
Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 12

Organizational and economic aspects of assessing the effectiveness of development and use of the resource potential of livestock farming

The article analyzes the current state of development of livestock farming. The main trends and factors for increasing the efficiency of livestock production and using the resource potential of the industry have been identified. The state of technological development of livestock farming and the conditions that influence the formation of unit costs and resource intensity have been established. The industrial production of animal products received the greatest impetus for development through the transfer of advanced world technologies and the creation of modern farms and complexes that make it possible to make maximum use of the genetic potential of animals and the principles of adaptive intensification. It was determined that the most significant results were achieved in pig farming, where the average daily increase in growing and fattening for 2018-2022. increased by 5.5% to 588 g, the average live weight of one head of pigs sold for slaughter increased by 5.3% to 120 kg, and the specific costs of feed and labor decreased by 6.4% and 6.1%, respectively. In the course of the analysis using the grouping method, the influence of the effect of scale and the number of raised livestock on the efficiency of milk and cattle meat production was established. Based on the results obtained, the use of an industry approach has been justified when conducting a systematic analysis of industry development, developing investment projects and government programs to support livestock farming.

Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 13

The transformation of the value chain of consumer perception of the criteria of meat and meat products

Doubts about the quality of meat and its processed products are currently one of the factors reducing the level of meat consumption among the population in developed countries. This situation has been exacerbated over the past twenty years by serious outbreaks of diseases among animals, resulting in the destruction of livestock, increased media attention to animal welfare conditions, their impact on the environment, etc. All of the above undoubtedly influenced the perception of consumer characteristics of meat and processed products among various target groups of buyers, leading to a transformation of its consumption. On the other hand, it is the increasing competition in global markets that encourages manufacturers to look for new factors to increase the competitiveness of their productions, which in turn should undoubtedly be associated with the development of a marketing relationship model with the consumer, taking into account all of the above aspects of the transformation of the perceived value of the main product criteria. The article analyzes the mechanism of the value chain of the consumer's perception of the main characteristics of the product based on such aspects as: production and processing of meat, consumption of meat and meat products. An important aspect of the analysis is to determine the vectors of development of the chain of creation of the perceived value of the product, as well as to determine the relationships between these links.

Issue № 8, August 2024, article № 16

Methodological approach to formation rural agglomerations

The problem of a shortage of qualified specialists is especially acute in such a key industry as agriculture, which can negatively affect the entire economy of the region and the country as a whole. It is possible to prevent the outflow of the able-bodied population by investing in this leading sector of the economy, developing infrastructure and providing comfortable living in rural settlements. Thus, the integrated development of rural areas is necessary. It is advisable to do this by creating rural agglomerations. The article proposes an approach to the formation of rural agglomerations based on the territorial-sectoral principle, that is, on the basis of geographical proximity and established or potentially possible agricultural clusters. In this case, agricultural clusters should not just be drivers of economic growth in rural areas, but represent the basis of agglomerative interaction. Within the framework of the proposed approach, a polycentric model is considered as the optimal model of rural agglomeration, which promotes the most active cooperation of participants in rural agglomeration, the preservation of rural identity and culture. Each center can specialize in certain functions or tasks, which will allow the rural agglomeration management system to be more flexible and adaptive to changing conditions. In addition, the polycentric model promotes cooperation and coordination between the participants. The centers can share experiences, knowledge and resources, which leads to a synergistic effect and an increase in the overall effectiveness of communication structures. The proposed methodology based on the developed reference four and five central models, as well as calculations of key indicators such as connectivity, structural redundancy, uneven distribution of connections, compactness, centrality, will allow evaluating the effectiveness of the communication structures of the created rural agglomerations. The proposed methodological approach to the formation of rural agglomerations is considered in detail on the example of municipalities of the Nizhny Novgorod region and can be used in other regions.

Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 3

Typical models of the mechanism of transfer of scientific developments into economic practice: on the example of the sunflower seed market

In modern conditions of civilizational transformations, accelerated import substitution of means of production in the domestic agricultural sector should be based on the transfer of scientific developments into economic practice. The article provides an analysis of literature sources on modeling innovative processes in crop production and, on this basis, a block diagram of technological modernization of the agricultural sector is proposed, which includes the following blocks: research, technology transfer, financial, production and personnel training and retraining. It is concluded that currently there is no close interaction between developers of scientific products and business, and systemic problems hindering this process have been revealed. The reasons for the shortage of personnel in the industry are revealed and the main directions for overcoming this negative situation are listed. It is noted that the transfer of scientific developments to the real sector of the economy is a complex and multifaceted process consisting of components that make up the object of modeling, endogenous and exogenous factors, mechanisms and tools for the implementation of the subprograms of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2030 (hereinafter – FNTP). At the same time, the technological modernization of the agricultural sector of the economy based on the implementation of the subprograms of the FNTP in the time period should be divided into 2 separate stages – the "stage of foresight" and the "stage of direct implementation into economic practice". As a positive example of the mechanism of transfer to the real sector of the economy, the paper considers the market of sunflower seeds and oilseeds. FGIS "Seed Production" should become an effective tool in the development of the seed market, which will ensure the traceability of seed material from the field of the originator of the variety (hybrid) to the agro-producer. The economic efficiency of sunflower seed production in comparison with the production of oilseeds is shown and the forecast of cultivation of this crop until 2026 is given. The regression and variance analysis in the STATISTICA package made it possible to determine the relationship between the yield level of sunflower seed crops and the cost of its production for 2017-2022. Special attention is paid to state support in the production of sunflower seeds, which until 2024 was provided in the form of compensatory and incentive subsidies, which amounted to 22.2 million rubles. Directions for the accelerated development of the sub-sector of seed production in order to ensure technological sovereignty in crop production are proposed.