
Issue № 10, October 2013, article № 10

Forecasting of the development of the agro-food sphere of rural terrritories based on the cluster approach

The article deals with justification of the necessity of the usage of the methods of cluster analysis and optimization modeling in the development of the agro-food field planning of rural territories. We present the prediction algorithm, which allows to make alternative scenarios of the development of agro-food sphere of rural municipalities. The choice of the typical agro-enterprises of rural territories based on the packing of large arrays of the real economic data used in the subsequent optimization calculations. In making-out the economic and mathematical models it is used a scenario approach, that allows to substantiate the various scenarios of the development of agricultural production. The use of the scenario approach increases the validity of the working out forecasts. The rational setting of industrial structure of agricultural organizations helps significantly increase the economic efficiency of agricultural production. The improvement of the efficiency of agricultural production is a key factor in ensuring of a positive social development of rural territories. The practical realization of the model solutions will help to create fixed conditions for effective social development of rural territories and improvement of the quality of life of the rural population. We present the results of scenario forecasting development of agro-food sphere of rural territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan at the regional level. The scenarios of development are based on the model solutions, as well as on the prediction of the possible economic capacity and sale of the main types of agricultural production by the agro-enterprises of all types, actual and projected volumes of food consumption. Proposed forecast scenarios of development show the possible variants of rational food supply in accordance with scientifically-based nutritional standards and allow to form different models of production and use of agricultural products based on the effective organization of agro-food market.

Issue № 10, October 2013, article № 11

Investments in agroindustrial complex of the republic of bashkortostan

The agro-industrial complex works in the conditions of Russia's membership in the World trade organization as well as the deepening of integration within the Customs Union, and here open up new prospects and created additional complexity. It is necessary to stimulate the further growth of competitiveness of domestic agricultural producers, their transition to a new technological level of production, creation of a modern infrastructure for storage, processing and transportation of products. In addressing these challenges, a not unimportant role played by the creation of a favorable investment climate in the region. Powerful economic and scientific-technical potential allows to Bashkortostan successfully develop foreign economic relations with the countries distant and the near abroad. Trading partners of Bashkortostan are more than 90 countries of the world. The Republic of Bashkortostan possesses a unique combination of investment potential, a high level of investment security, has a reputation as a reliable borrower and business partner, which is confirmed by data international rating agencies - «Moody's» and «Standard&Poor's»on the international scale at «Ba1» with the forecast «Positive» and «BB+» with forecast «Positive», respectively. A high rating indicates the financial openness of the Republic of Bashkortostan, creates a more favorable image and reputation of the region in the investment and banking community and contributes to the expansion of the range of potential investors and creditors. Currently in the Republic of Bashkortostan bets on improving the quality, competitiveness and production efficiency, energy saving, investment attraction. This article discusses the prospects of increasing the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the conditions of Russia's entry into the WTO; an analysis of the indicators of the investment development of the agroindustrial complex of the region and the geography of the countries of investors; they propose measures to improve the investment attractiveness of the agroindustrial complex of the region.

The economic model of functioning of pasture complexes

The article substantiates the economic efficiency of functioning of pasture complexes. From the standpoint of system analysis of the process of milk production is presented in the form of a deterministic system with the explicit objective function, which allows to optimize the operating modes of the equipment. The main criteria for assessing technologies and complexes of machines adopted energy efficiency ratio, which characterizes the energy expenses for the performance of a unit of mechanized work or production process obtain a unit of production. Comparative analysis of economic and energy criteria proved that the composition of the technological line, defined by the energy criterion, it is optimal from an economic point of view. The energy performance is not exposed to market price fluctuations. For the measurement of consumer costs and accounting of price and energy units entered indicator of energy equivalent of the ruble. When you run the production processes in the pasture must be met basic requirements: the separation of the production process operations; specialization selected machines and equipment, flow continuity in a certain time technology, synchronization operations. The authors analyze the main opportunities for energy saving in the summer production of milk on the pastures. Based on the study authors conclude that an objective assessment of technologies and technological lines for pasture complex reveals the potential savings of total energy. The proposed method of acquisition of stream of technological lines helps reduce power consumption and considerably reduce the cost price of milk production.