
Issue № 6, June 2014, article № 3

Regional aspects of implementation of untied support of agricultural producers in the field of plant growing

In article the new mechanism of public financing - untied support of the income of agricultural producers of production of plant growing, its difference from earlier practicing system of compensation of part of expenses for acquisition of mineral fertilizers and means of protection of plants is analyzed. The author considers structure of the state support of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, rules of receiving a subsidy again entered at regional level, shortcomings of a technique of its calculation and administrative obstacles. The comparative analysis of allocated funds on one hectare of a cultivated area in Russia and the countries of the European Union, allowed to draw a conclusion on insufficiency of financing and need of research of reserves for budgets of all levels is carried out. Offers on reduction of the mechanism of untied support in compliance to requirements of the Agreement of the WTO on agriculture, including, revision of criterion of productivity of subsidizing are formulated. For optimization of system of subsidizing it is offered to find reserves for increase in opportunities of joint financing at the expense of the regional budget, to simplify procedure of receiving a subsidy, including to reduce the list of documents and to reconsider a calculation procedure, to provide the most effective activity of authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation, having minimized bureaucratic delays.