
Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 13

A condition and prospects of development of cooperative system in agrarian sector of economy

The importance and value of cooperation in the agricultural sector for the growth of social production, preservation of villages and development of rural territories is recognized by all public and state institutions, many нау3чноисследовательскими teams and practices-the foremost of the cooperative movement in rural areas. However, in recent years in the development of rural cooperatives negative trends: declining number of cooperatives is declining and their share in the total number of economic entities not provided due to the pace of economic growth, insufficient for the conduct of expanded reproduction is the level of competitiveness remains complex, and the financial condition of a significant part of cooperative groups. In this regard, the article examines the distinctive features and advantages of cooperatives over other organizational-legal forms of managing, the actual state of agricultural cooperatives in the current period and contributing to its causes, and prospects of the cooperative system to agricultural sector and priority measures, the development and the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of project indicators of the development of this system. Design indicators of growth of number of agricultural production and consumer cooperatives, and also social base of formation of them are given. If production in cooperative structures reaches 50 percent of total amount of agricultural production, then average annual rates of her growth in farms of all categories will make 4.2-4.7 percent. Considerably (by 1.75-2.0 times) calendar terms of import substitution of foodstuff and agricultural raw materials will be reduced.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 1

Whether is state regulation of agrarian economy necessary?

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the actual problem: how state regulation influences agricultural economics of the country. Such production needs of domestic AIC as innovative technologies, new staff, managers and high skilled personnel requirements have been considered, so they have an influence on market structures formation in essence. Studying of the state importance in realization of production requirements of our AIC has been displayed, it was made on bases of framed axiomatics and analytical device of mathematical logic and meta mathematics, reflected by Godel’s theorems. Rigorous mathematical substantiation of need the state to take part in permanent regulation of economic processes in AIC and the terms of Godel’s theorems usage for the solving of this task were justified. It was made a special emphasis on the fact that solving tasks of some system’s researching within the framework of the same system was impossible; it was necessary to enter the system of the next hierarchy level - the higher level - for solving of the task. The unique national peculiarities of nations, constructing national economics, have been taken into account. The problem of AIC regulation by the state is bolstered with the fact that domestic market is still rather young and cannot undertake the leading role in those blocks of AIC where it could do it. Keeping in mind that exchange relations were restored in Russia later then in other developed countries, it is suggested to make designing of market as social-economic hyper system; it would allowed to shorten considerably it’s formation period as a real national AIC and domestic economy regulator side by side with the state. One more state function, which is new to a certain extent for post-reform Russia, has been noticed; this is the function of employment population planning (we are interested in employment of rural population).

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 2

Quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the managerial personnel of the agricultural organizations

In the conditions of the global competition the qualified administrative shots more and more become a strategic factor, and their effective use in branch of agriculture turns into one of competitive advantages of the agrarian and industrial complexes organizations in the world commodity market. Lack of experience of the leading work, and also knowledge of heads in market economy and management of the modern enterprise significantly reduces efficiency of activity of the agricultural organizations. There are professional competence, activity and innovative approach of the solution of objectives, more than ever, important now. The vocational, age and gender structure of structure of shots of heads and specialists of the agricultural organizations is analysed. For last five years because of change of social and economic conditions and an aggravation of a demographic situation on the village reduction of number of heads and experts of agricultural production continues, the low saturation of the enterprises by certified specialists of the main services, especially economic and zootechnical is observed. The share of heads of a retirement age at insignificant increase in a share of youth till 30 years has increased. Frequent removability of heads isn't reflected in improvement of their qualitative structure. Organizational economic measures on macro-, meso- and microlevel, directed to improvement of current situation are necessary.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 3

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 4

The expert analysis of a condition of the market of beer production in russia

Under the influence of globalization processes the market of beer production has undergone large-scale changes, his most part is divided between foreign producers. As of August, 2015 in Russia 459 producers of beer have been registered. A support on domestic producer of raw materials is one of priorities of the beer companies. Reduction of the areas and productivity of summer grades of barley was led to reduction of total production in 2015 to 17.4 million t (in 2014 - 20 million t). The only raw position on which it is impossible to refuse completely import is a hop which production in Russia is insignificant. The Russian market of beer continues to develop and though it has serious problems, he has a restoration potential. A specific of the Russian market of beer is its high dependence on the formed public opinion. After rapid growth in the years of reorganization, now beer production is exposed to public criticism as a source of development of beer alcoholism. Considering this aspect, it is possible to claim that local brewing needs strengthening of PR activity and creation of own socio cultural rhetoric. In this regard, the question of new positioning of a product is particularly acute. Leaving from classical giving of consumption of beer as alcoholic drink, strengthening of attention on preservation of traditions and a socio cultural role of beer production in development of territories with emphasis on local patriotism is required.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 5

