
Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 15

The administrative nature of the factors of agricultural consumer cooperation

In article an assessment of the current state of agricultural consumer cooperation in Russia is given. It is noted that the importance of works A.V. Chayanova and the most consumer cooperation has only increased in branch as processes of integration into agrarian and industrial complex and the integration of scales of production accompanied with them constantly increase the competition in the agro food market, complicating thereby a problem of preservation of the peasantry and a rural way of life. The major factors interfering formation of consumer cooperation are formulated, their administrative nature is revealed. It is noted that the condition of agricultural consumer cooperation is one of the main criteria for evaluation of management efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex, and also degree of usefulness of the existing conditions for activity of small farms in the village and in the branch. The impossibility of development of this form of cooperation without improvement of management of branch is shown. The conclusion is drawn that at this conjuncture the most expedient direction of the solution of this problem is emphasis of attention of bodies of the public and municipal administration to cooperation of the small agricultural organizations, farms with the large agricultural, overworking and trade enterprises for production and delivery of agricultural production by him on the basis of contracting. On the way of development of consumer cooperation in agriculture of the country there is a set of obstacles, first of all, subjective which elimination is impossible without entering of cardinal changes into agrarian policy. These changes have to be mainly directed to strengthening of social orientation of this policy.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 16

Specifics of the enterprise and integrated structures in agrarian and industrial complex

Agro-industrial integration allows to use advantages of large production, without infringing upon interests of rural producers and to provide increase in production efficiency. Specifics of the enterprise and integrated structures are defined depending on the purposes of association, character of the relations between participants, a type of economic activity, a financial basis of formation and functioning. Creation of rather steady institutes operating long time and the formal and informal norms regulating activity is referred to distinctive features of the integrated structure as the economic subject. In article types of integration, the principles of formation and organizational forms of the integrated structures are considered. The form of vertical integration is characteristic of agro-industrial complex of Russia and the majority of foreign countries. The agro holdings created in Russia uniting the organizations of processing industry and producers of raw materials can be an example. Need of formation of new strategic approaches for providing residents of the megalopolis with agricultural production is noted. A large number of the large agrarian enterprises are concentrated on the territory of the Moscow region. In article the Malino group of companies, the combining production of agricultural production and service activity is considered. Special attention in article is paid to the new direction of agro-industrial integration - to an agro food cluster. Advantages and not remains of activity of a new agro food cluster "Food City" in the territory of the megalopolis are considered.

The grant mechanism of state policy of development of peasant farms

The first peasant (farmer) economies were registered in Russia 25 years ago. Now their amount is more than 168 thousand. Jointly with individual businessmen, working in agribusiness, during 2015 they produced 10.8 ‰ from all agricultural products in the country. It makes up 544 milliards of roubles (127 ‰ to 2014). Peasant (farmer) economies are acknowledged as agricultural commodity producers, as small and middle business subjects. From 2012 the grant mechanism of the support of beginning farmers and development of the family livestock farms operates in Russia. In the article its basic results are presented on Russian Federation and the Orlovskaya area for the period 2012-2015. In article five years' experience of the contest committee of the Oryol region on selection of recipients of grants on development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms and on support of the beginning farmers is generalized. Basic typical problems into which an applicant runs into on the receipt of the grant have been exposed and described by the author, and also variants of their decision. The actual problems are: lack of documents for land plots, buildings; difficulties with connecting to the objects of engineering infrastructure; problems of grant’s size and its co financing; lack of knowledge of a special character; errors in the business plan; inability to present a project during the interview; questions of the target and effective use of grants. In the article the author formulated suggestions on further state stimulation of the development of peasant (farmer) economies. First of all, it is the improvement of the grant mechanism, development of the agricultural consumer cooperation, the formation of the mechanism of granting preferential credits under the target of 3-5‰ annual, the creation of the informative-consultation centres. Improvement of the grant mechanism will promote increase in the production of agricultural production and increase in a contribution of the region to ensuring food security of the Russian Federation.

