
Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 9

Optimization of infrastructure of a grain sub complex of the republic of crimea

Streamlining and optimization of merchandising of the made production to the end user is directed to decrease in labour expenses of the producer and is the important direction of increase of competitiveness of production of the grain market. Social and economic blockade of the Crimea and political pressure from the third countries have led to violation of the schemes of merchandising which have settled in the region. Distinctions in an arrangement and power of the operating elevators in the territory of the Crimean federal district define need of movement of large volumes of grain production that conducts to additional labour costs at the enterprises of a grain sub complex. In article the possibility of application of methods of linear programming for optimization of transport and logistic infrastructure is analysed. Ways of increase of labour productivity at the enterprises of a grain sub complex due to optimization of transport and logistic infrastructure are considered. The economic-mathematical model of optimization of merchandising for increase of labour productivity of the enterprises of a grain sub complex is applied. Optimization of logistic system of transportation of grain in the Crimean federal district will allow to lower labour costs by 50.21 thousand people - hour (or for 12.4‰) in comparison with the actual level. Introduction of system of logistics has to happen to preservation of proportionality in separate links of merchandising: volumes of the made production - power for her storage - market capacity is sold.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 11

The technique of the choice of measures of customs regulation of import for ensuring economic safety

The purpose of customs regulation of import of goods is creation of conditions for establishment rational levels of dependence on import according to economic security and economy efficiency of the state. Economic security is reached if national production volumes are sufficient for full satisfaction of the state needs. Sometimes it leads to decrease in efficiency of economy as demands derivation of the available limited resources for separate goods production instead of their use for production of others, more favourable. Therefore forming measures of customs regulation of import aims the creation of conditions for the establishment certain level of dependence on this goods import on the basis of a compromise between efficiency and safety. Levels of safety efficiency depend on specifically developed economic and political situation. The economic situation is described by need for certain goods, their stocks, and opportunities of national economy for increase in production of the considered goods at sharp reduction of import. The political situation is defined as a possibility of application from the foreign states of different measures leading to import reduction. The objectives of customs regulation of goods import are achieved by using a wide range of the customs measures allowing establishing the volume of domestic goods in internal consumption at the necessary level. The model for determination of rational levels of state dependence on import and the model for formation of system of customs regulation measures are main scientific and methodical tools which provide necessary conditions for establishment of rational levels of dependence on import. In general the offered scientific and methodical tools and methodical recommendations developed on its basis allow providing economic security of the state from positions of rational levels of dependence on import definite goods.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 12

Technical equipment of credit cooperatives and its influence on access to financial resources

The expansion of access of the villagers to credit and financial resources is an important component of a sustainable development of rural territories. The purpose of article is a research of availability of financial services to country people of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has the extensive territory with low population. Population density makes 0,3 persons on 1 sq.km. The only way of communication between coasts of the rivers is ferries. Specifics of the region do especially important development in rural areas telephone and Internet communications. The existing transport network is underdeveloped. The analysis of technical equipment, identification of the organizations of acceptance of payments and presence of the financial organizations in the village was carried out by questioning. The analysis of 23 agricultural consumer credit cooperatives (ACCC) of the first level from 13 areas of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is carried out. Researches have shown that with a growth of remoteness from administrative centres the presence of ACCC decreases, but the role of agents of ACCC grows. Regardless of remoteness of ACCC, generally have the sufficient level of technical equipment, but poor quality of Internet communication. Transport inaccessibility in the region means also network (Internet) inaccessibility. Bank offices are opened in the cities and administrative centres, but extremely seldom in the rural remote places. This feature is also advantage of agricultural credit consumer cooperation before banks. Questioning has revealed desire and readiness of heads of ACCC to provide additional services on the basis of cooperatives. The most interesting offers are rendering of services on conducting of payments in the non-cash way and insurance of members of cooperative. The support of development of ACCC can and has to promote a sustainable development of rural territories of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 13

