
Crisis of a world order, approach of state capitalism

In article the world order of the period of two superstates - the USSR and the USA is analyzed. The Soviet Union developed an independent way of development, was the carrier of remarkable achievements in space, science and education, literature and cinema, provided high rates of economic development. After collapse of the USSR the strategic balance of forces in the world sharply changed. There was a world of one owner. Any region of the planet was proclaimed the sphere of its exclusive interests. The USA began to attribute to themselves divine mission on the earth. They don't want to notice that the world sharply changed. The economic center of gravity moved to the countries of the East which use model of the state capitalism. The adviser to the U.S. President Paule Volcker declares that crisis became test of capitalism that it is impossible to rely on "an invisible hand of the market" more. On a Gaidar forum our ministers said that the country is in great need in the radical turn breaking stereotypes. Today in the majority of the countries of the world there is a mixed economy. And the tendency to strengthening of a role of state regulation is observed. The public of the West is more and more convinced that the key to success of their economies not of isolation and opposition of the plan and the market, and of their optimum combination. The Russian reforms were experimental check of insolvency of the neoclassical theory. Using of experience of China, India, etc. the countries which accepted model of the state capitalism is offered.

An innovative vector of development of branch of vegetable growing of the protected soil

The problems of innovative development of the vegetable greenhouse, becoming more and more popular, and after the accession of Russia to the WTO and the impact of this process on the economic and financial condition of enterprises in the industry crop production have become increasingly important as competition between market participants will increase, and the share of imported products on the Russian market will not be reduced. The Russian producers of greenhouse vegetables in the conditions of WTO accession are not in the most favorable position. Existing traditional technology of cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses Russia today limit the possibility of performance improvement. The main effective directions of sustainable development of the market of greenhouse vegetables must be innovative development vector. The efficient market innovative technologies in order to create a competitive market technologies in the field of vegetable greenhouse is the key to the competitive functioning of the industry. It is proposed to create innovative coordination centre (ICC), which will be interdisciplinary in nature and cover the General scope of activities of participants in the communication market vegetable production greenhouse. Developed software and organizational activities of the participants of the coordination centre of interaction and cooperation for the effective functioning of the market of greenhouse vegetables in Russia.

Issue № 2, February 2015, article № 14

Tendencies of development of small forms of managing in agrarian and industrial complex of kazakhstan

In modern market conditions the essential contribution to development of agro-industrial complex is made by subjects of small forms of managing, in particular, country farms and farms of the population. In this regard, in this article the research devoted to definition of a role of small forms of managing in agro-industrial complex is conducted (on materials of the Kostanay region of the Republic of Kazakhstan), tendencies of their development in the present and the perspective period are revealed. The revealed tendencies lead to transformation of functions of personal subsidiary farms in agrarian and industrial complex and the decision-making directed on increase of efficiency of functioning of this segment of economy demand. The main part of livestock production of all agrarian sector of the Kostanay region in the period 2004-2008gg. - 92,2‰ it was made in farms of the population. Effective functioning of branch of animal husbandry is in close dependence on existence of cultivated areas under forage crops, from security of economy with pastures and haymakings. The made analysis testifies to prospects of development of agriculture of the Kostanay region and, in particular, livestock branch on the basis of farms of the population it is required which not only appropriate assistance and support from the state, but also expansion of opportunities of mutually advantageous cooperation with larger agricultural formations.