
Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 3

Financing of a state program of development of agriculture of the republic of tatarstan

It is impossible to provide development of national economy and growth of welfare of society without successfully functioning agriculture. One of conditions of successful development of agriculture is ensuring his steady financing by use of various sources of monetary resources. In article the structure of financing of the State program «Development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2013-2020» is analyzed and ways of improvement of quality of financial service of agrarian sector in the conditions of the market are offered. The aim of article is to open the place, a role and a share of the republican budget in financing of agrarian sector, to formulate and offer approaches on satisfaction of inquiries of agriculture of Tatarstan in financially-credit service. Among regions of Russia Tatarstan is in the top three on output of agricultural production, satisfying needs of the population of the Republic for the main food completely. In the conditions of sanctions and embargo the importance of the choice of effective methods of increase of stability of the agricultural organizations has great importance. The basic principles of providing financial support to agrarian sector are generalized. The special place is given to increase of efficiency of agriculture, formation of own monetary resources at the expense of profit and to increase of profitability of the main production. Mechanisms of financial and credit support of the program for development of agriculture are considered. Offers on increase of efficiency of agrarian sector of Tatarstan are formulated. The conclusion is drawn that the organization of financing and support will give to agrarian sector steady growth rates of production that will allow to introduce certain amendments in social policy on development of the rural areas.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 4

Development of the human capital is a basis of modernization of agriculture

The growth of human needs has led to the need to update processes and the development of the information economy. With development of public progress and scientific knowledge of the person approaches to studying of features of the human capital in economy extend and go deep. As world practice shows, and domestic experience, the main sources of economic growth in the countries move from physical capital and natural resources to human capital as the main component of the national wealth. The implementation of national projects, concepts and strategies to the fore brought the problem of increasing the role of the Russian human capital, including those engaged in agriculture as a strategic sector of the economy, determining the level of food security and socio-economic development of the federal districts of the Russian Federation. The results of the analysis of parameters describing the need and actual provision, age structure, education and qualification level, the movement of workers in agriculture by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation, have allowed justifying the reasons for the unattractiveness of agricultural work for young professionals, and the main obstacles to development of rural human capital in modern conditions. Development of the human capital is in the lead in the list of ways of increase of competitiveness of the organizations. System approach is necessary for the solution of the problems of discrepancy of the human capital of agriculture to requirements of modern economy which were imminent for years. As the most significant conditions, limiting "the transformation of the Russian countryside", determined the need for active government policy human capital development of agriculture as the main directions of modernization of the social and economic potential of the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 6

Information support of the formation of the business model in the management accounting system

In the conditions of complication of structure of modern business a necessary factor of preservation of a strong financial position of the agricultural organizations is need of improvement of quality of the made administrative decisions. Every year, management accounts are increasingly being implemented in the activity of agricultural organizations. In the conditions of dynamic tools of management accounting in the corporate environment, its methodology undergoes some changes in the process of adaptation to the specific conditions of domestic business and industry characteristics. In this regard, many of the approaches to the development of information, economic units control system in the agricultural sector of the economy, has undergone significant changes. The features of the formation of the business model of agricultural organizations, specifying the essential contents of each of its sections (counterparties economic entity, activities, key resources and processes; consumer product value; characterization of interaction with customers, the formula of profit, market parameters subjects functioning) are given the tools and technology management accounting for each item of business models that contribute to obtaining relevant information for strategic decision-making. It is concluded that the feasibility of disclosing information on the business model implemented by Agriculture Organization as part of an integrated reporting or in the notes to the financial statements, which will subsequently lead to more efficient provision of information requests the main stakeholder groups and increase the investment attractiveness of the agricultural organizations.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 7

Improvement of the mechanism of anti-recessionary regulation of reproduction processes

Problems of regulation of reproduction processes in agrarian sector of economy are the most priority in the theory and practice of economic science. Individual ways of improving crisis management mechanism of reproduction processes are settling in the agricultural sector. It is shown that anti-crisis strategy, implemented by Russian government, is characterized as a survival strategy for the maintaining the reproductive processes during the recession and impacting the environmental factors in order to maintain their stability. The necessity of the transition to economic growth model, based on the expansion strategy, has been proven. Realization of policy of expansion within anti-recessionary strategy of development of agrarian sector of economy demands concentration of attention on a problem of increase of competitiveness and quality of domestic agricultural production. Principles of effective crisis management strategies in the agrarian sector of economy have been obtained. The conducted research contains system of measures and recommendations about improvement of anti-recessionary strategy of state regulation of reproduction processes in agriculture. The state impact on development of agrarian sector of economy can be strengthened by management of the following components of reproduction process in agriculture: quality of production, investment development, agrarian risks, and regulation of the markets of agricultural production. Realization of the proposed measures will provide conditions of stable conducting agrarian production and will create conditions for realization of a vector of steady growth during the post-crisis period of development of economy of Russia.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 8