Directions of increase in production efficiency and processing of milk

The current state of production and processing of milk in agricultural organizations is analyzed. Reserves of increase of economic efficiency of the investigated industry of Krasnodar region on the basis of intensification of production and technological processes are revealed. Determinants of the promising directions of improving the milk production and processing with the use of resource-saving technologies in milk processing enterprises and agricultural farms in the region are assessed. Results of evaluation of the effectiveness and risk of investment are provided to the organization of vertically integrated complex, which is oriented to industrial on-farm processing of milk and production of compound feed for dairy cattle, allows to increase profitability due to use of the balanced food supply and also development of new technologies. The model of definition of economic effect and the required investments for technological equipment of milk processing units, which function as a part of the structure of the industry, depending on production volumes of dairy products is offered. Feasibility of the organization of farm industrial milk processing on the example of agricultural organizations of the Krasnodar region in the conditions of a competition in the regional agricultural food market and significant disparity is proved. Improving the interrelationship between the chain "production - processing - realizations" allows producers to react to external competition quickly and to create and implement strategic decisions for the best use of available resources.

Approaches to development of the meat and dairy industry

The article analyzes the current state of the meat and dairy industry is one of the most important components of agribusiness, agri-food market is forming, as well as the proposed approaches to address the systemic problems of the livestock sub-sector. Among the main problems of the industry marked: underdeveloped resource base (unable to achieve self-sufficiency for dairy products); high depreciation of fixed assets of organizations processing industry; insufficient level of competitiveness of Russian producers of animal products (mainly determined by the quality and price of products); dominance in the domestic market of the processing of livestock equipment imports. The article solve the above problems is proposed to implement in the following areas: the development of raw material base of the processing industry and increase the investment attractiveness of the production (including the implementation of high-tech model projects in animal husbandry); increase the competitiveness of Russian producers of meat and dairy products (due to the introduction of modern quality control systems and security raw materials and products at different stages, the use of closed-cycle technology with more efficient generation of the product, expand the product range and others.); development of storage infrastructure, transportation and logistics livestock production (including the development of an efficient supply chain logistics, the construction of the processing areas near markets); stimulating domestic production of specialized equipment.

Methodology of integrated assessment of social and economic development of rural territories

One of the important purposes of state policy in the field of rural development is reduction of interregional and intraregional differentiation of level and quality of life of country people. To achieve these objectives carrying out effective regional policy on the basis of integrated assessment of a condition of rural territories is required. In article theoretic-methodological bases and a technique of integrated assessment of a condition of rural territories of subjects of the Russian Federation are stated. Comparative assessment of a social and economic condition of rural territories of subjects of the Russian Federation is made by two criteria, the characterizing two methodical approaches - comparative and static and comparative and trend. Static estimates are made on average annual value of indicators for the last five years. Assessment was carried out in five directions: condition of rural economy; demographic situation; level of development of human potential; situation in rural labour market; development of housing, social and engineering infrastructure of the village. For aggregation of static information which is expressed in different natural, cost and relative indexes ratios of private estimated indicators across rural territories of subjects of the Russian Federation paid off with their value across Russia which in the conditions of lack of regional standards is accepted for a standard. On the basis of the carried-out calculations for the offered estimated criteria and indicators the typology of rural territories on the level and dynamics of social and economic development is offered. The offered typology is one-criteria two-dimensional. The integrated indicator aggregated in five directions of assessment which pays off in two measurements acts as uniform criterion: in a statics and dynamics. The scope of values of an integrated indicator on subjects of the Russian Federation makes 2.2 times (23.68 units).The integrated indicator characterizing dynamics of level of social and economic development of rural territories fluctuates on subjects of the Russian Federation by 2.6 times. In a typology of rural territories of the Russian Federation two polar clusters are allocated: rather safe and the most problem.

Demand tendencies on organic food market in europe

It is considered that market of organic food production is one of the most quickly developing world markets. The authors propose new methodological approaches to the demand trends analysis on organic agrifood market, which are based on using growth curves. Organic food consumption per capita is considered as a quantitative index of demand for this kind of products on the selected European markets. Dynamics of its changes is defined by successive single passing of the following stages: beginning of existence, development (growth), achievement of highest development indicators (saturation), declines and cessation of existence. Income levels and standards of living are considered as main factors determining speed of development and the potential organic food consumption volumes per capita. Accordingly, country potential volumes of organic food consumption per capita are rationalized. Based on the analysis of growth rate functions, derived from the estimated growth curves, stages of organic food life-cycle on European markets are identified. The exhaustion of potential demand for the products (in all considered countries except for Germany and Great Britain) is shown. The major factors promoting increase in demand for organic food is social policy of the states and social movements of the European countries. It is assumed, that growing demand for organic food in EU-13 markets and Asian markets will provide its further production development in main producing European countries.