
Features of the formation of accumulation and consumption in Russian agriculture

The article is devoted to the study of the formation of accumulation and consumption in agriculture in Russia and the identification of structural transformations that affect the level of development of the agricultural sector. The authors emphasize that in recent years the agricultural sector of the economy has achieved significant success: the growth of agricultural production in 2022 amounted to 110.2%, Russia retains the status of a net exporter of agricultural products for the third year in a row. At the same time, there are negative trends affecting the level of accumulation: the volume of investments in fixed assets in agriculture in 2022 decreased by 8.2%, profitability decreased by 5.6 percentage points. In addition, the disproportions in price relations in the agro-industrial complex also have a significant impact: as a result of an increase in the share of costs for material means of production, there was an increase in intermediate consumption in the agricultural sector. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the physical volume of retail trade turnover (including food products), as well as the downward trend in real disposable monetary incomes of the population, which affects consumption. The article notes that at present negative trends have also formed in gross accumulation: its low level and growth rates do not allow achieving technical and technological modernization of production and ensuring import substitution. The authors note that it is necessary to increase the accumulation rate to 26-28%. It is important not only to increase the accumulation rate, but also to ensure its growth through structural adjustment – providing the agricultural sector with machinery and equipment. It is also necessary to ensure the development and implementation of advanced technologies, the creation of new modern capacities and the development of human capital to ensure the growth of the potential of the agrarian economy in the medium and long term. Ensuring a balance between investment and consumption, the level and quality of life of the population is a key task at the present stage. At the same time, the growth of accumulation should not occur due to the reduction in consumption.

Organizational and economic conditions for the development and priority state regulation of the breeding and seed production system of the region

In accordance with the strategic goal of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, which is to provide the population with high-quality and affordable food, the development of scientific research in the field of creating new varieties of agricultural crops is quite an important task. The key to the implementation of this task is the development of the country's seed breeding activities aimed at providing agriculture with its own seeds, especially in the context of import substitution. The most pressing issue in the Krasnodar Territory is the issue of providing rural producers with their own seeds of sugar beet, sunflower and corn. The article examines the foreign experience of financing the work of breeders and seed growers, which allows us to highlight both positive and negative experience of organizational and economic conditions for the development of the breeding and seed production system. The author proposes to create an industry cooperative of breeders in the region, the main purpose of which would be to control and ensure compliance with license agreements, and the collection (including compulsory) of license fees. The author's research has shown that it is possible to solve the problem of providing agriculture of the Russian Federation and its regions with their own seeds only if there is a comprehensive state program for the development of breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation for the coming 2025-2035. Ensuring the country's food security is possible in the presence of priority state regulation, both at the regional and federal levels.

Ecological and economic sustainability of agriculture as a strategic goal of national security

Environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, rational use of natural resources and adaptation to climate change continue to be key strategic priorities affecting food security. In an increasingly difficult economic situation, weak predictability and frequent fluctuations in State policy in the field of agriculture and environmental management are important for the ecological and economic development of the agricultural sector. Clear strategic goals and objectives of the state policy in the transition to sustainable agriculture, as well as organizational, economic and other measures for the implementation of measures in the field of environmental management. The purpose of this study is to develop strategic guidelines and a roadmap for the transition to sustainable agriculture in the medium and long term to achieve national security goals. The paper uses the economic and statistical method, systematic, integrated approaches to identifying problems and developing an optimal strategy for the ecological and economic development of the industry. The authors emphasize the systemic nature of the problems and propose key stages in the development of a roadmap that will eliminate risks and take into account the modern requirements of the "green" economy. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the sufficiency of natural resource assets and their high potential in our country are the basis for the development of a "green" economy, low-carbon and "climate-neutral" agriculture, doing business according to ESG standards and influencing the structure of the world agricultural export market, where agricultural producers will take a strong position, which produce high-quality products and can integrate into the decarbonization policy.

Analysis of websites of agricultural higher educational institutions of Russia

In the modern conditions of digital technology development, one of the ways to interact with the outside environment and a method to increase the competitiveness of an institute of higher education is its website. The purpose of the study was to analyze the websites of agricultural institutes of higher education, to identify general trends in the provision of information and to develop proposals for optimizing websites. The websites of 54 agricultural universities of the Russian Federation were investigated. It has been established that the information layout on the home pages of all agricultural higher educational institutions meets the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor order No. 831. It is noted that almost all the sites have a search box, 33 sites have a mobile version, and only 3 have an application for mobile phones. Information about addresses and phones is posted on the home page of 37 sites. 47 sites have links to the external resources. Remote learning methods are provided by 45 universities. An online assistant exists only on 6 sites. There is no unification in posting information in the headings of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels, which makes it difficult to find necessary data. The same information on different sites can be presented in different headings, at different search levels. To improve the quality of agricultural universities’ websites, it is important that there is a version for mobile devices, website navigation is simple, and information can be found in one click, without unwanted page flows. The content should be constantly updated, the site should be presented across social media platforms and contain elements of interactivity and visitor feedback.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 10