Effective underwriting: basis of economic security of insurance company

In modern economic conditions of agro business more and more actual is insurance. The modern system of agro insurance is one of alternative options of receiving guarantees on saving the income of an agricultural producer. Rules of the WTO focus the existing measures of the state support of agricultural producers on a green basket, one of measures of which is insurance. Agro insurance is the most fast-growing segment of the Russian insurance market (the gain in 2014 has made 35‰) and the most expensive type of insurance for insurers because of expenses. Now stagnation of the insurance market is followed by unprofitability growth. Underwriting represents the activity of the insurer directed to an assessment of the risks accepted on insurance, definitions of an adequate insurance tariff and conditions of insurance, formation of the profitable and balanced insurance portfolio. As the uniform system of an assessment of risks in agro insurance doesn't exist now, each insurance company defines individually for itself high-quality approaches of carrying out underwriting proceeding from the resources and views. The main approaches of carrying out underwriting at insurance of agricultural risks are reflected in article; the role of effective underwriting as bases of economic security of the insurance company which is carrying out the activity in the domestic agro insurance market is proved. Creation of the effective system of underwriting which is fundamentally fixed on a deep methodological basis is a guarantor of stability and economic security of insurance company. For high-quality management of unprofitability of an insurance portfolio and a sustainable development of domestic agro insurance, the qualified training of specialists of this profile by displaying of the international experience of effective system of an assessment of risk in practice of the Russian insurance companies is necessary.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 6

Investment assessment of agriculture of stavropol krai

The problem of an assessment of investment appeal is one of the most actual because on the one hand, branches of real sector of economy function in the conditions of deficiency of resource potential are in great need in investments, and with another - imperfection of the economic mechanism of management of investment activity, doesn't promote active inflow and effective use of investment investments. Especially it should be noted problems of agrarian branch which, despite efforts of the state, remains a little attractive to most of investors, but at the same time, is economically and Russia, socially important for regions. In this context in article the actual problems and shortcomings of the existing mechanism of attraction of investments into the agro sphere of certain regions of Russia reveal. The features of investment activity at the regional level exerting impact on algorithm of formation of investment appeal of agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol Krai are considered. The assessment of investment appeal in federal districts of the Russian Federation by means of her representation in the form of two interconnected elements - the investment potential and investment risk is given. The conclusion is drawn that in the conditions of an unstable macroeconomic situation key priorities in economy of Stavropol Krai are increase of investment appeal of the region in general, active support of the investment projects of Stavropol Krai directed to increase in production of competitive production, transition of economy of edge to the mode of innovative development, improvement of mechanisms of attraction of investments into region economy.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 7

Implementation of the federal target program "sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period till 2020" in 2015

In article results of implementation of the FTP «A sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period till 2020» in 2015 are stated, the unresolved problems and difficulties limiting performance by the village of his national functions are proved offers on increase of efficiency of program and target approach to development of rural territories. Realization of actions of the Program promoted a certain improvement of conditions of activity in rural areas: to providing villagers with housing, development of social and engineering infrastructure of the village. The main sources of financing of actions of the Program in general are means of the federal budget which make 38.5‰ of total amount of expenses, and means of the consolidated budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation - 37.8‰. At the same time the list and volumes of resource ensuring program actions don't provide the rates of development of housing, social and engineering infrastructure of the village necessary for implementation of serious high-quality shifts in the conditions of activity of country people. As a result the social and economic situation in the village remains difficult. Only the integrated approach to social development can provide formation in rural settlements of the conditions of activity necessary for performance by the village production and other national functions.

Issue № 4, April 2016, article № 8

Assessment of a level of development of the rural territories by regions of russia

In this article the scientific line item of authors according to which reconsideration of the accepted model of rural development and transition to the way of a sustainable development based on need of accounting of interests of all subjects of production, infrastructure, domestic, information and social space is necessary is stated. The integrated approach in case of development of conceptual provisions, the principles and development programs will allow considering contradictory tendencies in economy, ecology and the social sphere that to provide the operational solution of the main objective consisting in increase of level and improvement of quality of life of rural population. Aauthors have analyzed dynamics of the main indicators according to the accepted sustainability strategy of the rural territories of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030For increase of objectivity of results of research the assessment has been performed taking into account differentiation of regions on the number of rural population and a level of development of rural economy and infrastructure that has allowed to reveal important regularities and tendencies in change of socio-economic indexes. In article importance of an integrated approach in the solution of modern problems of the rural territories is emphasized that will allow to create in turn necessary prerequisites for stabilization and further development of an agricultural industry and ensuring food security of the country. Use of program and target approach at implementation of measures for support of agriculture promotes positive shifts of reproduction processes in branch and to increase of its efficiency. Use of all resources of modern potential of agriculture requires expansion of measures of the state support for financing, technical technologically to updating and attraction of investments.