
Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 6

The consolidation measures of the state support of milk production

There is a brief description of the state of dairy cattle breeding in Krasnoyarsk region. The system of measures of the state support of agriculture isn't perfect therefore undergoes continuous changes. The variety of measures of support promotes reduction of volume of direct subsidizing that complicates objectivity of an assessment of level of subsidizing, leads to increase in document flow, and lack of restrictions leads to absence of control of granting and use of budgetary funds. The support measures for agriculture are classified by two signs: on impact on the object of subsidizing and on the nature of participation in production process. It is proposed to amalgamate measures of state support of milk production, by combining the following budget appropriations in the amount of unified support: subsidies for co-financing of expenditure obligations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the reimbursement of part of expenses of agricultural producers per 1 litre (kg) of sold commodity milk; subsidies to support livestock breeding subsidies for livestock products; subsidies to support the delivery of seeds for cultivation of fodder crops in the far North and equivalent areas, including crop production on low-yielding lands; grants to co-finance expenditure obligations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to compensation of interest on short-term credits (loans) on the development, processing and sales of products. Systematically-planned support in turn will provide more efficient use of subsidies and development of branch of dairy cattle breeding.

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 7

The efficiency of domestic vegetable production

The identification of reserves of increase of production efficiency is obviously important both for the producer, and for the consumer of vegetable production. The level of efficiency of domestic vegetable production determines the possibilities of self-sufficiency of the population with food, which seems relevant due to imposed economic sanctions and reduction of the supply of the domestic market of the imported vegetable products. The article presents the analysis of the current level of efficiency of vegetable production, as an economic sector in the context of Federal districts, regions and republics, as well as the magnitude of the current producers. The main tendencies in modern domestic vegetable production in General were identified and based on a detailed study of the statistical materials, reporting and documentation of agricultural producers in several regions of the Russian Federation. A study of the cost structure allowed us to determine the re-serves to reduce costs associated directly with the production and promotion of vegetable production to the market. The reserves of growth of efficiency of production of vegetable products and possible directions of development were revealed and formulated on the basis of the results of the study. The scale of production, effective and affordable measures of the state support, technical and technological reequipment of production, which are generally allowed to supply the market with domestic products qualitatively and quantitatively meet the needs of the domestic market are the important ways in improving the efficiency of production.

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 8

The economical and statistical analysis of wages in agriculture

The low appeal of agriculture for manpower is one of basic unresolved tasks which don't allow reaching expanded reproduction in agriculture. In research we carried out economic and statistical analysis of wages in agriculture, including a research of a level and stratification of wages in the industry, the study of the variability of the main trends in labour market indicators. In the process, the authors developed the method typification of the regions on the level of wages in agriculture and the method of forecasting the average wage in the industry, the dignity which is the reconciliation of wages with the most important indicator of the effectiveness of human capital - labour productivity. Expected indicators are received: at labour productivity level of the worker of 764 thousand roubles the average level of a salary in agriculture in 2016 will make from 17870 to 22176 rub. Typification of regions has revealed essential distinctions in compensation level on territorial units. The average monthly nominal salary in agriculture in general across the Russian Federation in 2014 in comparison with 2013 has increased by 12,5‰, at simultaneous growth of the indicator of a salary by 13,2‰ and decrease by 1‰ because of deterioration in structure. The offered statistical methods of an assessment of a salary in agriculture will allow to receive as a result of the analysis reliable conclusions about her level and differentiation, and also to establish the reasons of low "labour" appeal of branch.

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 10

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 11

The experience of carrying out land reforms in india

India takes the third place in the world on production of agricultural production and has the biggest area in the world of the irrigated lands. In the country the system of a private property on the earth is developed, and further development of agriculture is at a loss private interest of large landowners land owners. The land in India is an object of the state control, and in each state there are features of the rights for rent. The main objectives of land reform in India after the achievement of independence were: a) the struggle with poverty; b) cancellation of the mediation in land transactions; c) land lease reform; d) ensuring the transparency of land transactions; e) redistribution of public land reserve; f) increasing the area of cultivated land. For more than 60 years of reform most of the tasks has not been solved. The main success of Indian land policy lies in the evolution of mediator institutions in land transactions, computerization of all land services and land renters. In the result of the land reform three tasks were not solved: cancellation of big landowner's properties; cancellation of land sales limits; liberalization of leasing laws. Main articles of new Acquisition Act were analyzed. The most criticized topic in this Acquisition Act is the rule that about 80‰ of landowners agree for the land acquisition. The new law has increased payments and compensations for seizure of land and has introduced restrictions for withdrawal of the irrigated agricultural land. The law can concern directly 132 million hectares of farmlands, and about 100 million land owners

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 1

Paradoxes of development of the russian agriculture

Reveals the role of agriculture in the economy of the country, are revealed «narrow» places in his development and present proposals for overcoming them. There are numerous chronic paradoxes in development of agriculture, which aggravate his difficult situation connected, first of all, with reliable providing the country with agricultural production, raw materials and the food of a domestic production. Considered the questions that must be addressed to the state, to impart agriculture accelerated development for food supply of the population, of creating the necessary conditions for ability to live the rural population, for what will develop and adopt a new national agrarian policy, which should become a long-term an instrument of state support for agriculture. The new agrarian policy should be not only maximum flexibility, take full account of the concrete situation, but is calculated on the decision of large-scale economic, organizational, social and scientific and technical problems of development of agriculture, based on the needs and objective possibilities of the country. She should have a complex character and build upon a sufficient financing, full and stable legislative framework. Only under such conditions of Agrarian Policy will cease to be defective, will turn into a consolidating and powerful factor in strengthening the state, of increasing its prestige in the world. In the conditions of insufficient state support of agriculture, poorly controlled agro food market the developed disproportions in branch are so big that without the large-scale help from the state independently the branch is incapable them to overcome even using the internal resources and reserves.

Issue № 5, May 2016, article № 2

The priority directions of activization of innovative processes in an agro food complex of the far east

The existing fragmentation of infrastructure system of the agro-food complex, not sufficiently high effective demand for innovation from manufacturer of agricultural products, low innovation potential significantly limit innovative activity of the economic entities of the agrarian sphere of the Far East region. Transformation agro-food complex of the Far East to an innovative way of development objectively determines the inventory activation of innovative processes and ensure the effective management of innovation development as a single complex of interrelated economic processes, uniting all subjects of innovative activity ensuring continuity of all stages of the innovation process: from the generation of the idea to introduction of a new product on the market. A pronounced zonation of agro-food complex of the Far East region requires the differentiation of strategies of innovation development as separate industries of agricultural production as separate territorial entities in accordance with the specific conditions of their functioning. Based on the level of agricultural complex development of the Far East region, its innovation potential, high degree of differentiation of the territories according to the terms of reference of agricultural production as priority trends of activisation of innovation processes: stimulation of innovative activity, building innovation capabilities of manufacturers and consumers of innovations, development of infrastructure of innovation system are offered to allocate. There are the main objectives of development of innovative infrastructure of agrarian and industrial complex of the Far East: ensuring interaction of producers and consumers of innovations, studying of demand for innovations and informing agricultural producers on the offer of innovative developments, formation of agrotechnopark structures and systems of maintenance of innovations, improvement of quality of staffing of innovative activity, development of system of insurance of innovative risks.