
Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 14

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 15

The european market of organic products: current trends

Around the world, including in Europe, organic agriculture successfully develops. For the last decade in Europe the area of the farmlands occupied under organic production has more than twice increased. With the same speed the European market of organic food which is second-large the USA develops. Organic agriculture, on the one hand, is demanded as a source of healthy environmentally friendly food, and with another - as a fashionable trend in a modern way of life. Organic products as a source for investments, give huge opportunities for business of farmers, importers, processors and retail dealers. In Europe contrary to rapid growth of market size the considerable imbalance between the current deliveries of environmentally friendly products and the growing demand for organic food therefore if it isn't possible to liquidate a gap between organic supply and demand, then the growing demand will be satisfied due to import is observed. Experience of development of the European organic agriculture is urgent for Russia and the market of organic products is interesting. As the domestic market of organic products is in a formation stage, and demand of domestic consumers for organic production wasn't created fully, it is necessary to develop export deliveries of organic products to Europe. Support of organic production producers and state regulation of this market will bring multiplicative positive effect for social and economic development of Russia.

Concept of methodology of the assessment of effective management in agrarian sector and rural territories

Modern problems of assessment of effective management of agrarian sector and rural territories are investigated insufficiently. The importance of a research has increased in connection with adoption of the new normative documents concerning assessment of efficiency of activity of executive authorities at the regional and municipal levels. For the first time assessment is defined in the rank of Laws and Decrees of the President. But there is a question how to be with other levels of management. Essential increase in effective management of rural territories, including due to use of advanced methods of assessment is necessary. Without solution of the problem of controllability branches, subsectors, the organizations, it is impossible to determine the general level of controllability of system. It constrains development of economic board by agrarian sector, rural territories, and national economies. It is offered to include indicators of efficiency of use of land resources, assessment of efficiency of activity of heads of large and medium-sized enterprises of the agrarian and industrial complex located in rural territories in the list of estimated indicators. The created standard and legal base of the new labour relations has come in 2016. It means that activity of employers and hired workers for all organizations of Russia should be estimated taking into account professional standards. Professional standards have to be uniform and comparable when determining qualification of the worker, both in a form, and according to contents, and in too time have to be clear and convenient in application. There is a problem of coordination of estimated indicators of executive authorities of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal self-government with professional standards. On all these and other questions the version of answers of the author is presented in the present article.

Efficiency of the virgin epic: modernization problems at development of waste lands in modern conditions of business

The president V.V.Putin in the message to Federal Assembly in 2016 has set the task to introduce millions of hectares of the thrown arable land into circulation. In article experience of development virgin and lay lands after the Great Patriotic War on the basis of modernization of production with a solution of the problem of the fullest providing the population of the country with food reveals. In March, 2017 63 years since the beginning of their plowing according to the resolution of a plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU "About further increase in production of grain in the country and about development virgin and lay lands will be executed." The author among Komsomol members volunteers of the first many thousands groups participated as the chief agronomist in creation of state farm "Belgorod" of the Kazakh SSR. In work mechanisms of formation and implementation of the virgin epic based on modernization are considered. 16.3 million hectares of new lands composed successful development in Russia on the basis of the high level of material and financial security, participation of the state and the people, especially are shown to youth of those years. Social and economic efficiency of development of a virgin soil reveals. A comparative assessment of development of new lands after the Great Patriotic War and results of the agrarian transformations which have caused an exception of a turn of 38.4 million hectares of lands, loss by the country of food independence is given. Importance of use of experience of that era in practice of today's agrarian transformations taking into account new conditions of managing, need of taking measures to ensuring food security of the country is proved. Expediency of updating of normative documents with the solution of problems of restoration of waste lands, elimination of shortcomings of financial and credit system, increases in level of the state support of the village, overcoming distortions in the foreign trade relations is proved, the activization of innovative processes, formations of necessary living conditions in the village.

Increase in milk production as an effective strategy to reduce costs

The dairy cattle’s breeding belongs to one of the most problem branches of agriculture. In article relationships of cause and effect of change of volumes and cost of production of milk are analysed. It is revealed that in the long term decrease in prime cost is a consequence of increase in production of milk, as at the level of the separate enterprises, so branches in general. Therefore, in the conditions of absence of the market power of milk-raw materials producers, limited opportunities of the state support of branch, need of control of the prices of dairy products, increase in the outputs is the effective strategy of decrease in expenses. Search and realization of the actions providing decrease in expenses in dairy branch have to be considered as priority and at the level of separate farms, and regions. Development of dairy cattle breeding in the main countries is differentiated: regarding the countries the dairy cattle breeding develops as branches with the decreasing expenses, in parts - with increasing, but in general branch in the world, increasing volumes, reduces expenses. The conclusion is drawn that support of dairy cattle breeding in regions with a high agro biological potential, at the seeming high efficiency in the short-term period, isn't capable to provide stability of development of branch because of high alternative expenses, possibilities of production of more marginal types of agricultural production. Need of priority realization of the actions of the state support of dairy cattle breeding providing decrease in expenses at milk increase in production is proved. Governing bodies need to increase efficiency of the state support, correcting the principles and forms of distribution of subsidies.

Tendencies and problems of development of the market of sunflower and sunflower oil in the russian federation

The article reviews sunflower oilseeds and sunflower oil markets as part of fats and oil market. In article the market of sunflower oil and sunflower oil as a component of the market of fat-and-oil products is considered. The condition of production of sunflower seeds and sunflower oil in Russia and in the world, and also their average annual prices is analyzed. The main producers of sunflower are the agricultural organizations and peasant farms. In the main regions of production of sunflower the saturation its crops exceeds all agronomical norms that leads to violation of crop rotations and infection of the sunflower. In all regions disproportions between a source of raw materials and presence of capacities for processing are observed. The increased competition between processing enterprises for raw materials and sharp increase in prices for sunflower in the seeds market, the growth of consumer prices and the growth of the export prices in a rouble equivalent in the market of sunflower oil have led to deterioration of the situation of processors who have appeared in price scissors and work at a side of the minimum profitability. The question of competitiveness of domestic sunflower oil in the world market is raised with a steady growth of costs of production of 1 t of sunflower in the country. The situation which has developed in the market has aggravated problems of the choice of the directions of the state support of certain spheres of an oil and fat sub complex, participants and stages of his merchandising, including export.

Interregional exchange of vegetable production is a factor of economic space unity

Interregional exchange in the form of mutual deliveries on the example of vegetable production as one of factors of economic integrity of the Russian Federation is considered. Options of inter industry exchange as production of own production in comparison with the output of commodity vegetables, and taking into account export and import of vegetables in comparison with their gross collecting are given in Russia. As the most important indicator of durability of internal space, the level and quality of human life which health is defined on 70‰ by food is, the task of alignment of consumption of foodstuff, including vegetables, between regions and territorial subjects of the federation, and also, in coordination with economic section of scientific council at the Security council, inclusions of an indicator of shower consumption in system of indicators of national security of Russia and, respectively, in group of the socio-economic indexes characterizing economic uniformity of the territory of the country and intensity of communications between her parts is set. Territorial subjects of the federation which for 2013-2015 didn't import vegetables from other regions, and also shares of vegetables in import of food into subjects of the Northern zone of Russia and the expected volume of processing of vegetable production are given. The main options of assessment of durability of internal economic space, and also feature of the account the vegetable and melon cultures and potatoes are shown when determining cost of a gross regional product from unit of cultivated area.