
Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 3

Development of agro insurance in modern conditions

The system of agricultural insurance operating till 2012 didn't allow carrying out effective protection of interests of agricultural producers, their protection against large-scale natural risks. The system of agricultural insurance didn't allow to ensure safety of the investments enclosed in production and to guarantee timely payments as a result of approach of insurance events. In article need of improvement of standard legal acts regulating providing the state support in the sphere of agricultural insurance is proved. It is noted that despite the done work on improvement of standard legal base, in the sphere of agricultural insurance with the state support negative dynamics of the indicators characterizing its state is observed. The low share of insurance payments in comparison with the paid insurance premiums in a combination to complexity and duration of receiving insurance payments negatively influences motivation of agricultural producers to the conclusion of contracts of agricultural insurance. For improvement of agro insurance a number of measures are proposed. They include increasing in level of insurance payments in comparison with the paid insurance premiums; using of quantitative values of target indicators of development of agricultural insurance with the state support; an improvement of the mechanism of performance of established periods of the approval of Plans of agricultural insurance; full and timely execution of performance of obligations by authorized bodies on transfer of insurance company of a part of the insurance premium covered by a subsidy.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 4

Influence of an organizational legal form of the agricultural organizations on efficiency of their functioning

In article financial results of activity of the agricultural organizations of Altai Krai in a section of legal forms are considered. The structure of the agricultural organizations of the region continues to be transformed. Specific weight of limited liability companies in structure of legal forms of the agricultural organizations made 62.3‰, agricultural production cooperatives - 17.3‰, joint-stock companies - 6.7‰. The carried-out comparative analysis has shown lack of direct influence of legal form of the enterprises on efficiency of their functioning (in each group there were both profitable and unprofitable organizations). Limited liability companies are more profitable, but debt size on average on group of companies significantly exceeds their annual revenue. Agricultural cooperatives are less profitable, but are financially steadier as borrowed funds didn't exceed 32‰ of revenue. It is noted that lack of the accurate program of privatization of the earth, reorganization of collective farms and state farms, and also real experience of conducting business activity in market conditions have led to chaotic transformation of structure of the agricultural organizations for legal forms as in general across the Russian Federation, and in a section of regions. After 2000 in Altai Krai processes of criminal bankruptcy for the purpose of evasion from payment of arrears were observed. At the same time internal reserves of growth of production efficiency haven't been realized, return of the used resources continued to decrease. In the absence of real changes in the intraeconomic relations and disinterest in realization of intensive systems of housekeeping and branches worsened a financial condition of the organizations and predetermined need of further transformations.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 5

Analysis of professions staff in agricultural organizations of stavropol krai

The agrarian sphere is one of the leading sectors of economy of Stavropol Krai. Agriculture forms 15‰ of a gross regional product, accumulates 16‰ of total amount of investments and provides employment of 17‰ of the population of the region. However for many years in branch deficiency of labour remains. The solution of tasks of import substitution and the accelerated growth on the basis of transition to innovative development is closely connected with questions of formation and use of personnel capacity of branch. In article the quantitative and qualitative characteristic of employees of the agricultural organizations of Stavropol Krai in general and by the primary professional groups is considered. Level of security of agricultural organizations is determined by heads, specialists and personnel of working professions. It is revealed that the scarcest is personnel of working professions; their shortcoming is aggravated in the considered temporary period. The demand pattern on replacement of vacant positions of personnel of agricultural organizations is studied. It is established that 80‰ of the aggregate demand make vacant positions of a personnel of working professions and the need for them grows. Level and dynamics of change of compensation of workers of agricultural industry by the primary professional groups is considered. It is revealed that for replacement with unskilled workers there are workplaces with compensation twice lower, than on average on an industry. Quality characteristics of personnel of working professions are studied: age, education level, qualification. It is established that process of aging of labour collectives takes place. Especially quickly it occurs in livestock production where the share of persons of retirement age for 2013-2015 increased more, than three times. The developed qualification level of personnel of working professions doesn't correspond to requirements of production, acts as the factor constraining development of an industry on an innovative basis.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 7

Beetroot in the vegetable market of russia

Indicators of production of beet of the dining room are analysed: gross collecting, cultivated area and productivity in Russia during the period from 2008 to 2015. The analysis is made on administrative districts, and also territorial subjects of the federation in which value of indicators differs from an average across Russia. Good harvests of beet can be received by the correct selection of agro technical receptions: crop rotation, grade, irrigation, density of standing of plants, harvesting terms, rational use of fertilizers. The results of studies of the effect of the most important factors and some techniques for its yield, including chemical melioration, use of micronutrients, and kompleksonat of metals, zeolite, and plant density for some varieties are given. The results of the research in the cultivation of table beet on meadow soil Moscow river floodplain are shown. Results of researches of a possibility of receiving this root crop conforming to sanitary and hygienic requirements at cultivation on the soil polluted by heavy metals are partially given. Some results of researches on consumption are shown by plants of fertilizers, to their carrying out with a harvest and a keeping of table beet at long storage. Vegetable growing development mainly on the basis of import technologies, seeds, means of protection of plants and the equipment not only isn't justified, but also won't be coordinated with the offer on inclusion of vegetables in the list of the products defining food security of Russia with the threshold level of own providing 90 of ‰. For ensuring consumption of vegetables according to the recommended standards it is necessary to increase, first of all, the cultivated area of commodity beet of the dining room, to increase its productivity to the level of the advanced farms and to provide due quality of root crops in the course of cultivation and storage.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 8

Methodical approaches to creation of a cluster in a fruit and vegetable sub complex

