
The formation of the concept of food security of russia

The state and priorities of ensuring food security and import substitution in Russia, Krasnodar Krai, and the developed countries of the world are considered. A key role in ensuring the country's food security play measures aimed at the sustainable development of agrarian sector of economy, effective regulation of foreign trade of agricultural products, social development of rural territories. Food security monitoring plays an important role, it requires a greater use of models of this important process, enabling timely to assess the state of providing the population with necessary food and take measures to improve the situation. In developed countries in the world, food security support is high in comparison with Russia, the economic and financial support to agriculture for providing the food security is high in comparison with Russia. As a result, these countries increase food exports, thereby providing conditions for the development of their own agricultural sector, which in part contributes to the solution of the global food security. Around the world, as well as in Russia, the disturbing tendency of a rise in price of food is observed. On the basis of researches of scientists in agriculture we offer the basic directions of the concept of food security. The necessity is supported for strengthening of the state's role in the development of mechanisms of accelerated implementation of food import substitution strategy that will allow in the next few years to minimize the Russia's dependence on food imports. The experience of the Krasnodar Territory demonstrates that the import substitution supplies with the creation of new modern enterprises, the transition to production of high-quality, competitive domestic agricultural products. The organization in Krasnodar Krai of agrarian economic zones in vegetable growing, beet breeding, production of tea and champagne is offered.

Economic results of 2014-2016 and a strategy for growth

The article analyzes the results of economic development of Russia for 2014-2016. It is shown that the fall in GDP and production, although slowed, but still has been continued. Investment and retail trade turnover are failing, which contributes to the continuation of the crisis. The decline in economic growth rates is observed since 2010. Positive dynamics is showed in agriculture and some other industries. The fall of the Russian economy is observed on the background of significant growth of the world economy. It is proved that the reasons for the negative development are not in the economic sanctions of the US and EU and not in reducing of oil prices, but in the wrong economic strategy. Incorrect is a lack of state investment in infrastructure to the prospective industries and restructuring the economy, in education and science, incorrect policy of the Central Bank which does not provide the necessary money inflow into the economy. The deregulation of the exchange rate and the rise in the key rate in December 2014 aggravated the situation and made the loans virtually inaccessible to the business for a long period. At the same time, a steady positive trend is observed in those industries where the government provides minimum support, such as in agriculture and agricultural engineering. The author links causes of erroneous economic strategy with the interests and lobbying of industries exporting resources. The government connects mistakenly its hopes for recovery from the crisis only with the increase of the oil prices, but not with the change of strategy. For overcoming the negative development, it is necessary to reform economic policy in accordance with the recommendations of science.

Import substitution in agriculture of russia: problems and tendencies

The results of the policy of import substitution in agriculture of Russia are considered, the problems associated with the further development of the agrarian sector of the country are marked, and the conditions to realize the potential of import substitution are formulated. The positive and negative tendencies of functioning of agriculture are allocated. There are the growth of specific weight of production in GDP, changing of export-import transactions, the achievement of indicators of the Doctrine of food security by the majority of types of production, the insufficient volume of agricultural production in general, the low investment activity, the deterioration in a condition of farmlands, high scales of rural poverty, the demographic problems, the dependence of domestic agrarian and industrial complex from the foreign equipment and technologies. The conclusion is drawn that macroeconomic conditions are created by limiting factors of development of agriculture both from the supply, and from demand. Instability of an economic situation of agricultural producers, low rates of modernization of production, the reduction of the population income and demand represent serious risks for the solution of problems of long-term development of agriculture. Fuller realization of potential in the sphere of import substitution requires strengthening of the state support in technical and technological updating of branch, increase in its investment appeal, improvement of social conditions of activity of country people, improvement of macroeconomic operating conditions of agrarian sector.

