
Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 6

Level approach in assessment of a market environment of the organization is applied. As the general conditions of the environment of finding of the organization in branch in most cases have no specific character in relation to separately taken organization therefore approbation a technique of assessment and the analysis of a market environment of the organizations is executed by authors at the branch level. Further development of methodical approaches to the analysis of a market environment of the organization assumes use of both traditional and innovative receptions that increases validity of adoption of administrative decisions. For the analysis of a market environment of the organization at the branch level the following methods are used: factorial analysis, BKG matrix, model of five forces of M. Porter, assessment of level of the competition, life cycle of the organizations of branch. Agricultural development is characterized by the increasing rates of changes in the external environment of activity of the organizations, rather high growth rates of branch (0.198) in comparison with other types of economic activity, presence of very large players, moderate concentration of the market of agricultural production, growth of intensity of the competition, transformation of the existing legal forms mainly in limited liability companies, high threat of emergence in the market of products substitutes, including food without agricultural production. The conclusion is drawn that in the existing macro environment the largest companies can mainly survive and succeed in agriculture, further decrease in volumes of demand in the consumer market because of the low income of the population will lead to reduction of the outputs, and orientation of branch development to agrarian export will be followed by extremely low level of food of citizens.

Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 7

Activization of economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of the general economic recession and reduction of rates of GDP becomes one of the most urgent tasks of state regulation of economy. It also predetermines search of new approaches and the directions in management of economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex. Results of a research of processes of economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex with use of economic-mathematical modelling are over the last 10 years presented in article on the basis of processing of statistical data. In a substantial context of economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex by the author are allocated three the main components: quantitative, qualitative and reproduction dynamics. For providing dynamic and sustained economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex it is offered to maintain constantly in a control system of processes of economic dynamics of agro-industrial production coherence between parameters of quantitative, high-quality and reproduction changes of a condition of a branch complex under the influence of factors, determinants and conditions of growth having cause and effect character. It is shown that at the operating agrarian policy to provide dynamic development of a branch complex according to the available agrarian potential it will be problematic. Change of parametrical maintenance of a control system of the economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex will allow to bring agro-industrial production to a trajectory of sustainable development, to liquidate food dependence, to create the agro export potential of the country. Within the author's concept of management of the economic growth of agrarian and industrial complex strategic initiatives which realization will allow to fix positive dynamics in production of agro-industrial production and to create conditions for new quality of growth of agrarian sector in the long term are developed.

Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 8

In article the operating techniques of economic assessment of efficiency of agricultural production are analysed. The conclusion is drawn that the operating methodical approaches of assessment of efficiency are focused on assessment of technologies and the new equipment in general by basic and new options. However different requirements to grain and indicators of assessment of quality demand various production technologies depending on purpose of a product and lead to need of specification of criterion and indicators of economic efficiency. In the considered techniques features and a possibility of multidirectional use of production aren't considered, quality indicators depending on purpose of a product aren't reflected. The methodical approach of economic assessment of production and use of fodder grain allowing making selection of highly effective production technologies of forages taking into account power and efficiency of their application in livestock production on technological, quality and economic indicators is offered. For economic assessment of production efficiency of fodder grain consecutive definition of the following indicators is offered: prime cost of exchange energy of forage, prime cost of unit of exchange energy of a fodder diet, change of cost of products of livestock production and change of profitability of production of livestock production. Use of this technique will provide decrease in prime cost of exchange energy of a diet of feeding and will allow operating production efficiency and uses of forages in livestock production.

Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 11

Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 13

Corn is one of the main grain crops in world crop production and in agriculture of the countries of BRICS in which the total amount of gross collecting grain of corn approaches volumes of the USA - the world leader of production and use of grain of this culture. Dynamics of production of grain of corn is given in BRICS countries in 2010-2015, and also the current state of production and realization of grain corn over five countries is analysed: Russia, China, Brazil, India and Republic of South Africa in recent years. For Russia and China (the leading producer of grain of corn among BRICS countries) balances of production, consumption and trade in corn grain with the indication of the passing stocks are made of harvests of the current seasons. Government measures of support of production and formation of the state resources of grain of corn, protection of the domestic grain markets are reflected. Organizational and economic prerequisites of development of production and realization of grain of corn in BRICS countries on the near-term outlook taking into account a modern situation and strengthening of their commonwealth are formulated. The memorandum of cooperation in agriculture of all participants of this association, including of assistance of expansion of trade in agricultural raw materials accepted at the summit of heads of states by BRICS, will also serve further strengthening and development of national grain farms, including productions and realization of grain of corn.