
Issue № 9, September 2016, article № 10

Marketing of production of an oil sub complex in the conditions of integration processes

In article the market situation of oil-bearing crops, structure of production of vegetable oils, export and import is considered. The condition of production of oil-bearing crops, tendencies of development of industries of an oil and fat sub complex is analyzed. Changes in amounts and structure of production of seeds of oil-bearing crops were caused by increasing demand for them and receipt of the maximum profit on their implementation. To 85.3‰ of need for vegetable oils in case of consumption per capita 13.8 kg are satisfied due to own production. Reorientation of flows of commodities of seeds of oil-bearing crops to the foreign market was promoted by emergence in the domestic market of large wholesale and trade structures and the multi-national American company "Cargill", forming of large domestic agro-industrial holdings. For development of production of competitive types of oil products there are huge potential opportunities due to involvement in turnover of the removed and not used lands of agricultural purpose, development of new lands in more northern and east areas the double surplus of their area to the level of 2014 is possible. At the same time the structure of crops of oil-bearing crops due to decrease in a share of sunflower (from 61.7‰ to 29.3‰), preserving at the level of 17.0‰ of a share of soy, bringing to the same level of colza and essential increase in a share of a saffron milk cap, mustard and flax changes. Questions of planning, forecasting and coordination of activities of all its participants are important for steady and pro rata functioning of an oil and fat sub complex.

Issue № 9, September 2016, article № 13

Assessment of the disintegration tendencies in economic space of russia and methods of their overcoming

Evaluation methods of social and economic heterogeneity and depth of disintegration tendencies in economic space of the Russian Federation are generalized and considered. The directions are determined and the organizational and economic mechanism of an intensification of an interregional cooperation and strengthening of integration of economies of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is offered. In recent years in economic life of Russia the tendency to reducing commercial ties and barter between macro regions and regions of the country was designated. Identification and studying of this tendency, according to authors, are possible on the basis of the analysis of long-term trends of such economic indicators as the level of economic familiarity of the territory, coefficient of narrowness of interregional commodity interaction, coefficient of economic openness of regions and some others. These and author's calculations given in article show that gaps in the level of social and economic development of regions of the country increase and reached dangerous line, value of an interregional goods turnover in GDP decreased, the level of economic openness of economies of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation differs in tens of times, institutes of an intensification of economic development are almost completely concentrated in the European part of the country, uncontrollable migration leads to depopulation of the Far East, concentration of investment resources in Moscow and several megalopolises on a geographical axis the West-East interferes with development of the adjacent extensive territories. Real ways of overcoming these dangerous tendencies in the political and social plan are creation of system of strategic planning of interregional integration, development of high-technology infrastructure of implementation of interregional commercial ties, forming at the level of macro regions and regions of the Russian Federation of the state and public institutes of coordination of interregional communications and economic integration.

Issue № 9, September 2016, article № 14

Organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of production cooperation

The basis of the cooperative structure in the agricultural sector, as a system of organizational-economic and socio-economic relations of a certain type of industrial cooperation, as its main business entities focused production potential of cooperative systems - land, labour, material and technical means of production. Destructive processes in the development of agricultural production co-operation, which began in 2002 and continuing to the present, explained by many reasons, among which the imperfection of the organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of a large part of cooperatives and a very limited application of models effective APK in connection with their not elaborate. The article describes the methodological approaches and on that basis proposed practical solutions for the development and application of the organizational-economic mechanism of functioning of industrial cooperation in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the article proposed performance criteria APK (economic growth, competitiveness and solvency) and on the basis carrying out groups of cooperatives of a number of regions of Russian Federation justified the parameters of the system of indicators to classify cooperatives to effective and ineffective, conducted an analysis of their activities, are developed and offered to implement organizational -economic models of efficient agricultural production cooperatives. Calculations are made with reference to specific unprofitable and have different levels of profitability APK, confirm the high impact of the development of these models: the average annual increase rate of economic growth and account for at least 5-7‰ return on the additional costs of increasing the resource supply is two-three years. The development of effective models of agricultural production cooperatives provides a significant increase in the efficiency of economic entities of industrial cooperation.