
Issue № 8, August 2016, article № 9

The current state import dependence and competitiveness import of livestock breeding

The implementation of the program of import substitution and ensuring the development of a competitive domestic animal breeding requires the creation of a stable base. Livestock breeding process should provide intensification industry, improving its economic efficiency and resistance to external unfavourable macroeconomic factors. Although provided in recent years, substantial state support livestock breeding, industry is highly dependent on imports of genetic resources from foreign breeding centres. For the last years the steady tendency of delivery of import genetic resources is noted. High import dependence and low competitiveness of industry breeding base provides the technological gap of domestic livestock. Ensuring food security and increasing the volume of livestock production requires the implementation of a set of measures to intensify the selection and breeding work, increasing production volumes breeding production in the country and ensuring competitive agricultural enterprises genetic resources. As part of the study the current state and the value of livestock breeding to ensure the country's food security was analyzed. The level of state support for livestock breeding and established industry dependence on imports of genetic resources is determined. The proposed ways to improve the efficiency of breeding work and the competitiveness of domestic livestock breeding based on the analysis have been offered. Creation of steady breeding base and effective use of genetic resources is a strategic task of the branch allowing reducing technological dependence of animal husbandry on import, to minimize risk of delivery of infectious diseases on the territory of the country, to increase competitiveness and availability of the made production to the population of the country.

Issue № 8, August 2016, article № 10

The statistical assessment of transformation of branch structure of agriculture

The branch structure of agriculture of Altai Krai is investigated. The directions, intensity and speed of structural shifts are defined by system of statistics. The reasons of structural changes are connected with changes of market conditions in the market of agricultural production, raw materials and food, in the system of state regulation of agricultural production, in the relationships between partners in the agrarian and industrial complex. The assessment of influence of the main production types on financial results and a financial condition of the agricultural organizations is given. The comparison on the main economic indicators of the organizations for which grain field husbandry or dairy cattle breeding was primary branches of production demonstrates that in case of increase in a cultivated area (a livestock of cows) economic efficiency of the used resources increased despite higher material and monetary expenses per 1 hectare of crops grain (per 1 cow). It is revealed that reference of the enterprises to any production type didn't assume at all creation of any competitive advantages as at groups there were both profitable and unprofitable organizations. The variation of the enterprises for profitability of production was determined by imperfection of system of maintaining primary branches regarding the agricultural organizations, including the non-optimal amount of production and placement by natural and economic zones.

Issue № 8, August 2016, article № 11

Factor analysis of innovative activity among organizations

In Russia the subject of innovative development has been on the agenda. The attention of statesmen, scientists, practitioners to innovative development of the country requires a comprehensive analysis of the factors directly or indirectly influencing the innovation activity of companies. The article investigates the environment, affecting the formation and development of innovative activity of modern companies. The results of the analysis of the economic factors affecting the innovative activity of the companies at the macro-, meso- and micro levels have been revealed. Identified complex real existing factors - macroeconomic, mesoeconomic, microeconomic, specifies a vector of innovation, which, in turn, determines the level of competitiveness of the national economy in General and individual company. The analysis shows that depending on the impact on innovative development of the totality of the environmental factors are structured into two groups: limiting factors in respect of which you should take appropriate actions to minimize or block their effect, and enabling factors, preservation or enhancement which provides an opportunity for significant growth in innovative activity and competitiveness of the business entity. The systematic approach to managing the innovative activity underlying the development of innovation strategies and regulatory mechanisms are proposed. Requirements for the strategy of innovative development, leading to the development of the national innovation system and the growth of innovative activity of domestic companies are submitted.