
Development of the market of fat-and-oil products in the countries of eeu

The main aspects of formation of the uniform market of fat-and-oil products within the states of EEU for ensuring effective use of resource capacity of each country, optimization of volumes of production, satisfaction of the general internal needs for her and accumulation of the export potential are presented in article. In article the analysis of actual state of the market of fat-and-oil products in each member country and in general over the EEU countries, its advantages and problems are revealed. Among the EEU countries the main production of oil-bearing crops is the share of the Russian Federation. The vegetable oil production per capita has averaged 30.1 kg in EEU in 2014 at the general consumption of 22.3 kg. All member countries of EEU predict further increase in production of oil-bearing crops and vegetable oil and an exit with them to the world market that is promoted by the favourable developing and predicted his environment. At the reached quantitative level of collective security on vegetable oil the gain of its production and production of seeds of oil-bearing crops can be used on increase in internal consumption and for export. Expansion of sales markets will be promoted by adjustment of the relation of EEU with other integration formations (the countries of SCO, ASEAN), creation of free trade zones with the countries which aren't entering into the WTO (Iran, Vietnam), cooperation within the countries BRICS. In all these directions also the state support of participants of the market of fat-and-oil products at the supranational level has to be based on the general fund. All activity of the state diplomatic trade missions abroad has to be reoriented from activities for attraction of import of production on activities for attraction of technologies and search of sales markets of fat-and-oil products.

Issue № 10, October 2016, article № 10

Production and use of the biodiesel from fat-and-oil products (the world practice and outlook for russia) (68)

The paper concerns various aspects associated with biodiesel market development throughout the world. Feed stocks, technical standards and production cost of biodiesel are assessed. The figures demonstrating the volumes of global biodiesel and hydro treated vegetable oil production derived from fat-and-oil products in 2004-2014 are bandied about. They indicate annual growth rate of world biodiesel production at 28.6‰ and according to Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN 21) the volume of biodiesel produced globally amounted to 29.7 billion litres in 2014. Forecasted indicators of global and on country level biodiesel production before 2025 are listed. They show that world biodiesel production could reach 41.4 billion litres in 2025. Special attention is given to issues of internal biodiesel consumption and international biodiesel trade currently and before 2025. Multidiscipline factors (economic, social, ecological, political, competitive et al.) influencing biodiesel market development are investigated. The final part of the article explores the possibility of biodiesel market development in Russia. The priority of biodiesel (derived from oil crops) consumption to meet the energy needs of home agriculture is justified. Energy potential of biodiesel by Russian regions is estimated. Assuming that 10‰ of existing both soybean and rapeseed plantings and 20‰ of idle arable land (being designated for soybean and rapeseed plantings too) are activated biodiesel potential amounts to 1.5 billion litres and equals to 29.4‰ of total volume of diesel fuel consumption in Russian agriculture. The main vectors of state policy aimed at the development of national biodiesel market are suggested.

Key problems and resources of regional development in the conditions of delay of economy

In article results of a research of a problem of search of resources of regional development in the specific conditions created by delay of growth rates of economy of Russia are provided. Main meso-level forms of manifestation of delay of economy of Russia are strengthening of territorial polarization, the destabilization of territorial development, the growth of deficit of investment resources, strengthening of a lag effect of movement of regional economy and other negative consequences. The paradigm of system approach is used as a methodical basis: the main meso-level forms of manifestation of delay of economy of Russia are allocated, the nature of demanded resources for overcoming data manifestation is researched, key tasks of regional development are determined. For identification of resources of regional development in crisis conditions we offered transformation of model of a production function in which resources of regional development are delivered in compliance to factors of process of forming of a gross regional product. The rating analysis of factors of competitiveness of economic systems is made at the macro level according to 2014-2015. During the research two focus groups priority for resource analysis of regional development are allocated: the group of informative resources having the potential of an increment of scientific knowledge in creation of gross regional product and group of institutional resources characterizing possibilities of streamlining and fixing of functional communications between subjects of regional economy. Researches confirm the low level of concentration of information resources in the sphere of functioning of the regional stock market of Krasnodar Krai that narrows its investment potential. The author offered a number of actions for expansion of information channel of providing conditions of stable and effective development of the regional security market.

