
Issue № 11, November 2015, article № 14

Problems and prospects of development of foreign trade of belarus in production of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of the euroasian integration

Belarus is a part of the system everything the international division of labour more actively, taking rather powerful place in a world rating of the countries - leaders. It stimulates agrarian branch to develop in a dynamic rhythm of the world market and constantly to adapt for evolution of the international trade system. Republic of Belarus takes the 7th place in world export of milk and dairy products (cheeses, butter, STsM, SOM), enters in top-20 world leaders in production of beef, dairy products, sugar, rape oil, a flax fiber. Republic of Belarus carries out more than 85‰ of export deliveries to the countries of the Euroasian economic union (generally to Russia). At the national level for Belarus the most important is stimulation of production of competitive production, increase of its quality, optimization of costs of production and sale by means of: introductions of innovative production technologies and sales of products; ensuring quality and safety of production; improvement of financial support, tax system, pricing, insurance and other measures; stimulations of import-substituting productions and industrial complexes in agriculture; improvement of system of advance of production on foreign markets. In structure of the predicted cost of export of agrarian production about 70‰ will occupy goods of animal husbandry; the share of crop production will increase, but is insignificant, and will make about 30‰.

Issue № 11, November 2015, article № 15

Necessary conditions for import substitution of agricultural production in the republic of kazakhstan

Functioning in integration formations assumes the high level of competitiveness of the made agricultural production. Otherwise the probability of increase in dependence on import from another, more developed countries increases. In livestock branch of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are specific problems: low labour productivity level, outdated technologies of sagination of animals. More than 70‰ of production of animal husbandry is made in personal subsidiary farms of the population. The Republic of Kazakhstan in large volume imports livestock production. The main share in import of livestock production is occupied by fowl, then beef meat, meat of pork and even it is necessary to import horse-flesh meat. In general, across the Republic of Kazakhstan import of livestock production makes 20-36‰ of a domestic production. For the Republic of Kazakhstan existence of the richest pastures and favourable climatic conditions which create good potential opportunities for development of livestock branch is characteristic. Authors carried out calculations for import substitution volumes for beef, precisely on the same algorithm it is possible to carry out calculations for mutton, pork and a bird, considering certain features of production of each livestock production. Results of calculations taking into account real opportunities of increase in major factors which essentially influence production of beef, provide possibility of increase in production of beef for 20‰.

An investment basis of financing of russian agrarian sector of within the wto

At the present stage of development of productive forces and relations of production in article high-quality transformation when forming innovative model of development of the country is noted them. Authors define investments as forms of investments of money and their equivalents into production resources, quantitative and which high-quality change will promote ensuring process of expanded reproduction in agrarian sector of national economy. The bit-by-bit structure of the main production resources in a section of agrarian sector of economy of Russia is concretized and added with inclusion of infrastructure. As sources of financing of investments into agrarian and industrial complex by authors are considered own, attracted and loan. Questions concerning belonging to this or that group of a number of sources are debatable. The directions of investment are divided by authors by criterion "a measure of the distorting impact on trade" according to the main to baskets of the World trade organization. At the present stage of development of agrarian sector of economy of Russia there is a need of activization of its investment and innovative activity for achievement of competitive advantages of agricultural producers in comparison with other member countries of the WTO. The perspective direction of researches is a definition and an introduction of amendments (changes, additions) in investment and innovative activity in agrarian sector of economy of Russia taking into account activization of the relations within the Eurasian economic union

The state support of the agrarian and industrial complexes backbone organizations in the conditions of strengthening of competitiveness and economic instability

At distribution of subsidies it is considered not only priority of separate branches and the directions, but also forms and mechanisms by means of which they are provided. Forms of the state support in many respects are defined by the size of the enterprises and their quantity. Technical and technological and financial approaches can be applied to an assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises. Those treat the systemically important enterprises, production or which services represented importance for life support of a certain territory, functioning of this or that branch, and also social and economic development of the region in general. On profit volume they form over 70‰ of all national income of the country, and the number of workers reaches 20‰ occupied in economy. One of the main tasks is maintenance of their sustainable development. Authors made an attempt to analyse the agro food and food companies regarding their influence on a sustainable development of agrarian sector of economy, and also their corporate transparency, application by them rules of the account for formation of the public reporting. The analysis of 33 agro food companies showed that the consolidated accounting reports under the international standards (IFRS) are made by 8 companies, by the Russian accounting regulation rules - 19, on the American system (US GAAP) - 1, the others 5 submit the administrative reporting formed on the basis of data of accounting. State bodies have to have special interest in information on activity of the agro food holding companies entering the list of the systemically important organizations. Government bodies at the federal and regional levels need to analyze efficiency of the state support which is given not only to the agricultural, but also overworking organizations.

The development of innovations in the conditions of sanctions: problems and opportunities

Efficiency of innovative system is defined by its ability to develop various combinations of the attracted resources, to create an attractive image of this sphere of human activity for the purpose of search of various sources of financing for creation of new technologies and types of production. Formation of cooperation communications between business and representatives of sector of science and education restrains various relation concerning the purposes, priorities and motivations in carrying out innovative cooperation. The state which task consists in formation of the favourable environment for development of innovations in all system of researches and development and their introduction in production is urged to lift the arising limits. Loan of foreign experience not always leads to achievement of the planned purposes. Authors give researches of the section «Biotechnologies of Storage and Processing of Agro food Production» of the technological platform «BioTech 2030» as an example, explain the organization of interaction of Moscow State University of technologies and management of K.G.Razumovsky with FANO research institutes and representatives of business on carrying out scientific researches and development of new production technologies of foodstuff. In order that the innovative system effectively worked and could create new knowledge, technologies and modern production, the state and business need more means to invest in human development and highly skilled labour market.