
Comparative analysis of economy development of siberia’s rural territories

In 25 years of economic and agrarian reforms in economy of rural territories of Russia there were essential changes that have led to structural changes in branch. The transitional period of development of rural economy of Russia needs special approach to the analysis of the happening political, social and economic transformations. Objects of a research are the regions of Siberian Federal District having extensive rural territories and answering to the Russian specifics of activity. The mechanism of comparative assessment of transformation of regional rural territories and stimulation of their development acts as an object of research. Foreign and domestic scientists E. Bregel, S. Rouzfild, A.I. Kolganov, A.V. Buzgalin, etc. consider that the most suitable tool for in-depth studies of the main concepts of regional development is the method of the comparative analysis. This approach is used by us for the analysis of development of economy of rural territories of Siberia that is caused by need of identification of opportunities of ensuring sustainable development of rural territories and competitiveness of domestic production. The technique of the analysis is based on system the comparative estimates which includes consideration of three blocks of parameters: condition of internal conditions of development of the region and rural territories in particular; formation of institutes of market infrastructure; degree of an involvement of rural territories of the region into national economy. In article an assessment of dynamics and tendencies of development of internal conditions of development of agricultural production is given. Use of a technique of the comparative analysis in practice of management of development of rural territories will allow to receive an objective picture of functioning of regional system of rural territories and to define actions for change of a situation.

Management of balance of resources in ensuring food security of the region

Food security is considered as the basis for protecting national security of the country, also being a fundamental prerequisite for improving the nation’s standard of living. There are some difficulties in providing the food supply security on the regional level as well as on the national one. However, less careful attention is paid to the food supply problems within the regions. The relation between the food market and the agricultural self-sufficiency of the region is diverse. On the one hand, development of the regional market must be based on the local production and on its self-sufficiency with the goods, which production is ensured due to the proper conditions provided within this region. In contrast to this, when regulating the food market, it should be kept in mind that such self-sufficiency must be optimal and reasonable and should not contradict with the principles of the market-driven economy, regulations for interregional or international divison of labour. The authors have shown the dynamics of the integrated food dependency ratio of the Smolensk Region in 2005-2015, which follows a steady downward trend (0,46-0,41). The long-term values of food dependence for the region have been estimated as follows: the level of satisfaction of consumer demand in milk and dairy products within the region will increase from 0.78 to 0.94; the level of economic availability of food supplies will change from high (0.174) to tolerable (0.096); degree of production dependence on milk and dairy products will reduce for the region from 0.81 to 0.14 and will become moderate.

Issue № 2, February 2017, article № 10

Priority development guidelines of implementation of rural population economic interest

Economic interest is represented by conscious needs and traditionally examined in terms of social, communal and individual interests. Rural population should be regarded as a specific group of interest community. Mechanism for the implementation of economic interest of rural population is presented as the whole complex of structural and functional elements, subsystems, tools and methods, focused on the management of the formation of conductive conditions of the implementation of economic interest of rural community as a whole and individual groups as well, located on the territories, characterized by private specific development. The government could not provide a distinct program for securing growth of rural population income under the conditions of stable employment reduction in agricultural organizations, deterioration in quality of demographic structure of rural communities, ageing of rural population and lack of development of the rural cooperation system. Population of rural territories which suffer from the process of degradation , and characterized by an increasing level of social exclusion, subject to the reduction of economic and social individual needs, degradation of their structure, loss of faith in the future and loss of labour need as a natural source of income. Negotiation of the processes of human capital assets degradation in rural localities in terms of implementation of existing agricultural policy and rural development policy seems to be rather problematic without creating an efficient system of labour activity motivation. The direction of development of implementation of rural population economic interest is advised to be examined though such groups as formation of conditions for implementation of economic interest, development of rural economy, assuring the growth of rural population income and improvement of life quality.

Issue № 2, February 2017, article № 12

Sustainable development: ecological priorities transition to «green» econ0omy

The article is presented in a research report. In this paper the author examines the institutional arrangements for sustainable development taking into account environmental priorities and the transition to a green economy. Object of research are the economies of developed and developing countries, the challenges of sustainable development and green growth in the long term. The study of international experience, in particular, Sweden, USA, UK, EU, OECD, the countries of Southeast Asia, the CIS has allowed to identify the main institutional instruments to develop new markets and industries in terms of economic impact, added value and sustainability. The paper proved that the development of state regulation of development of a system of measures of «green economy» in Russia, the most promising agro-industry and agriculture, the competitiveness of which can be significantly improved in the transition to environmentally oriented agriculture. Russia revealed the potential opportunities to move to a model of «green economy», the analysis of the agro-industrial specialization of regions on the potential of «green growth». Transition strategy to the standards and principles of "green" economy should take into account the resource base of agro-industrial regions, industrial and innovation and investment opportunities to diversify, based on inter-regional integration, expansion of industrial ties and cooperation.

Issue № 1, January 2017, article № 1

In the structure of the domestic agricultural products in 2015, the share of the small forms of the managing accounted for 48.5‰ or 2.5077 trillion rubbles. They include the following categories of the agricultural producers: the personal subsidiary farms, the peasant (farmer) economies, the individual businessmen working in agribusiness and the agricultural consumer cooperatives. On the background of the deficiency of the public statistical data of the small forms of the managing in the agrarian and industrial complex the analysis of basic indexes of their development, conducted including the basis of the preliminary information of the all over Russia agricultural census of 2016, presented in the article is actual. The authors revealed the basic innovations of the government subsidies in 2017. One of them is the consolidation (enlargement) of the measures of the state support in the framework of the «single» subsidy. Its maintenance, the distributing criteria, the expected results of the introduction and also positive changes for peasant (farmer) economies, individual businessmen and agricultural consumer cooperatives are analyzed. The essence of the new agro crediting mechanism under a rate of 5 ‰ annual through the authorized banks with a 20‰ quota of the small farms of the managing is described. The problem of the deficiency of the public stimuli for the development of the personal subsidiary farms carrying out a production of 37.4 ‰ to all agricultural produce in a country in 2015 is pointed in the article.