
Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 9

Social justice and imperatives of economic policy of the region

The role of social justice in the economic relations in carrying out economic policy of the region is shown. Social justice is presented as a factor of social and economic development of regions. Recommendations about increase of level of social justice in the main directions of economic policy of regions of Russia are made. The content of economic and administrative aspects of ensuring social safety of the region is shown. In article the regional economic policy is defined as the generator and the carrier of social justice in the economic relations. The person as an active element of any social and economic system possesses such subjective property as sense of justice in general and social justice in the economic relations in particular. - the person we subjectively transfer this property from an atomic element to the organization and thus it is transformed to system property of social justice or injustice of economic system. Therefore, we can speak about justice or injustice in the economic relations, considering these processes at the level of the management of collectives, concrete enterprises, departments, is administrative - territorial educations, in particular subjects of the Russian Federation and authorities and public administration of the certain countries, and also on action of formal normative legal acts and informal conventional norms. Completely to consider all requirements of social justice at practical development of economic policy of the region, it is necessary to revise the maintenance of the basic directions of economic policy taking into account these requirements. The main recommendations about increase of level of social justice in the basic directions of economic policy of regions of Russia are listed in article. These recommendations from the point of view of principles of social justice have to set as the purpose improvement of quality of life of the population, competitiveness of regional economy, at last, of its social safety. Value and the content of economic and administrative aspects of ensuring social safety of the region are shown in article.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 10

The quality of life of rural population: technique of the assessment and regional comparisons

Improvement of quality of life also is one of main goals of a state policy. Now the result of programs is estimated mainly through achievement of planned targets. At the same time dynamics of level and quality of life while improvement of quality of life and is one of main goals of a state policy isn't taken into account. The article represents an analysis of statistical data, corresponding to life quality of rural population during 10-year period, by regions of Russian Federation. Analysis deals with such indicators as life expectancy, migration, income, housing, health care, education and safety. The best and the worst regions by each indicator are outlined in 10-year dynamics. The article contains the method of evaluation of life quality in rural areas. The regions with the best quality of rural life are situated in the south-west of Russia. Murmansk region and regions near the capitals (Moskovskaya and Leningradskaya) also have rather high quality of life. The lowest quality of life is in the regions of Siberia and Far East. Monitoring of indicators of quality of life of country people is useful for an assessment of development of rural territories and efficiency of a state policy. Carrying out monitoring requires improvement of statistical base of socio-economic indexes across rural territories, and also enrichment and development of techniques of an assessment of quality of life.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 11

Grain farms of china in the conditions of development of deflationary processes in world economy

There has been considered modern state of grain economy in China, which national economy is exposed to the risk from consequences of the third deflation wave of the word economy. However, China continues the own course of developing the grain economy in complete providing the population of the country with grain and grain products. The grain farm of China is the main subsector of agriculture, tends actual growth due to essential state support of producers of grain, the carried-out market reforms. There is presented analysis of dynamics in changes of sowing areas, yield and gross harvests of leading grain crops in China during last 6 years. There are demonstrated volumes of import-export operations with grain in 2014 and 2015 and mutual trade relations with Russia. There are reflected government measures on state support of farmer and family economies during production of rice, wheat, maize and prospects of self-providing Chinese population with those crops in the thirteenth five-years (2016-2020). Rent of lands for production of grain abroad by the government of China is considered as a way of satisfaction of a growing demand for grain production and also as a component of ensuring food security of the country. Acting as the large buyer of grain and as the trader, China which share in world trade in the next 5 years will reach 40‰, will influence essentially a condition of the world grain market, including pricing for grain, a balance of supply and demand.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 12

The role of scientific researches in increase of efficiency of agriculture of brazil

Jump in development which has happened in agriculture of Brazil in 1980-1990 turned the country from the importer into the exporter of agricultural production, in many respects is connected with scientific researches and a transfer, transfer of knowledge to agricultural producers. The aim of activities of agricultural research institutions in Brazil, which led by the scientific corporation Embrapa, is to solve practical problems that farmers face regarding the yield of their crops. All developments of the Corporation are serving this goal - innovative products such as hybrids, improved varieties, new pesticides, advanced agricultural technologies and agricultural management. Scientific organizations receive generous funding from the state budget. Among the main achievements of the Corporation is its contribution as a scientific organization to the expansion of agriculture through the development of savannas / cerrado and to successful biotechnological research on the creation of new highly productive soybean varieties - Brazil's primary crop - and other crops. The tremendous progress in Brazil's agriculture in recent years is being largely attributed to the introduction of those improved crop varieties. The scientific corporation sets the purpose of a strategic sustainable development of all agro sector: investments come back to society, promoting increase in output and its competitiveness, export growth and alignment of a level of development of various regions of the country. In sum, large investments in research were paid off by the increase in the volume of production, by export growth and increased competitiveness of Brazilian agricultural products in world food markets.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 1

Problems of updating of the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and the food for 2013-2020

