
A new stage in the development of the land use planning

The article considers the development of the national land use planning in the conditions of the land reform of the 90s and in after the reform period, as well as proposed in the framework of the refusal of the Institute of land categories inclusion in the land management activities development of agricultural regulations. Land management is a key element in the implementation of the state land policy. But in the period of land reform its value decreased due to investment unattractiveness of the agricultural sector and the priority of other instruments for land policy: land cadastre and registration of rights to land (then the land tax was introduced, the transition was made to the land market). The underestimated role of land management has led to a number of problems in the agricultural land use. Now in view of attraction of additional investments in agriculture, the implementation of the various government programs demand for land management activities is increasing. It enters a new stage of its development. Perspective directions of the agriculture land at this stage should be considered in three directions: 1) development in the structure of agricultural land regulations; 2) on-farm land management, and various types of inventory and assessment of the quality of land; 3) the territorial land used in agricultural production land (primarily the allocation of land plots at the expense of land shares). The last type of work is now carried out cadastral engineers, but the realisation of 5 years ago transfer of this type of work should recognize erroneous. For the implementation of these proposals will require changes in the current Federal law «On land use planning» (such proposals currently being prepared).

Analysis of the consumption of basic food of the population of the region

Food security is determined by the effective functioning of the Russian agro-industrial complex, the competitiveness of domestic food to local food markets , the social conditions of life in rural areas and other factors. Decisive role in improving food security Russians, of course, belongs to the state, under the harmonious regulation which must be created optimal conditions for the genetic, ecological and economically sound development of domestic agriculture, able to fully meet the needs of the population in high-quality food products available to the absolute majority of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, in modern conditions of Russia, including Astrakhan region to food insecurity quality food , especially of animal origin. Currently, the actual consumption of the population of the Astrakhan region of staple foods, including drinking water, compared with the optimum deteriorated. Russians diets deficient in Astrakhan and consumption of milk, meat, eggs, fruits, berries, etc. The drop in real incomes of the population causes the growth of consumption of the cheapest food - potatoes, vegetables, cereal products - and reducing the consumption of dairy, meat and fish products. Before the beginning of transition to market relations population Astrakhan region consume large amounts of food (including milk and meat ) intraregional production. In modern conditions, the region without food imports can no longer do. The article describes the dynamics of consumption of basic foodstuffs in the Astrakhan region, identifies factors affecting the stability of food supply.