individual indicators from available sources of information. In organizations involved in hop processing, the main indicators are: the volume of processed hops in natural and value terms, the cost of processed hops and separately processing costs, the cost of equipment necessary for processing and its depreciation, the number of employees of the enterprise, gross profit, from sales and net . Among external factors, the volume of hops grown in the Chuvash Republic is of the greatest importance. Based on the listed indicators, performance indicators are determined and the relationship between the volume of activities, resources and financial results is described. A separate block of indicators of financial condition is necessary to assess the organization's ability to develop new activities in the field of hop processing. In the Chuvash Republic, two organizations are engaged in hop processing: one of them simultaneously grows hops (LLC Agroresursy), the other only purchases hops from hop-growing organizations existing in the republic (JSC Chuvashkhmelprom). Accordingly, in JSC "Chuvashkhmelprom" external factors have a greater influence, since the organization has a limitation in the volume of production, which arises from the capabilities of suppliers (producers) of hops. At the same time, in the absence of self-cultivation of hops, the requirements for labor resources and agricultural machinery are reduced.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 15

Modeling the specific emission of СО2 in agriculture of Russian regions

The resulting function in the form of a work of indicative functions of factors on which this function depends is used for modeling, analysis and forecast of the emission of СО2. The well-known equation of Kobba-Douglas is a special case of the resulting resulting function. The multiple index equation used in statistics is a different particular case of this resulting function for indicators of an equal degree of 1. The noted resulting function has the property of unfolding when logarithming into the system of linear algebraic equations, which has a solution in the presence of statistics on each factor in the amount of N values ​​where: N is the number of factors on which the resulting function depends. This is 7-8 times less than the volume of statistical data necessary for compiling a standard multiple regression equation. The models use regional ratios between the estimates of the emission of СО2 per 1 ha of the land area for various types of soils, categories of land and various village and constructures, and hydrothermal parameters of the regions. Unlike our previous studies, the article discusses a modified model taking into account the category of agricultural land in the region: cultivated lands, permanent hayfields and pastures. At the first stage of modeling, the coefficients are searched for the dependence of the assessments of the emission of СО2 on the factors under consideration. At the second stage, tables are filled with evaluations of emission in regions for different cultures, types of soils and categories of land and a standard equation of multiple linear regression is compiled.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 16

Development of digitalization processes in the field of land use and land relations

Digitalization in the agro-industrial complex in order to increase the efficiency of the use of the land fund is an evolutionary development of crop programming and precision farming technologies. The article discusses the prerequisites for the involvement of agribusiness in the current digitalization processes and the existing limitations from the standpoint of improving the efficiency of land management. It is noted that digitalization in land use has become quite widespread due to the modernization of agricultural production, including through the use of foreign innovative technical means. In modern conditions, the solution of the problem in the field of digitalization of land relations in order to form a single database of agricultural land in digital form is quite relevant. This will make it possible to have information not only about the characteristics of a particular land plot, but also about its owner, types of permitted use and rights to land, violations in its use, etc. Based on the analysis of filling in the information of the Unified Federal Information System on Agricultural Lands on the example of the regions of the North-Western Federal District, the deterrent factors for the use of IT technologies to obtain reliable data on the land-resource potential of the territories are determined. The conclusion is made about the need to improve the organization of interaction between government bodies, increase the efficiency of regional information systems and measures of state support for digitalization.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 17

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 18

Development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the region

The main purpose of the work is to study the possibilities of creating an effective model for the functioning of agricultural consumer cooperation in the Republic of Buryatia, taking into account the implementation of state support measures and the growing need for new types of rural cooperation that reflect the regional specifics of the agricultural industry, national and historical traditions of rural areas and population. The methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical knowledge, methods of logical, comparative, statistical analysis, which allow assessing the state and problems of development of agricultural consumer cooperation and small forms of management in the republic. The results of the study are a generalized experience in the implementation of state support programs for agricultural consumer cooperation and small forms of business in the region, identified problems and factors hindering the development of rural cooperation, and a proposed set of organizational measures to create an effective model of agricultural consumer cooperation. The authors have identified the main directions for the effective development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the region, substantiate the conclusions about the need to expand the network of agricultural consumer cooperatives of various directions, taking into account the regional characteristics of organic agriculture, the traditions of rural areas and the population, and propose a set of organizational measures to create an effective model for the development of agricultural consumer cooperation

Issue № 8, August 2023, article № 2

Directions of strategic transformation of state support measures for the agri-food sector

The directions of strategic transformations in the system of state support measures are revealed, due to the need to achieve rational consumption standards in the field of ensuring the physical and economic availability of products. The subject and nature of potential contradictions arising in the process of balancing production and consumption of products at a fundamentally different point is justified. The new decree formulated the task of strengthening the focus of measures and means of state support for the agri-food sector. It is proposed to supplement the classification of state support with signs and types that strengthen the food function of the agricultural industry. They are based on the provisions on creating conditions for the level of expanded reproduction of commodity producers' resources, on the one hand, and increasing the level of purchasing power of the population in food, on the other hand. As confirmation, models were built describing the production and consumption per capita from key factors (demand, cost recovery, purchase price, household income, share of food costs). Based on the results of model calculations, the arguments on the presence of different polarity of price interests of sellers (manufacturers) and buyers (consumers) in the formation of physical and economic availability of products were confirmed. In one case, price increases are required, in the other, price reductions are required. Therefore, it is logically correct to develop measures to support manufacturers and measures to support consumers. Given the influence of natural and economic factors on the conditions of reproduction and purchasing power at the same time, it is advisable to differentiate the proposed measures by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Scientific developments will be useful to the management bodies of the agro-industrial complex when implementing strategic planning documents.