
Issue № 2, February 2016, article № 14

Production and realization of organic vegetables and fruit in foreign countries

The current situation in organic market and the future of its fruit and vegetable segment both in Russia and in the world are analyzed. Practically in all developed countries and in many developing countries (all such countries in 2013 was 82) the organic legislation created on the basis of organic standards, regulating of production, quality and realization of organic production. The areas under organic vegetables in the world had a steady tendency to growth. Production of organic berries and other organic fruits in the world extends due to organic wild. One of the essential factors limiting development of this direction is allocation of zones of collecting wild plants and the organization of environmental control over the respective territories regarding pollution from external sources. Demand for organic fruit and vegetable products in the world increases in spite of the fact that in the different countries bonus price extra charges at producers, processors, and wholesale dealers are established. The state directly or indirectly guarantees reliability of certification of organic fruit and vegetable products and the available marking. The majority of the directions of organic agriculture, from the power point of view, are more effective in comparison with traditional agriculture. In the majority of the countries the level of financial support of producers of organic fruit and vegetable products per hectare is higher, than an appropriate level of a passing braid of producers of field cultures, livestock and other agrarian production. The market of organic production in Russia is in an initial stage of the development. Researches on identification of territories of the most suitable for development of the market of fruit and vegetable products are actual for Russia taking into account influence ecological and socio-economic factors.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 1

Need of updating of the doctrine of food security of the russian federation

An actual problem of scientific research of scientists-economists is insufficiency of study of methodology of research of food security, indistinct understanding of essence of the category, an assessment of its state in relation to the world community, the state and the person, the used system of indicators. When updating separate provisions of the Doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation it is offered: 1) to specify essence and the content of the concepts "food security" and "food independence", considering that the food security is more complex concept; 2) to develop the generalized indicator of food independence on set of all types of foodstuff and agricultural raw materials for their production; 3) to expand and specify system of indicators of an assessment of food security, having divided them into the main by which criteria are determined and threshold values, and conditions of food security of the country, the characteristic of collective security, additional, necessary for a complex assessment, are approved; 4) to expand the list of production by which threshold values of food independence are determined, having added it with vegetables and melon, fruit and berries; 5) to provide development of target programs and separate subprogrammes regarding development of production it is material-technical resources for agriculture, food and processing industry and their technical and technological modernization; 6) to make the changes, additions and concrete obligations concerning use of system of measures in the sphere of production and a turn of agricultural production, raw materials and food; 7) to specify and expand system of the measures connected with production and a turn of foodstuff and agricultural raw materials and directed on optimization of the interindustry economic relations. It is just necessary to prepare the National report on a condition of food security of the country.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 2

Resource and innovative strategy of import substitution: problems of formation and realization

In modern conditions of business the development and the deployment of resource and the innovative strategy of import substitution are offered, its contents are proved. The analysis shows that the realized State program of development of agriculture has generally declarative character with pointed support of separate subsectors. The program for the parameters of production and financial security isn't directed on a necessary innovative way of development with the solution of all complex of problems of ensuring food security. The definition of ways of the transition of Russia from a raw model of economy to the innovative and resource is extremely important in the light of quite frank geopolitics of the USA. On the basis of statistical data and an expert assessment dynamics of development of agro-industrial production of Russia is shown: a reduction of cultivated areas, low rates of development of animal husbandry, disturbing situation in providing with financial and material resources, a high level of poverty of residents of the village. For increase of level of use of resource potential and innovative activity the directions, mechanisms and conditions of formation and realization of resource and innovative strategy locate, the system of measures for correction of an agrarian policy is offered. A need of development of the new Program of restoration and development of agro-industrial production on the basis of use of the principles of formation of resource and innovative strategy of import substitution is proved. The offered strategy will provide animated economic growth thanks to distribution of innovations in use of production resources. It doesn't oppose resources and innovations, and unites them, increasing opportunities both those, and others. Fair appeals to innovations have to be supported with specific large-scale actions of the effective structural transformations based on modernization of production and restructuring of branches of agrarian and industrial complex and, especially, agriculture. Strategy has to provide synergetic interaction of the institutional environment, innovations of production and social infrastructure.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 3

A conceptual approach to development of strategy of innovative development of of the far east agro-industrial complex

Innovative development is considered by authors as dynamic process of quantitative and high-quality changes of system according to the purpose of its development under the influence of factors of environment and own innovative potential. In the conditions of limitation of resources and essential differentiation in territorial development of economic systems of regional level ensuring high rates of development at the same time in all territories and in all branches is represented impossible. In justifying the concept of strategy of innovation development the focus was on such elements as justification of strategic goals of innovation development, the choice of the model of innovative development, localization theories of innovation development, determination of priority directions of innovation and its types, the choice of innovation in accordance with the purposes of development of the system, the formation of the management system innovation, justification of mechanism of realization of strategy of innovative development. Selected the principles of forming the plurality of strategic goals of innovative development. Established that the strategy of innovation development of agro-food sector should be tailored to the low receptivity of economic agents of agriculture to innovations and enforce the proportionality of the range of tasks of long-term development of agro-economic systems with the problems of innovative development. In developing the concept of innovative development of the agro-food complex should be based on that socio-economic potential is distributed unevenly, territorial entities of different types vary greatly in the level of production, human capital, quality of life, research and development capabilities. Authors formulated the provisions which are the cornerstone of development of the concept of development of the innovative focused agrarian and industrial complex of the Far East. In article the set of strategic objectives of development of the innovative focused agrarian and industrial complex of the Far East considering specifics of regions, a level of development of agricultural production and a place of an agro food complex in regional economy is defined.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 4

