
Issue № 9, September 2014, article № 10

Modernization of price regulation of the income of the agricultural organizations

The existing disparity of the prices of main types of the made agricultural production reduction of profit and profitability of the agricultural organizations has considerable impact. In article it is proved that the considerable part of the state measures in the sphere of price regulation of agrarian sector of economy doesn't give due effect due to the lack of system approach. So, the volume of purchasing interventions in dynamics of years didn't exceed 10‰ of an annual yield in natural expression that causes weak regulation of distribution system of grain and dynamics of the prices of it. In the direction of untied state support of the agricultural organizations in the field of plant growing a number of defects that increases difficulties of the agricultural organizations for receiving this subsidy is revealed. The organizations specializing on production of quality grain in bigger volume provide themselves with elite seeds and opportunities to receive subsidies for repayment of part of costs of acquisition of elite seeds are deprived, and respectively the total amount of costs of production of elite grain increases. Increase in production of qualitative grain in Russia isn't promoted by the system of pricing which developed in the grain market. For leveling of shortcomings of the directions of state support existing now in the field of plant growing, we offer to enter an auxiliary view of the state support - a price extra charge on quality of grain. This type of price support of the income of the agricultural organizations specializing on production of grain and making quality grain (wheat 1-2 classes), counted on 1 centner of the realized grain and grain will allow to increase production efficiency of crop branch and competitiveness of domestic grain in the world market.