
Ensuring food independence of the country is a basis of its food security

The article reveals the peculiarities of ensuring food independence of the country as the basis for its food security in the modern socio-economic conditions. The author considers food security as the complex concept including food independence and ensuring availability of the food for population. The role of the national agrarian Policy in providing the population domestic food at the expense the development of the agrarian sector of the economy and its foundations of agriculture is shown. There are noted branch results: the advancing growth rates of production of agriculture in comparison with growth rates of gross domestic product; high variability of rates of development of branch; essential reduction of a gap between import and export of foodstuff and agricultural raw materials; stagnation of process of import substitution in the domestic agro food market, especially on meat-and-milk products; high dependence of separate subsectors of agriculture, food and processing industry on import basic means of production. The necessity of developing a new state agrarian policy and organizational and economic mechanism of its realization in the conditions of regional and global integration is proved, as well as actualization Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. Proposals on implementation strategic objectives of the agrarian sector of the economy, oriented to ensuring the food independence of the country, are given.

A shock therapy at implementation of an agrarian reform

In the late eighties the agrarian sphere needed social and economic and state and legal changes. The Soviet government made decisions on a phased transition to a new economic mechanism, improvement of a state system. However these measures didn't give the expected results. The liberals who came to the power began reforms. Peasants hoped that reforms will allow eliminating the reasons constraining production efficiency of agricultural production but instead of being exempted from paradoxes of centralization, to go on the way of high-quality improvement of the economic relations, the problem was transferred to the political plane. For the first 10 years of reforms economic circulation was left by 33 million hectares of a cultivated area. Production of agricultural production was quickly reduced (7 and more percent a year). If on average in a year in 1986-1990 in Russia 104.3 million t were made. grains, in 1996-2000 - 65.1 million t. The share of production, unsafe for consumption, increased, the demographic situation worsened. Unfortunately in disorder of branch the considerable role was played by scientists-economists of the Russian agricultural academy, declaring that if the western farmers work better, than collective farms and state farms, their form of managing more effective means, without pondering upon that their efficiency depends on an equivalent exchange between the village and the city, on the huge help of the state, on scanty rates on the credits, on use of hi-tech equipment, etc.

Ensuring quality of domestic agricultural production

The problem of quality is not only important for Russia, but also has to be solved by joint efforts of the state, federal governing bodies, heads, staff of the enterprises, scientists, designers, consumers. In article the main problems in ensuring quality in agricultural production in three aspects are considered: production quality, quality of a product, functional quality. It is noted that acquisition of import technologies and the equipment led to a number of the technical problems in agriculture caused by purchase of outdated technologies, cheaper equipment which isn't corresponding on power, the loop of necessary auxiliary materials, spare parts, additives, vaccines, means of protection of plants, etc. that leads to violations of technological process often isn't considered, increases expenses and terms of implementation of investment projects. On the example of combine harvesters it is shown that the domestic engineering agricultural industry reproduces old designs of equipment. Authors offered the new ways and designs for the thresh and a cut of ears reducing crushing and damage of grain when cleaning. It is expedient to subsidize production of new innovative equipment, but not to reproduce old, maintaining demand for it at the expense of the state. It is noted that in the market of foodstuff the high specific weight of the forged products, especially in the market of dairy products, and consumers distortions of results of an assessment of quality of production mislead by means of advertising. For ensuring functional quality the development of organic agriculture is offered that will allow occupying 10-15‰ of the world market of organic production. Developing the program of increase of competitiveness of domestic agricultural production, producers need to formulate a purpose (a ratio of a level of quality and costs of its providing), to provide compliance of quality of production to requirements of the market and the specific consumer; to provide reduction of transactional expenses, formation of image of the enterprise.