Public-private partnership is as a model of development of innovative national economy

Modern development of the public-private partnership (PPP) is defined by a number of the factors influencing increase in scales and types of interaction of business and the power. Projects of public-private partnership are developed more than in 50 countries of the world. PPP gives the chance to use resources of private business in various branches and spheres which are property of the state, for increase in efficiency of an expenditure of budgetary funds. Educational institutions, the medical centers and hospitals, social housing are the main objects of the PPP program, mainly on the basis of model of management (concession) and the conclusions of contracts for management. Complexity of projects of public-private partnership, insufficiency of the institutional environment, lack of experience and competence of the relevant authorities, complex character of contracts and their long term of realization define the main problems of development and use of PPP. The state innovative policy depends on use of concrete measures which are aimed at the accelerated innovative development (various privileges, financial support, measures for improvement of interaction of science and business), and also from cast of the state and the private sector in these processes. 70 of 83 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation have regional laws on participation in PPP. In 2014 at implementation of all projects the following forms were used: concession - 53‰; the regional law - 35‰; the forms close to PPP - 12‰. At implementation of projects, innovative, risky, but so actual for development of the Russian economy, the use of the PPP tools can provide more effective interaction of business and the state.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 6

Whether sale of equipment to collective farms was ruinous for them?

The article deals with the question whether the sale of equipment to kolkhozes since 1958 has broken them. Agricultural works were carried out before this decision by state machine-tractor stations. MTS were a certain tool of carrying out policy of the state in relation to the peasantry, they did it completely dependent on the state, and natural deliveries of production for the works performed by MTS represented guarantees of obtaining certain volumes of the food in the state funds for low prices during this period. In 1952, Vladimir Wenger in letters to Stalin made a proposal to sell equipment to the kolkhozes. They recognized that collective farms are independent cooperatives which already possess a certain property on means of production (small stock, cattle, material current assets) and are economically able to get the technician and having exempted the state from these capital investments. Stalin criticized the proposal, arguing that its implementation will lead to the ruin of the kolkhozes. This sale was carried out at the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev as since the middle of 1953, the state headed for strengthening of material and economic resources of collective farms, increase of purchase prices, increase in the income of collective farmers and development of other forms of the state support of agriculture. The analysis of available statistical data does not show any symptoms of violations of financial and economic activity of kolkhozes for the period 1958-1965 years. The estimated cost of the transferred assets amounted to a relatively small value with respect to the amount of growing fixed assets of collective farms, their annual revenue and investments. It is impossible to claim that kolkhozes couldn't redeem in due time a tractor and other equipment. Comparison of dynamics of number of tractors in agriculture of various republics of the USSR from 1953 for 1960 shows that the lowest growth rates of number of tractors in agriculture were in RSFSR but not in Ukraine or Kazakhstan. The destruction of farms is Stalinist myth.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 7

Stability of production of grain in the russian federation

A grain farm of the country concentrates nearly over two thirds of crops of grain crops in regions of unstable moistening. It characterizes the high variability of production of grain. Instability of production of grain negatively influences market conditions of the grain market, leads to introduction of administrative barriers, increases commercial risks. In recent years feature of development of the grain market consists available rather stable and low-elastic demand and sharp jumps in the offer of grain in bumper-crop and lean years. Stability of a grain farm which characterizes dynamics of its development is considered, reflects degree of reliability and efficiency of economic activity of grain branch for the purpose of fuller accounting of set of the factors influencing results of functioning of grain branch. For studying of fluctuations of production of grain temporary ranks of cultivated areas of grain crops, their gross collecting and productivity for the 50-year period countrywide and on group of regions with production of grain over one ton on the person in 2011-2014 were created. For the considered period considerable fluctuations of production of grain per capita as countrywide, and in a section of regions are observed. It is proved that production of grain in the regions of the country conducting the grain producers is placed in a zone of unstable agriculture and, despite considerable specific all in the all-Russian production, is unstable. Extensiveness of the territory of the country and a wide circulation of cultivation of grain crops on regions of the country allows smoothing a variability of production of grain countrywide. Decrease in a high variability of a grain yield of cultures on regions of the country requires creation of innovative and investment model of development of a grain farm.

Issue № 1, January 2016, article № 8

Grain market of russia: assessment of features of functioning

Ensuring balance of production and consumption of grain is the major task for the state therefore the special attention needs to be paid to regulation of the grain market. In article the main tendencies of development of the Russian market of grain in the conditions of sanctions are considered, the main positive and negative consequences and the directions of their influence are given in the domestic grain market of the country, the share of grain crops in export of the Russian grain and volumes of purchasing interventions is shown. The main objective of carrying out the state purchasing interventions is stabilization of the prices in the market of agricultural production, raw materials and food, and maintenance of level of the income of agricultural producers. At market condition change by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation the intervention prices are adjusted. Now in intervention fund there are more than 2 million t of grain. Because of depreciation of the ruble doing deliveries to foreign markets more favorable in comparison with sales within the country the export customs duty on wheat was entered. The expert community negatively estimates the decision on introduction of export duty and its short-term, and, above all strategically long-term influence on development of grain branch. Introduction of paid driving through federal highways for trucks also has negative impact on the grain market. The current and possible devaluation processes in medium-term prospect will have serious impact on price indicators of the market.