
Development of functions of the public and economic administration of agrarian and industrial complex of russia

The improvement of a control system in the agrarian and industrial complex is one of the main directions of increase of efficiency of agrarian economy and branch management. The variety of application of the concept "function of management" by scientists-economists consists of their different specification. The mechanism of performance of functions of the public and economic administration is the defining factor of stabilization and development of agrarian production. The transformation of functions of management in connection with transition to the market is considered, theoretical and methodical approaches for the solution of actual problems of functional development of the public and economic administration which will increase efficiency of controllability production, economic and social processes in branch are proved in article. In the course of execution of functions the operating body solves all complex of objectives on achievement of the purpose and ensuring effective functioning of object of management within the set parameters. The presented list of functions of body of economic board by rural territories in the form of association (union) continues functions of the objects of management located in the territory of the region. It should be noted that the considerable part of functions isn't carried out fully because of imperfection of system of economic and management. In process of social and economic development of society the role of control functions amplifies.

Conditions and factors of growth of efficiency administrative work

Administrative work has a number of specific features in subjects, means, results of work, and ways of an assessment of its efficiency. Work of heads and experts is necessary and productive work, as well as work of workers, however has a special productive form. Allocation of a role of the administrative personnel in development of the agricultural organizations in the modern changed conditions of the external and internal environment allows defining its place in activity of the agricultural organization and extent of influence on organizational and administrative processes for management efficiency increase. The author made the list of the factors influencing efficiency of administrative work and also groups of organizational and economic, ecological and administrative factors which have special impact on administrative work in agricultural production are allocated. The developed correlation and regression model confirmed dependence of results of agricultural production on security with administrative shots, there is a direct link between the specific weight of executives and economic indicators of activity of the agricultural organizations, and influence on indicators of the agricultural organizations for the Russian Federation in general stronger, than across the Yaroslavl region. It is necessary to optimize the number of the administrative personnel and funds for compensation taking into account load of the head and experts, thereby optimizing expenses of the organizations and raising efficiency of work of employees of management.

Issue № 2, February 2016, article № 10

Management of the agrarian region: planning and forecasting of social and economic development

The role of regional forecasting of parameters of social and economic development increases in modern conditions. The results of forecasting are prime reference points during the planning of values of indicators and control of their execution in future periods of time. Usually forecasting of social and economic development is based on the traditional extrapolation of the studied indicator based on the revealed regularities of a tendency of its change. However thus only time factor is considered, but a tendency in change interconnected with the studied indicator aren't taken into account. Authors at implementation of scenario forecasting of indicators of social and economic development offer to use complex econometric model. Scenario forecasting of the generalizing indicators of social and economic development of Stavropol Territory with development of long-term trajectories of extrapolation of indicative variables is carried out (the gross regional product per capita, the average monthly nominal added salary, unemployment rate, the income of the consolidated budget of the region). The developed technique included the creation of model, the substitution of the received options of projections for factorial variables in the model equation for receiving various probabilistic trajectories of change of indicative variables in the predicted period 2013-2025, the selection of expected scenarios (pessimistic, optimistic, inertial), the conditional allocation of the temporary periods of change of expected values of the studied indicative indicators, the comparison of the received expected indicators with the planned values in a state program of social and economic development of Stavropol Territory, the recommendation about revision of the planned values, the identification of the reasons of current situation and development of the detailed program of correctional actions. The presented technique of multiple-factor scenario forecasting of social and economic development has ample opportunities in the solution of applied problems of development, monitoring and correction of indicative indicators of strategic programs of management of the agrarian region as spatial localized system.

Issue № 2, February 2016, article № 11

Statistical analysis of the status and use of agricultural land in russia

In Russia in the course of transformations in economy for the last quarter of the century the influence of economic activity on structure, quality and use of agricultural lands (annual reduction of their sizes, decrease in fertility of soils, destruction of system of melioration, etc.) were significantly changed. It is characteristic that all this began to be reflected in economic activity that causes the necessity of studying of these processes. The purpose of article is the analysis of the happening changes in use of agricultural lands since 1990 in economic activity, environment in their interaction, interdependence and interrelation. The article gives a statistical analysis of the size, condition and quality of agricultural land for the years 1990-2014, evaluated the impact on them of economic activities and results of the federal program. The results of the All-Russian agricultural census of 2006 were considered in the analysis. The author allocated a number of negative tendencies in use of the land: reduction for 40‰ of agricultural lands, increase in lands in settlements, change of structure of land, decrease in the area of the irrigated and drained lands, noticeable decrease in cadastral cost of lands, reduction of agricultural grounds in regions with favorable conditions for farming. For ensuring food security of the country and import substitution it is necessary to restore quality of soils, to involve not used lands in agriculture, to increase the state support of agriculture, to restore material base. It is necessary to raise the level of the income of agricultural producers and level of an intensification of production

Issue № 2, February 2016, article № 12

Issue № 2, February 2016, article № 13

Consumer cooperation in infrastructure of the food market

Current consumer cooperation led by Tsentrosoyuz of the Russian Federation acts as an organic element of socioeconomic system of the country. In article the place, a role and value of cooperation in satisfaction of inquiries of the person in various spheres of production and life reveals, the basic principles of cooperation are formulated. It is featured consumer cooperation, consumer cooperatives, the cooperative unions, the shareholders promoting development of the rural territory, preservation of a rural landscape. The main directions of development of horizontal and vertical cooperation in agro-industrial complex are considered. The factors constraining development of cooperation in the village are revealed, offers on increase of efficiency of activity of cooperative forms are formulated. In increase of overall performance of system of consumer cooperation the important place occupies professional development of cooperative workers. The special place in system of consumer cooperation is allocated for carrying out scientific researches and expansion of their subject. Promotion of cooperative ideology promotes involvement in consumer cooperation of new shareholders. The conclusion is drawn on need of harmonious cooperation of consumer cooperation with authorities at the local, regional and national levels. The state support of cooperation includes economic, organizational, political levers and financial and economic incentives. Thus new workplaces are created, employment of the population useful work increases, unemployment is reduced, and financial position of rural inhabitants improves.