Efficiency of transfer laylands to arable depending on duration of overgrowing of a site and a stage of succession

One of priority problems of modern agricultural production is preservation of soil resources in this connection search of effective ways of return of the thrown sites to structure of an arable land is necessary. This process is expensive, but invested funds will be paid with a harvest of grain crops which usually cultivate in the first year after development of laylands. A condition of a deposit on structure of a biocenosis variously depending on age of a deposit and genesis of soils. Violation of the natural balance in the soil deposits in the reduction of arable land is accompanied by changes in organic matter content, the total number of microorganisms and other properties. The article presents the results of field experience for plowing grass deposits at different depths and calculations of economic efficiency of production of cereals during the development of deposits of sites of varying degrees of overgrowth. It was found that over the 25-year period the lack of agronomic treatments on deposits of gray forest soil humus carbon content increased more than 1.7 times. The best reception, minimally reducing the intensity of mineralization of organic matter and do not affect the soil micro flora is Reversible shelling by 10-12 cm as the main reception plowing deposits. The highest profitability of grain production after the development of the overgrown areas obtained on the gray and dark gray forest soils (36-48‰) at the initial stage of overgrowing their grassy vegetation.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 9

Formation of land and soil accounts

Currently used analytical tools and indicators of macroeconomic development of the country do not adequately reflect environmental concerns. We need to improve the methodological basis of macroeconomic statistics of the natural environment and its linkages with agriculture to obtain more reliable information about the condition of a particular region. The methodology of the accounting of cost of assets should be developed, proceeding from features of the Russian statistics, relying at the same time on the international experience. A common problem for all countries is that traditional approach to calculation of a pure gross product doesn't take degradation of surrounding environment into account. The paper proposes the formulation of macroeconomic accounts from the municipal level to aggregated information at the level of region and country. For example, the assets accounts for land cover and soil resources are developed according to cartographic survey of the Borovsky district of the Kaluga region. The analysis has shown that in the region the earth of poor and average quality are brought out of a turn generally. In General, the developed base map is enough to make most accounts (balance sheet) assets land and soil resources. However, for a more complete and comprehensive reflection of soil resources in physical terms, it is recommended to add indicators of soil properties that reflect the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soil, like porosity, structure, pH and microbial biomass. There is a problem of recalculation of the main macroeconomic indicators taking into account resource depletion.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 11

Analysis of results of the state support of agriculture

With change of market conditions the state maintenance of agriculture is still actual. In article the analysis of results of the state support of agriculture for the purpose of obtaining the answer to a question of her need is carried out. Methods and instruments of the state support of agriculture can't be identical in all countries, despite more and more the extending globalization process. In the course of world globalization questions of import were widely adopted since the beginning of political economy as sciences, however views of this phenomenon changed in a historical retrospective. In recent years the policy of import substitution of production is chosen that demonstrates refusal of the Russian Federation of neoliberal policy in agriculture. In article the analysis of the prices of producers of dairy products and conditions of technical base of the agricultural organizations is made. The comparison of a gain of milk yield in the USA and Russia is executed. The analysis of a state policy of import substitution and an assessment of its efficiency taking into account a foreign trade turnover in the Russian Federation is carried out. Many countries of Europe have also chosen a way of import substitution as an element of the state strategy of development. The chosen policy of import substitution and innovative development promotes improvement of real sector of economy, therefore, exerts positive impact on agriculture and other sectors of agrarian and industrial complex. Crisis situations always promote changes, and depends only on our efforts whether there will be these changes in agriculture positive or negative.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 12

Method of an assessment of efficiency of agro food policy of the region

The paper proposes a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the region's agricultural and food policy, which allows determining the integral index: the index of the effectiveness of agro food policy, calculated on the basis of economic, financial and social performance indicators. The author defines the types of efficiency of agricultural and food policy in the region. Revealed and systematized criteria and performance indicators of agro food policy, which allowed identify, characterize and develop the existing methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of agro food policy. For each indicator of the effectiveness of agricultural and food policy in the region established evaluation criteria and thresholds of indicators. Based on the determination of the threshold values of the index of efficiency of agricultural and food policy in the region, established a correspondence between the range of values of the indicator and the actual achieved level of effectiveness of agro food policy at the regional level of the economy. A method of assessing the effectiveness of the region’s agricultural and food policy is approved on statistics SFD. The proposed assessment methodology is universal and can be applied in other regions and macro-regions of Russia. The obtained data can be used when planning and developing methods and tools of economic policy of the region that will allow to increase the level of economic, social, financial efficiency of measures of agro food policy.