In article the main methodical approaches to creation of a fruit and berry cluster are considered. Need of the population of the country and area for fruits and their actual consumption at the federal and regional levels is studied. An assessment is given to dynamics of import of fruits and berries in Russia, and also to self-reliance level by the main agricultural production of the population in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is drawn that despite the available positive tendencies in production, the branch doesn't satisfy to needs of the population of the country for fruit and berry production. Separate functioning of selectors and producers of fruit production, doesn't allow gardening branch to develop effectively. The analysis of production of fruits and berries in Russia and structures of the area of long-term plantings is carried out. Financial economic indicators of activity of fruit and berry branch in the Oryol region are analysed. Besides, in work the directions of formation of a control system of cluster structures in fruit and berry branch, and also regional model of functioning of a fruit and berry cluster in the Oryol region are defined. The offered model of a fruit cluster includes small business that will promote creation of new jobs in rural areas and to decrease in social tension. Development of a fruit cluster in the territory of the Oryol region requires creation of modern base of long storage of fruit and berry production

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 9

To a question of effective development of potato growing in the bryansk region

Considerably it is possible to fill up resources of potatoes due to radical improvement of seed farming which modern level of development in many respects doesn't meet the requirements of effective maintaining branch. In article the current state of seed farming of potatoes in the Russian Federation and in the Bryansk region in particular is analyzed. Among the most important priorities of innovative development there are productions of seed potatoes and increase in his quality allocate three key directions: increase in efficiency of use of high-quality resources of potatoes and accelerated promotion in production of the best domestic selection achievements; system improvement of organizational structure and development of scientifically based regulations of production of original, elite and reproductive seed potatoes; introduction and development in full strictly regulated scheme of certification of seed potatoes. Need of use of methods of improvement and reproduction of various grades of potatoes with use of culture of meristemny fabric is proved. Many domestic grades of potatoes are better adapted to specific conditions in regions of their cultivation. In places of traditional concentration of production of potatoes special seed-growing territories with the purest phytosanitary conditions for production healthy (free from phytopathogens) original and elite seed potatoes have to be allocated. Expediency of creation of the regional centre of original seed farming of potatoes on the basis of the Bryansk SAU is considered. The model of the organization of seed farming of potatoes in the region is developed. It is necessary to increase production of seed potatoes at least by 15‰ and in the long term to bring its production to 140-150 thousand tons a year.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 10

Coordination of small farms with agricultural credit consumer cooperatives

Small farms perform a number of the major economic functions: food supply of rural families, solution of social problems of the village, employment and maintenance of the income of country people. Credit cooperation of peasant farms and farms of the population is strategically important direction of development of the market of financial services in the village. Recommendations about target use of the issued loans taking into account the main directions of agricultural production in municipal districts of Chelyabinsk region are developed for primary agricultural credit consumer cooperatives (ACCC). Recommendations on coordination of interaction of small farms about ACCC at the level of primary ACCC which aren't breaking the principle of hierarchical structure with system of property control from below up at which local links are owners of links of higher level are submitted. The mechanism of introduction of a target contribution at observance of requirements of the legislation on a consumer loan is reasonable. The positive effect of coordination is caused by a covering of expenses on the primary non-commercial activity of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives (document flow on receiving a loan and subsidies) at the expense of a one-time target contribution of borrowers. The state support of agricultural credit consumer cooperation is essentially important for development of small farms. It is important to keep compensation of a part of the paid percent within a key interest rate on the loans obtained in agricultural consumer credit cooperatives. Development of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives will allow to increase availability and to reduce the cost of credit services for the members.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 11

Social and psychological climate in rural settlements

In article on the basis of the sociological researches conducted by the Centre of social development of rural territories to FGBN VNIIESKH the problems causing the greatest concern in residents of the village are analyzed. Ranging has shown that the reasons connected with material prosperity, problems with employment are in the lead. Dynamics of migratory moods, their reasons, and also the reason of lack of intentions of moving to the city is presented. In 2016 has been captured by migratory moods nearly 1/3 residents of the village from whom every tenth had firm intention in the next 2-3 years to move to the permanent residence to the city. An assessment of socially psychological climate in the Russian village by eyes of experts - heads of administration of municipal districts, heads of administration of rural settlements, heads of the agricultural organizations and heads of peasant farms is given. According to nearly a half of respondents, in the Russian village negative moods, at the same time, according to about 2/5 respondents prevail, the main part of villagers belongs with understanding to the available difficulties. Radical strengthening of the state support of agriculture, possible stimulation of development of alternative kinds of activity and constructive transformation of living and social infrastructure conditions of activity in rural areas are necessary for decrease in migratory moods of country people, improvement of social and psychological climate in the Russian mudflow.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 12

Tendencies of social economic development of rural territories of the amur region

One of problems of agrarian and industrial complex of the Russian Federation and the Amur region more is extremely low standard of living of the population in the village. Comfort of city life, low social support has sat down, remoteness from infrastructure equipped centres, difficult living conditions and a set of other problems have led to long-term outflow of the population from rural areas, to resistant opinion on not prestigiousness of agrarian professions and, as a result, to decline of a rural way of life in general. The analysis of tendencies of demographic processes, the standard of living and social and economic conditions of development of the village for 2000-2015 in comparison with common regional and all-Russian tendencies is presented in article. Negative and positive tendencies of social and economic development of rural territories of the Amur region are revealed. The current state and dynamics of development of agrarian sector of the Amur region can be estimated as perspective with increasing production of production. The standard of living of the population, his economic and social situation and demographic processes in rural areas remain unsatisfactory. Scales of the low standard of living of the population of rural areas confirm need of development of new approaches to management and effective development of agriculture. First of all it is necessary to provide support of regions for dynamic development of rural areas: ensuring labour employment of country people with the constant salary; assistance to agricultural producers and granting a social package to residents of the village.