
Issue № 8, August 2016, article № 15

The households is in the system of realization of the rural population economic interests

The traditional form of integration of individuals’ interests is the household that forms the economic and social basis of human capital reproduction. Since their emergence on the economic front, households provide economic independence family or individual in the process of reproduction of society and partial isolation of the individual in the process of production and consumption of economic goods. The specificity of the households is determined by the combination of the implemented functions and the ratio between them and their type determines the choice of strategy and behaviour. The forms of economic behaviour of the households include labour and entrepreneurial activity of their members, consumer and savings behaviour, budgeting and optimization of cost structures, adapting to changes in the external environment, investment strategy etc. The special form of households is the households of the rural population. The factors affecting the behaviour of households in rural areas are encouraged to organize in the context of the six groups (demographic, political, legal, economic, social and environmental-geographical factors). The households are the centre of concentration of individuals’ economic interests associated with family relationships and joint business activities. The problems related to the personification of the individual interests, their consolidation, harmonization, restriction, regulation, reproduction and motivation are the most visible at the household level. Rural households can significantly reduce the production function owing to catastrophic aging of country people soon. In this regard the problem of preservation of a rural way of life, support of rural households and preservation of public control over rural territories has to be considered as one of the main priorities of an agrarian policy of the state.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 1

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 2

Development and coordination of mechanisms of implementation of long-term strategy and target programs in the agro-industrial sphere

As a result of raw orientation of economy there was a vicious circle: for transition to strategic planning it is required to increase amounts of the budgetary funds selected for implementation of large-scale target programs while budget revenues from export of primary goods are insufficient for the solution of strategic tasks of development of agricultural industry and the related types of activity. An effective remedy for a way out of a vicious circle is long-term planning. The article is devoted to theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of development and coordination of mechanisms of implementation of long-term strategy and target programs in the agro-industrial sphere. The need of reorientation of macroeconomic budget, tax and price policy to creation of conditions for implementation of long-term strategy and target programs of agricultural industry and the related industries and types of activity is proved. Methodologically important issue of strategic planning is the specification of the target indicators characterizing reproduction and growth of the population. The regional population policy is urged to provide necessary conditions for reproduction of all indigenous people of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to include target programs in number of first-priority documents of strategic planning, training and employment in the village. In article the first-priority measures providing growth of taxable basis and increase in financial resources for development of agro-industrial and agro food complexes are proposed.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 3

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 4

An innovative and investment way of development of a grain farm as a basis of its efficiency and stability

The accession of Russia to the WTO, world food, financial and economic crises, high food dependence of the country on import require not only increases of competitiveness of its agricultural products, use of more effective mechanism of protection of domestic agricultural producers, but also transition of agricultural industry in general and grain in particular to innovative and investment model of development. Output gap of agricultural products, the weak support from the state, the high cost of innovations, an immunity of the majority of the Russian agricultural producers to domestic and foreign scientific and technical achievements do not allow to develop innovative activities. Significant growth in investments into agricultural industry without basic innovations can become inefficient. Innovations have limited character and are, as a rule, available only to insignificant part of large agricultural producers. Innovative potential of agricultural industry is used for 4-5‰ against 50‰ and more in comparison with economically developed countries. Development of innovative processes in agricultural industry in general can be characterized as slow process. Productivity of influence of innovative activities on efficiency of grain production is powerful. It is necessary to involve four groups of factors: economic and technological; legal and political; organizational and managerial; social and psychological and cultural to achieve active and effective innovative activities in a grain farms. It is necessary to create the system of development of achievements of scientific and technical progress, the effective organizational and economic mechanism which would promote more active perception of innovations grain farms and to their mass replication.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 5

Efficiency of innovative activities in agricultural industry

For creating an innovative agrarian economy it is necessary to actively apply achievements of science and technology, to make use of international experience. The purpose of creation and implementation of innovations in agrarian and industrial complex is enhancement of agro-industrial production, increase of cost efficiency of production of agricultural industry. Relevance of the organization of scientific and technical and innovative activities with orientation to regional features, and also need of development of theoretical and practical provisions of an assessment of scientific and technical achievements for agrarian and industrial complex has increased in modern conditions. In article concepts of innovations, innovative process and its feature of agrarian and industrial complex are considered, the main applied indicators of cost efficiency are analyzed and the efficiency evaluation of innovations through comparison of a labour productivity and capital-output ratio of products is offered. The innovative process in agricultural industry is considered as a fixed and continuous flow of transformation of certain technical or technological ideas to new technologies on the basis of scientific developments. The analysis of development of an industry for over the last 10 years period of a program implementation of the state support has shown positive tendencies in increase in production of products of agricultural industry, marketability, financial results. Achievement of high financial results requires observance of the production technology of products of agricultural industry, implementation of new technologies, introduction into circulation of waste lands, preserving fertility of the cultivated lands.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 6

Development of rice growing requires more perfect organizational and economic mechanism

Reliable ensuring the need of the country for rice and its export can be reached at rational use of production resources of rice's farms on the basis of introduction of achievements of scientific and technical progress and improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of maintaining subsector. Development of rice growing happened in a difficult and contradictory situation which has exerted ambiguous impact on a grain farm in general and production of rice in particular. The Russian rice-growing complex is the most northern in the world and on the productivity and efficiency yields to the main exporting countries and producers of rice. Feature of the Russian market of rice is connected with the fact that this foodstuff is not traditional for the country population, its consumption increases with increase in the income of the population. Considered the main directions of improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of development of rice production in the country, associated with the development of State subroutines its development within the acting State program, envisioning an increase in of state support for sub-sector, the main instrument of which are subsidies, allocated because the budgetary funds are sufficient only to maintain the achieved level of rice production. Proved the necessity of attracting investments to ensure the translation of rice on the innovation-investment model of development, improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of placing and specialization rice through the use of program-target method, and of radical improvement of the tax regime for agricultural producers, the rationalization of the system of agricultural insurance, and of the introduction of state support for export of agricultural products, raw materials and food.

Issue № 7, July 2016, article № 7

Current state of vegetable growing of russia

Vegetables are important in maintenance of vital forces of the person, are an effective remedy. The average annual physiological norm of consumption of vegetables in Russia depending on climatic conditions and national peculiarities fluctuates from 100 to 150 kg on the person in a year. Results of development of an industry of vegetable growing of Russia in 2015 are given. The industry for years of reforms has not reduced rates of the development. Acreage under vegetables and melon cultures within the last five years (2011-2015) on all categories of farms fluctuated within 831-892 thousand hectares, occupying on average 1.1‰ in structure of all cultivated area of crops in the country. Vegetable cultures occupied 0.9‰, melon food - 0.2‰ of all cultivated area. Gross collection of vegetables of the discovered and protected soil in farms of all categories in 2015 has constituted 16.1 million tons or 104.2‰ to the level of 2014, including vegetables of an open ground - 14.7 million tons or 103.9‰ by 2014. In 2015 productivity of vegetable cultures of an open ground in relation to 2014 has increased for 3.4‰ and has made 225.1 c/hectare. Average productivity of hothouse vegetables in winter greenhouses of agricultural organizations was at the level of 31.8 kg/sq.m., small enterprises - 18.3 kg/sq.m. The main directions of stabilization and increase of efficiency of vegetable growing are offered. The areas of the suitable irrigated lands for productions of vegetables in Russia are quite limited. Therefore it is possible to reach increase in gross production of vegetables mainly due to productivity increase. One of the main factors of increase of productivity of vegetable cultures is the scientifically based system of use of fertilizers. The integrated approach to development of production of vegerable-growing production will make possible providing the population of the country with fresh vegetables of a domestic production.