The State program largely determines the development of agricultural production, and above all its bases - agriculture. It is a logical continuation of the first State Program, defines the goals, objectives and main directions of development of agriculture and agri-food market regulation, financial maintenance of and organizational and economic mechanisms of realization of the envisaged measures and indicators of their effectiveness. However, the use of the set estimated figures behind course and results of implementing the State programs does not give an unambiguous answer on the fulfilment of all its main activities and their effectiveness. Given these circumstances, impeding a more objective assessment of course and results of implementing the State programs, it advisable to: reduce quantitative composition of used estimated figures; structured with the State program, giving it a more logically verified structure; not to allow the annual adjustments the major activities of budgets by more than 10-15‰; more completely use of organizational and economic mechanism, aiming at efficient use of regional competitive advantages of the country; really reflect the stated objectives through the application of the major activities, the use of appropriate indicators; enhance the scientific support of the State program. The state program is the main tool on adaptation of the agrarian sphere of economy to requirements of the WTO, the Eurasian economic union and the Union State.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 2

Measures of the state stimulation of technical and technological modernization of agriculture at the federal level

Technical and technological modernization of agriculture is necessary for full providing the country with domestic agricultural production and its food independence of import. The data on federal support which are contained in the accepted official documents - an anti-crisis plan of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2015, the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, the Federal law "About the federal budget for 2016", resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation are provided in article; the arrived data from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, JSC Rosagro-leasing, the Central bank of the Russian Federation, JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Sberbank of Russia and the State customs committee of the Russian Federation. For preservation of rates of crediting of branch the size of an interest rate has to fluctuate within 5-7‰ a year. In the conditions of the increasing load of agricultural machinery use the experience of use of equipment in machine and technological stations is actual. One of the directions of federal support of technical and technological modernization of agriculture of Russia is creation of equal economic opportunities with the agricultural organizations for creation and use of the got profit that depends on the list and the size of collectable taxes.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 3

Comparative advantages of production of milk and prerequisite of formation of "a dairy belt" of Russia

Competitiveness of production of certain types of agricultural production depends on the level of realization of the advantages which are available for producers in specific climatic and productive and economic conditions. The article discusses the possibility of using methods of determining the comparative advantage and carried out their evaluation in dairy cattle breeding. Calculation of the index of "effective benefits" on the basis of the opportunity cost comparisons showed the presence of the comparative advantages of milk production in the regions located in the North-West European and North-East of Russia towards the region Black Earth region with higher agro potential. A comparative analysis of the growth rate of milk production and crops, the efficiency of investments in dairy farming in the regions of the European part of the Russian Federation confirms this position. The findings substantiate the feasibility of forming "milk belt" in the North-West European and North-East of the Russian Federation to ensure the growth of competitiveness of milk production, improve the sustainability of dairy farming and the effectiveness of budget support for the industry. The dairy cattle breeding in the North-West European and North-East, many other regions of Non-Black Earth Region of Russia possesses comparative advantages also rather European competitors that is connected with ampler opportunities of concentration of production of milk and realization of a scale effect in dairy animal husbandry of Russia.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 4

State regulation of fishery

It is necessary to understand the sphere of practical activities of public authorities connected with water biological resources and accompanying them from "the sea to a counter" for the purpose of ensuring food security of Russia, active presence of the country in the World Ocean (a fishing flotilla, research vessels, counteraction to the illegal, not registered, unregulated fishing) as state regulation of fishery. The following spheres of fishery are subject to public administration and regulation: water biological resources through system of quoting, sale of quotas from auctions, fishing sites, port economy and fish terminals in them, scientific maintenance, system of training, reproduction of fish by means of fish-breeding plants and protection of resources, other. Infrastructure facilities of fishery have the high capital cost therefore the enterprises of a fishery complex are in great need in participation of the state, both in a direct form, and in the form of public and private partnership. An essential role is played by the state in establishment of the bilateral relations with the countries in which exclusive economic zone the Russian vessels historically are engaged in fishery. Objects of material and technical resources of fishing industry and partially fish breeding are in a private property, but fishery is strategic object of regulation of the state. Regulation is made by both direct and indirect methods. Feature of public administration and regulation of fishery is caused by specifics of an object of the labor of branch.

Issue № 3, March 2016, article № 5

Evaluation of efficiency of agricultural production of Stavropol Krai

The article is devoted to estimation of productive and economic effectiveness of agricultural production in Stavropol Krai. Study is based on the hypothesis that to ensure the effectiveness of agricultural production must meet the level of resource ensuring of agricultural producers changing external conditions and the formation of technologically adapted branch operation mechanism; highlighted such conditions for effective agricultural production, as the modernization of machine and tractor fleet and equipment, improvement of soil fertility, the creation of science-based agricultural systems, the improvement of scientific and production, market and logistics infrastructure; along with that indicated the barriers to sustainable agroeconomic growth, particular, the high cost of production, price disparity, the liquidity crisis, backwardness of logistical and technological base. Study is based on the methodology of system approach to assessing the efficiency of agricultural production through the use of complex of parameters that characterize the cost-benefit ratio, yield crop and livestock production, quality and degree of use of the resource potential. There were identified the main directions of increase of efficiency of agricultural production in Stavropol Krai: material cost management; formation, use and updating of technical base; increasing crop yields through the optimization of their placement; development of incentive mechanism the sector; creation an adequate innovation infrastructure.