
Issue № 8, August 2014, article № 2

Innovative development as the most important factor of modernization of agriculture of the region

In the article there presented the analyses of the situation and dynamics of the development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as a branch of economics, is one of the leading in the Russian Federation. The republic produces 3,2‰ of the whole Russian agricultural products. It is mentioned that agricultural sector of the republic is functioning in the conditions of lack of financial security, lack of mechanization means, high level of their wear and lack of labor resources of necessary qualification. The salary of agricultural employees is low. Signs of troubles and anxiety are observed in land relations, the state of agricultural lands, in social and engineering infrastructure of a village, in the quality of rural population. The way out of the agriculture of the crises and its transition to sustainable development, as the experience of advanced countries prove, is possible by the orientation of the agro-industrial complex to modernization and innovation development. The program and target approach which necessary element is joint financing at different levels of the power and subjects of innovative economy of the most perspective directions with system of estimated criteria of efficiency of innovative development has to become a basis of innovative development of agrarian and industrial complex at various levels of management. For practical implementation of target programs it is necessary to create mechanisms of support of innovations in three directions: providing demand of innovations; creation of infrastructure of development of innovations; organization of networks of a transfer of innovations.

Issue № 8, August 2014, article № 6

The role of agriculture material support in increase in labor productivity

Raising the level of productivity is related to the implementation of the complex of measures aimed primarily at increasing intensity of agriculture, strengthening its material and technical base. Therefore, the number of priority measures should include technical re-equipment of agriculture, because traditionally the productivity gains in agricultural production not less than two-thirds is provided by technical progress. In acute deficiency and imperfection of domestic agricultural machinery, inefficient use duration of field work in certain regions of the country more than twice the optimal sowing period, leading to annual losses of agricultural products, a significant deterioration in its quality. Capacity building of machine-tractor park will ensure that the advanced technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops and recommendations sustainable land use through the development of adaptive-landscape farming systems, the application of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies. It is necessary to develop and accept regional programs for the accelerated technical and technological rearmament of agriculture, to provide the mechanism of direct subsidies from the federal budget to agricultural producers of new equipment and processing equipment and financial security approximately three times more against the provided level, it is necessary to solve a problem of additional training of machine operators, to revive system of technical service in the village and to provide access of bulk of agricultural producers to it.