
Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 7

About problems of monitoring of innovative activity in agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

Exit of agrarian economy from a crisis state, steady functioning of agriculture, and also other spheres of agrarian and industrial complex, ensuring competitiveness of the domestic food is inseparably linked with activization of innovative processes. Innovative processes in agriculture differ in variety of regional, branch, functional, technological and organizational features. The article discusses trends, styles and types of innovation, especially innovation processes in the agricultural sector, highlighted the problem of monitoring innovation sectors of agriculture complex, the necessity of monitoring the innovation leaders in the agricultural sector, with a view to an objective analysis of the innovative activities of organizations, industries, agribusiness offered its monitoring methodology for the proposed groups of indicators, terms of gathering information and implementing this work. In practical work of the agricultural organizations it is extremely important to use all system of innovations in a complex that will allow gaining the highest effect of their introduction. Still the mechanism of the accounting of expenses and results from innovative activity in the agricultural organizations, other enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex isn't adjusted. All this, and also problems of financing, the state support of innovative activity slow down development of agriculture on an innovative basis and without their permission revival and development of agriculture is impossible. At collection of information and calculation of indicators for innovative activity it is necessary to be guided by the methodical provisions developed and used by bodies of Federal State Statistics Service.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 10

Changes in population density in areas with different types of agricultural structures

The article is written on the basis of the research «To develop methods for evaluating the impact of agricultural structures at the efficiency of agriculture» made in All-Russian Institute for Agrarian Issues and Informatics named after A.A Nikonov (2015). Population density is one of the most important indicators of statistics of the population on which dynamics it is possible to draw certain conclusions about development or degradations of concrete territories. Density of rural people in areas and the created type of agrarian structure are interconnected The article is focused on the study of the dynamics of population density, as well as rural population density at the district level based on the data base formed by the authors from Rosstat data for 2002 and 2012. Also the dynamics of these indicators were studied by types of agricultural structures of the districts allocated on the basis of prior research of the authors. The conclusion about the depopulation of the increasing number of districts was made: during the study period (2002-2012) the number of districts with a very low (less than 2.5 people / km) population density increased by 16‰. The rural population decreased more rapidly: in 2002 the districts with a density of rural population less than 11.5 persons /sq km amounted to 46‰ of the total, but in 2012 they comprised of more than a half of the total number of districts (50.2‰). In 2012, more than half of the population of Russia (53‰) and 55‰ of the rural population were living in areas of predominantly family small-scale type of agricultural production. This exacerbates the problem of rural development, as in the current state family small-scale type of agricultural production is not the case of development of commercial farming, but rather means of survival of the population. It is recommended to add indicators of groups of population density and density of rural people to the list of the indicators traced by service of statistics, to use their dynamics as the indicators characterizing implementation of the FTP "A sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period till 2020".

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 11

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 13

Possibilities of development of trade and economic cooperation of the countries of BRICS

The article deals with the issues of trade in agricultural products and food in the BRICS countries, the role of trade in food security in these countries. The world trade in agricultural products and food on the BRICS countries accounted for 14‰. The article presents data on volumes of export and import of agricultural products, the main types of products purchased and delivered to the world market. The analysis of trade in agricultural products within the Community, the issues of Russia's trade with each of the BRICS: China, Brazil, India and the Republic of South Africa (RSA). It was found that Russia has a negative trade balance with almost all of the BRICS countries. Russia has the most dynamically developing trade relations with China. Russia has the largest trade turnover with this country (in 2014 - 4.5 billion USD.), And the least negative trade balance. Despite the significant turnover of agricultural products from Brazil - 3.54 billion dollars, the trade deficit in trade with this country was in 2014 - 3.48 million USD. The article describes the potential development of trade relations between Russia and each of the BRICS countries. Special attention is paid to issues of regulation of trade between the BRICS countries, particularly their customs policy, the role of tariff regulation in the development of trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs between the BRICS countries. Further expansion of commercial relations assumes: creating favourable conditions for development of mutual trade of the countries and direct foreign investments; optimization of structure of a foreign trade turnover the food, technical assistance for increase in a production and export potential of member countries, rapprochement of requirements and the practicing of customs services.

The formation mechanism of implementation of innovative scenario of development of the regional agro-industrial complex

The innovative scenario of development of an agrofood complex demands use of ideology of the innovative and technological break. The model of the development process and implementation of the strategy of innovative development of economic system were considered. This model describes the logical relationship of the stages of forming the strategy and control over its execution. As the main elements of this process are the following: the organization of management of innovative development; monitoring the impact of innovation on the development of the system and increase of its competitiveness; the assessment of quality changes of the economic system and usefulness of the further implementation of the strategy. The essence of the road maps as an instrument of innovation planning and their main types were described. Concluded that the territorially dispersed of the business entities of the agro-food complex, the low level of the concentration of agricultural capital, inability to carry out or finance scientific research require the establishment at the regional level special organizations which let to consolidate the innovative interests of all economic entities of the agrarian sector and to form the steady demand for the different investments. It was offered the scheme, which shows the mechanism of implementation the innovation scenario of the development of the regional agro-industrial complex. The core of this complex will be the special Centre which will exercise the functions of management of innovation development of the regional agro-industrial complex and coordinate the interaction of the subjects of innovation activity. : The development of strategy of innovative growth, the formation of the innovative environment, the development of regional target programs and innovation and investment projects are presented as the main competences of this mechanism.

Self-exploitation of work and capital and stability of development of dairy cattle breeding

The growth of an intensification of agrarian production on an innovative basis significantly increased value of the capital as production factor in branches of agrarian and industrial complex. The growth in capital intensity and production concentration in branch increases a relevance of analysis property relations, problems and their impact on the efficiency of milk production, sustainability of dairy farming. Scientific and technical progress in the agrarian sphere led to a situation when the factor defining rates of development of production in agrarian and industrial complex is more increasing the capital presented both in the "substantiated" form and in the form of is not substantiated - knowledge, "know-how", "the human capital". Underestimation of potential of development of averages by the size of the agricultural organizations which are engaged in production of milk is one of the reasons of low rates of development of branch. The head-owner connects with agrarian production not only business, but also activity. There is an effect of "self-operation" of the capital and work of the businessman head. The conclusion is drawn that if the owner of a large-scale enterprise is directly the management of the agricultural organization or the farmer, stability of innovative and investment process, stability of increase in production regardless of market condition is significantly higher in comparison with a situation when the owner is "the external investor".

Import substitution in the market of milk: problems and possible solutions

The introduction of the special economic measures which provide an opportunity for domestic milk producers to replace 22‰ of the dairy market has not led to the increase in milk production. The article reveals the factors determining the low efficiency of milk production and negatively impacting on the solution to the import substitution problems. The measures of the state regulation of the industry which are currently used, the volume and mechanisms of the state support of milk producers are insufficient to improve the investment attractiveness of the industry of dairy cattle breeding and to ensure the producers competitiveness. The volume of the state support of the dairy cattle breeding reduces: from 34367.5 million rubles in 2013 to 23219.2 million rubles in 2015. The part compensation of the direct costs incurred for the creation and (or) modernization of the dairy cattle breeding complexes (dairy farms) will give the significant impulse to increase in the investment activity of the dairy cattle breeding industry. The increasing role of the state regulation of the milk and dairy products market, ensuring conditions of the fair producer’s competition, including the responsibility toughening of the food adulteration, is noted. The complex of measures which will contribute to the solution to the problems of the situation in the dairy cattle breeding and milk import substitution stabilization is defined.