The role of water resources in ensuring food security

Ensuring food security is accompanied by risks which can significantly weaken it. Water resources are distributed on the land area extremely unevenly; differ in the wide range of variability on security per capita, high temporary variability. It was revealed that in 2014 more than 2.5 billion people in 46 countries lived in conditions of a water stress and deficiency. Russia is one of the few countries with rather high level of specific water security, but has extremely uneven distribution of water resources on districts which don’t correspond to population distribution. Low water availability in the Crimean federal district, Moscow and the Moscow region, the Belgorod and Kursk regions, Stavropol Krai is noted. In shallow years in these regions there can be very serious problems with water supply. The international experience convincingly proves that melioration promotes stabilization of agricultural production. In Russia the reclaimed lands occupy less than 5‰ of grounds and 8‰ of an arable land, but even they are used not always effectively. Water resources in the majority of regions of Russia don't limit development of agriculture. Competitive advantages of Russia in production of water capacious agricultural production are revealed. The approaching global water crisis creates exclusively favourable conditions for the water provided countries as increase in demand and the prices of water capacious production is inevitable. It is probable that production of such production will become the dominating direction for the Russian economy during the "post-oil" period.

Organic agriculture in russia: the conditions of transition to the sustainable development trajectory

The authors analyze the challenges facing the agricultural sector of Russia, which, on the one hand, stimulate its accelerated development, including the provision of food independence of the country and, on the other hand, impose a limit on the use of the traditional ways of doing business, taking into account the contribution of the sector to global climate problems. There are examined the prospects of development of the model of organic agriculture. The authors identify the obstacles standing in the way of transformation of organic agriculture into the stable functioning and having significant export potential segment of the Russian economy, which is designed to ensure a balanced achievement of economic, environmental and social goals. There were formulated the main barriers: the imperfection of legislative regulation of production, processing and sale of organic production, high level of prices of organic production in the market, the unavailability of agricultural producers' interest in organic production, caused by high cost of investment resources and difficulties of certification, a limitation of production resources (the arable land, labour) for increase in the production of organic production. The major directions of development of organic production in the various Russia’s regions in view of their climatic, geographical and social characteristics are also proposed.

Economic efficiency of production of seeds of sunflower

The research objective is to define influence of specialization and placement on economic efficiency of sunflower cultivation for oil seeds in Altai Krai. The comparison of the agricultural organizations for which this direction was the primary or additional branch of production, demonstrates that in case of increase in cultivated area economic efficiency of the used resources decreased. Differentiation was determined by imperfection of production system in the most part of the agricultural organizations, including the non-optimal amount of production and placement by natural and economic zones, violation of systems of crop rotations, processing of the soil and crops care. Almost the reserve of increase in productivity is pollination by bees wasn't involved. Production oil seeds are profitable in all natural and economic zones, but competitive advantages are observed in groups of municipalities with higher hydrothermal coefficient, however in these areas specialization on cultivation of sunflower isn't widespread. In group of the highly specialized enterprises at the expense of non-optimal terms of return of sunflower on the former place 20-25‰ of gross collecting production are half-received, decrease in specific labour input and prime cost per 1 centner oil seeds weren’t observed that demonstrates negative impact of deepening of specialization on economic efficiency of use of resources in branch. At the same time reserves of increase in return on the invested capital at cultivation of sunflower in the territory of the region are available and they are connected with realization of scientifically based production system.

Issue № 12, December 2016, article № 10

The prospects of development of dairy cattle breeding in russia

The current situation with self-sufficiency by milk and dairy products is presented in article, and also measures for elimination of the factors constraining development of dairy cattle breeding in the Russian Federation are proposed. Despite the positive shifts reached in recent years in agrarian and industrial complex in general the situation in dairy cattle breeding remains critical. Among the major factors exerting negative impact on development of subsector are noted: deficiency of farm animals for formation of optimum structure of herd and modern livestock complexes; a long investment cycle at implementation of projects in dairy cattle breeding; difficulty of access of dairy products of small farms to sales markets; low level of breeding work in comparison with the leading countries in this direction; insufficient competitiveness of domestic dairy products; personnel and technological "hunger". Authors offer use of a package of measures which will allow to eliminate the factors constraining development of dairy cattle breeding, in particular: formation of a livestock of animals sufficient for self-sufficiency of need of the population for dairy products; increase in efficiency of conducting breeding business; providing a livestock of animals with the corresponding conditions of keeping (including reconstruction and modernization of livestock complexes); development of small farms taking into account their special role in development of dairy cattle breeding; formation at producers of milk of refinery capacities.