Features of innovative policy in agro-industrial complex of brics

Innovative activities are the most important factor of increasing of competitiveness of agricultural industry and agrarian and industrial complex in general in the world agro food market. Today for the Russian Federation one of the priority directions of integration in the agrarian sphere is the interaction and the cooperation with the countries of BRICS in scientific-technical and technological area. The share of the countries of consolidation constitutes about 30‰ of the world territory; more than 43‰ of the population of the globe lives in these countries that allows speaking about potentially biggest market of the food. Performance improvement of work in agrarian sector of the countries of BRICS is very actual task, because without it, it is difficult to expect significant increase in efficiency of agrarian sector of economy. In the world the results of innovative activities in the country are estimated on a range of indicators (institutional quality, human capital, infrastructure, business environment, technological development, etc.) in the "Global Innovation Index". The BRICS countries, assessed in 2014 for this the system has shown high and relatively low levels in specific areas. The mutual cooperation and complementarities in science and innovation will contribute to a more complete realization of the potential of each of the countries of the Association. In 2015 the countries of BRICS have signed the Memorandum in the sphere of science, technologies and innovations and the Working plan of its implementation is developed. Coordination of activities in the main areas of cooperation will be performed on the basis of the Research and innovative network platform urged to promote promotion of research cooperation. Despite the outlined progress in development of scientific technological cooperation between the countries of BRICS, practical mechanisms of its implementation still are finally not developed, and rates of their development are insufficient now.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 14

Changes in rural development policy in the european union and russia

On the basis of research of the European and Russian experience in the development of the rural areas the directions of adaptation of the European experience to the Russian conditions are offered. Currently, the development of rural areas is a strategic challenge in many countries around the world. In this case, the experience of the European Union policy for rural development is quite interesting. European rural development policy is in constant development, depending on the challenges facing rural areas. The policy of development of the rural territories of the European Union has changed from orientation on agricultural industry and providing with food before development of the rural territories, support of local initiatives, preserving rural cultural, historical and natural heritage now. In Russia the creation of conditions for a sustainable development of the rural territories is one of important strategic objectives of a state policy. Legislatively development of the rural zone was fixed with adoption in 2010 of the Concept of a sustainable development of the rural territories of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020. Implementation of the Concept is relayed on the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with participation of different federal executive bodies. Despite the introduction of new state measures to support the rural development, state policy for rural areas development still is at an early stage. Experience of the European Union in the field of rural development policy and its adaptation to Russian conditions could have a positive impact on future policy development of rural areas of the Russian Federation, which will bring the rural areas of our country to a new level.

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 2

The strategic priorities of transition to innovative economy in the conditions of the underestimated rouble exchange rate

The article discusses long-term priorities of Russian economic development and, in particular, of agro-industrial complex, which arose in connection with the changed geopolitical situation and the necessity of transition to innovative economy through the new industrialization at the low exchange rate of the rouble, as a result of "Dutch disease". The need to proceed from two long-term priorities is identified. The first priority is to ensure the stable and constant food independence and security. The second priority consists in liberation from foreign dependence in a wide range of engineering industries, providing the country's defence at the advanced level and at necessary scale. The strategic objective is two-pronged - building up an innovative production of traditional products (food, primarily) with an innovative production of innovative means of production. Requirements to changes in the system of institutions for development and management of the economy, including the economy of the agro-industrial complex in conditions of low exchange rate of the rouble are formulated. The central place in implementation of the specified reforms and in development of innovative economy in general belongs to science. It is necessary to refuse the Right-wing liberal paradigm, having defiantly declared transition from mainly Right-wing liberal economic policy placing emphasis only on improvement of institutes, i.e. "rules of the game" to active socially oriented policy of economic growth and development on new technological base.

Issue № 6, June 2016, article № 5

Statistical analysis of dynamics of development of agriculture of russia during the post-soviet period

Carrying out the statistical analysis of dynamics and tendencies of development of domestic agriculture is caused by need of identification of opportunities of ensuring food security of the country, competitiveness of a domestic production, sustainable development of rural territories. The article is devoted to assessing the dynamics and trends of agricultural production in the period of market transformations. In the 25 years of economic and agrarian reforms, significant changes have taken place in Russian agriculture. This has led to structural changes in the industry. As a result of the fall in effective demand, outstripping price growth in related sectors and reduced support for the industry by the government, resource and industrial potential has declined, agricultural production has declined significantly, and most of it began to be produced in the non-monetized households. As a result of negative trends imports of agricultural products has become an important source of food security of the country. After a default of 1998, and also with adoption of the Doctrine of food security the situation in branch has begun to improve. Statistical analysis showed that the improvements are coming in a slower pace insufficient to achieve the level in the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020. The improving of the structure of production by categories with different levels of marketability is underlying growth for the share of domestic products in the total volume of products. Support of the domestic agricultural producer will allow the country to reach self-sufficiency and will well be reflected in development of rural territories, having stopped extinction of the Russian village.