
Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 10

Modeling of agrofood policy of the region

The agrarian policy pursued in recent years poorly influences economic growth in agriculture, doesn't create conditions for ensuring forward development of agrarian production. Foreign sanctions aggravated an import substitution problem in agrarian and industrial complex and food security of the country. Level of production on a row of agricultural goods doesn't answer the principle of self-reliance with the food, thus among producers the obvious emphasis on release of noncompetitive production in the region and ignoring of economic production is observed. All this doesn't promote rational use of agrarian potential, slows down accumulation of food power of the country, and therefore demands need of association of efforts of science and authorities on improvement of public administration in the agro-industrial sphere. Methods of monographic research, the complex economic and financial analysis, economic-mathematical and econometric assessment were applied to the solution of tasks, settlement and constructive. Research is conducted with use of analytical data of summary accounting reports under agriculture of the Penza region. In this research the models of forecasting of development of agriculture which are available in science and put into practice are generalized, and also the models allowing to estimate functional dependence of results of an agrarian policy on means and methods of its realization are received. On their basis scenarios of development of agriculture are proved. Results of research are planned to be used for preparation of offers to governing bodies of agrarian and industrial complex on improvement of methods and models of the mechanism of forecasting and planning of strategic development of agricultural production. The conducted research shows that low efficiency of an agrarian policy of regions is connected with insufficient identification of factors and risks in agriculture, ways of their leveling. The contents of expected documents of strategic development of branch need further improvement. They don't allow to coordinate the mechanism of a state policy in the village, adequate to realities of agrarian economy. Therefore improvement of quality of the events held concerning agriculture is possible due to strengthening of scientific validity of the used tool base of forecasting.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 13

Financial and economic ensuring innovative processes in territorial clusters: foreign and russian experience

Carrying out cluster policy and its financing in foreign countries differs in a variety of practical approaches and is characterized by lack of a certain tool kit. The experience of foreign countries (the USA, Japan, the People's Republic of China, Switzerland, India) on support of development and financial security of innovative processes in territorial clusters is investigated. The majority of financial forms of support of the clusters which developed in foreign countries are reduced to two directions: financing of costs of innovations; financing of innovative and investment projects of a cluster. In territorial clusters of foreign countries the greatest share is occupied by indirect methods of support of innovative activity, the significant role in development and financing of innovative processes of the companies is played by institutes of development. As positive Russian experience practice of cluster development in subjects of the Volga Federal District, including the Samara region and the Chuvash Republic is investigated. There is a process of formation of financial and economic mechanisms of ensuring innovative processes in territorial clusters in the Russian regions. The state uses mainly indirect measures of support in this connection as the main source of financing of projects means of the enterprises act. The strengths and weaknesses of the subjects of the Volga Federal district on creation of innovative territorial clusters are investigated. More active implementation of innovative processes requires also to increase an investment activity of the enterprises on ensuring requirements of expanded reproduction of national economy. The development of construction and information-technological territorial clusters is revealed. The partnership of the state and the enterprises in a construction cluster can be considered at implementation of joint projects of creation of engineering, transport and social infrastructure.

Petrovskaya agricultural and forest academy is the ancestor of scientific and pedagogical schools in agrarian economy

Article is devoted to the 150 anniversary from the date of foundation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University”. It is possible to claim that the agrarian science and agrarian education originate in Timiryazevke, the oldest and leading agrarian higher education institution of Russia. Here in 150 years the cohort of outstanding scientists, founders of the scientific and pedagogical schools, the directions and subject matters which glorified our Russian and Soviet science and education for the whole world was created. In article sources of origin of the scientific and pedagogical schools on agrarian economy concerning Petrovsky agricultural and forest academy are considered. A chronological framework of this consideration covers the temporary period from 1865 to 1917. Also researches on agrarian economy which were conducted during earlier period in the XVII-XVIII centuries are briefly noted. The important role of continuity of generations of scientists in formation scientifically - pedagogical schools, the main works and researches, the considered scientists in the field of agrarian economy is shown. It is noted that the creative heritage of many scientists isn't appreciated and not used in today's realities, and scientific researches are actual and today. Scientific heritage of economists-agrarians so significantly for contemporaries that the ideas containing in it and methodical approaches demand carrying out new researches, their critical reconsideration, active interest in persons of scientists, preparation of bibliographic materials on their creativity and heritage.

Sanctions and countersanctions: some results for the countries of the west and russia

In article the happened changes in the food market of Russia after introduction of the sanctions mode by the countries of the West and countersanctions of Russia are considered: reduction of import and change of structure of suppliers, complication of credit conditions of agricultural producers, extent of filling with a domestic production of the arisen commodity niches, differentiation in development of separate branches, decrease in level of consumption of food by the population, growth of food inflation. The period January-July 2015 by 2014 and 2014 by 2013 were chosen as the period of research. It is noted that in connection with inertness of the agrofood sector of economy not capable to sharp structural changes and rapid growth, existence of long-term consistent and clear policy is necessary for its sustainable development. The period of embargo will be obviously insufficiently for the radical modernization of agro-industrial complex, sharp development existing and creation of absolutely new capacities and even branches. Headed for import substitution has to provide the state measures which will allow not to reduce rates of development of agro-industrial complex in case of cancellation of embargo and strengthening of ruble exchange rate. In case of cancellation of all sanctions and countersanctions Russia will return to need of performance of conditions of the WTO therefore the state support by measures of "a yellow basket" will be reduced.

Regional features of economic regulation of dairy cattle breeding

In terms of reforming the agriculture of the country fundamentally changes the approach to ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural producers. Rendering full assistance to the sector increases the competitiveness of this industry, the appearance of additional resources that create relevant part of the demand for factors of production, increases the attractiveness of the sector for credit, investment and other institutions. The purposes of implementation of actions for development of production of dairy products is ensuring import substitution and increase of level of consumption of dairy products for the account increase in production of whole-milk production, butter and cheese from own raw material resources, and also increase in use of whey at the food purposes. Public-private partnership to increase milk production and the regulation of its market contributed to reduction of production and financial risks and support the stability of the situation on the dairy market. However, the problem on ur-regulation of the market remain not fully resolved. So, with increasing milk production immediately reduced the purchase price, and all the income from the additional milk produced is redistributed to pererab around and trading enterprises. Agricultural producers in such conditions there are no funds not only for expanded-tion of reproduction on the basis of innovation, but even for simple reproduction. To solve these problems through the development of such forms of state-private partnership as a the creation in each region dairy cluster.