Problems of management of investment safety of the region

Successful development of the country and regions requires investment attraction that depends not only on economic requirements, but also on the level of economic and investment safety. The main indicator of availability of the favourable investment climate is security level from investment risks and threats. Assessment of probability of approach of these or those negative events influences nature of the made decisions from potential investors. The question of searches of harmony for the benefit of the state and foreign investors where the place to the foreign equity in economic and social development plans for the country would be determined is particularly acute. The significant place in system of ensuring an economic safety of accounting entities belongs to territorial subjects of the federation. The investment climate on places, so, and rates of economic development of the country in general depends on the investment policy pursued by them. A massive fault regarding ensuring an economic safety of regional investment projects and programs is lack of the scientifically based purposes. The provided analysis showed that investment risks in Russia and its regions are rather high that is confirmed by capital outflow from the country. In article the main aspects of threats of investment safety which bear in themselves a destructive cumulative charge to the invested object reveal and are produced as a result of collision of interests of certain individuals, small social groups, society, regions and the states (in case of their interaction in the course of investment). Sufficient level of investment security can't be reached without the corresponding regulatory base and law-enforcement practice.

Whether was an alternative of stalin collectivization?

In article the attempt to estimate consequences of a Stalin stage of development of the country is made: whether collectivization was unprecedented positive social transformation or a negative stage of history whether there was violent collectivization accompanied with the enormous victims of the population of the country necessary and the subsequent industrialization, uncontested from the point of view of carrying out. The research of the historical background showed that inability of a Stalin management of different ways to provide regular public procurements of grain in necessary amounts was a basic reason of speeding up of collectivization in comparison with decisions of the XV congress of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks). The provided data on gross collection and public procurements of grain in 1921-1937 confirm that collectivization provided the accelerated receipt of commodity grain by the state on 10-11 million tons with the subsequent small increase in production. For the long period the issue of creation of the guaranteed food fund and resources for export was resolved. Losses of the population during this period constituted from 10 to 20 million people by different estimates. The conclusion, as without speeding up of collectivization is drawn, on the basis of the gradual and voluntary cooperation of the peasantry offered by V. I. Lenin the possibility of the accelerated growth in production and the state procurements of grain, and thereby and the accelerated development of the state industry remained. At the same time in connection with smaller costs for investments for newly created kolkhozes it shouldn't reduce amounts of capital investments in heavy and defence industry. Nature of thinking and extremely ideologized approach to the solution of economic and political tasks of the country leaders of that period prevented it.

Regulation of development of small farms in aic

Sustainable development of agrarian and industrial complex in many respects depends on the level of overall performance of subjects of small farms. In small enterprises the main problems are inaccessibility of credit resources and sales of products. In many respects it is caused by weak participation of the state in processes of regulation of development of this segment. It is known that small enterprises make more than 40‰ of all agricultural products today, and receive only 11‰ of amount of the state support. It is offered to adjust regional target programs of state regulation of development of small enterprises, to consider features, factors of positive and negative influence on development of small subjects, to pay more attention to forecasting of consumer market potential with allocation of a share of participants of small subjects. The technique of determination of market capacity for products of small farms is offered for this purpose. The insufficient attention of the state to process of modern cooperation of subjects of small agrarian managing doesn't correspond to a role which they play in import substitution and economy in general. The modern state preferences for small farms don't compensate them absence of the market power, unequal market conditions in the environment of a perfect competition in relation to other participants of the market. Thoroughly only combination of efforts of small enterprises through cooperation is capable to solve these problems. It is offered to increase motivation of participation of small subjects in cooperation opportunities of privatization of the production and infrastructure assets created by efforts of the state.

Economic efficiency of specialization of the agricultural organizations of grain type

A research purpose is to determine an influence of specialization and placement on cost efficiency of grain field husbandry. The comparison on the main economic indicators of the organizations for which grain field husbandry was a primary branch of production, demonstrates that in case of increase in cultivated area cost efficiency of use of resources increased despite higher material and cash costs per 1 hectare of crops grain. It is revealed that reference of the organizations to any production type didn't assume at all availability of any competitive advantages as at groups there were both profitable and unprofitable organizations. The variation of the organizations for profitability of production is explained by imperfection of system of maintaining primary branches in some agricultural organizations, including the non-optimal amount of production and placement on natural and economic zones. Production of grain is profitable in all natural and economic zones, but competitive advantages are observed in groups of municipalities with higher hydrothermal coefficient, however the grain type of specialization isn't widespread in these areas. In group of the highly specialized organizations specific labour input and cost value of one centner of grain is lower, than in unspecialized farms, the level of profitability of production is higher. Cost efficiency of the used resources increases in the largest highly specialized organizations. It is necessary in case of acceptance of management decisions to increase efficiency of planning of rather perspective specialization, a combination of industries, concentration of production.