
Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 11

Organization of a cluster on production and processing oil seeds

In the conditions of high dependence of the market of seeds of oil-bearing crops on the world market, the strategy of its development has to be based on increase in competitiveness, transition to cluster innovative technologies. Research objective is theoretically, methodologically and methodically to prove the questions connected with opportunities of use of cluster approach in an oil sub complex and also to find out existence of prerequisites and limiting factors. Cluster approach focuses attention not on separate branches, and on communications between branches and the organizations and achievement of additional system effect due to reduction of expenses. Clusters are, as a rule, formed where "breakthrough" advance in the field of innovative development and a gain of competitive advantages is carried out or expected. During the research distinctions between agro holdings and agro clusters are shown, general economic and social prerequisites of creation of clusters are revealed. For a basis of methodical approaches to formation of a cluster in an oil sub complex developments of the Russian scientists, the researching cluster systems are used, three stages of the organization of a cluster are allocated: preparatory, the main and finishing. Creation of regional oil clusters in the country allows increasing efficiency of functioning of an oil sub complex, to improve processes of planning of its development, to strengthen action of synergetic effect, more purposefully to pursue regional economic policy, to improve information support of participants of an oil cluster.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 12

A price factor in production of beet

Research objective is the analysis of the prices of production and consumption of beet, their structure and definition of influence of cost of energy resources on cost of production. The scientific research methods of empirical level are applied: comparison, generalization, analysis. The carried-out analysis has allowed to reveal the following tendencies: fluctuation of monthly volumes of realization of beet and its price in the market; insignificant increase in a share of producers in retail price up to 43‰ in 2015; a considerable share of trade organizations in the consumer price of beet (34,4‰ in March, 76,0‰ in July), increase in prices of producers of beet for 2012-2015 in Russia from 6,61 rub/kg to 13,28 rub/kg, in the Moscow region - from 5,97 rub/kg to 11,0 rub/kg; change of cost on diesel fuel within 34-45‰, the electric power - within 27-35‰. The high cost of gross output from unit of cultivated area at farms with the high specific weight of crops the vegetables and potatoes is noted. Influence of cost of energy resources on prime cost of table beet, and also a share of vegetables in structure of expenses of the population is shown. For increase in gross collecting and ensuring consumption of vegetables according to the recommended standards it is necessary to increase, first of all, the cultivated area of beet, to increase its productivity to the level of the advanced farms and to provide due quality of root crops in the course of cultivation.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 13

An assessment of competitiveness of the region for realization of public-private partnership in livestock production

The purpose is to improve the relationship between agricultural and processing enterprises on the basis of public-private partnership. Methodical approach to an assessment of competitiveness of subjects of the Russian Federation for realization of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the sphere of livestock production is offered. Use of a method of an assessment of single usefulness of goods is offered. The assessment is made by means of the model which is characterized by three components; there is structure of the model reflecting interrelations, the weight coefficients, the way of an assessment. The way of definition of usefulness of the region based on an assessment of degree of proximity of real values of indicators of efficiency of the considered subject to the value of these indicators wished at the state level is offered. Approbation of a technique is executed on the example of subjects of Central Federal District. As a basis for positioning of subjects of the Russian Federation two parameters are used: 1) single usefulness of the region; 2) distance of the considered region from ideal. Regions which characteristics most satisfy needs of the state which have the greatest production efficiency and sales of products of livestock production, and also investment appeal have been allocated: Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk, Tambov regions. The most perspective for realization of the offered mechanism of public-private partnership is the average group of regions with single usefulness 0,5-0,9. This group includes the Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Voronezh, Bryansk, Kaluga, Oryol regions. These subjects possess the developed institutional environment in the public-private partnership sphere, experience of implementation of the corresponding projects, and also high investment appeal. The described methodical approach allows giving an exact quantitative assessment of discrepancy of each factor influencing the general indicator of efficiency (usefulness) that will allow defining the directions of improvement of a competitive position of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 14

Development and placement of forage production for dairy cattle breeding in the russian federation

A research objective is to analyse a condition of production of forages for dairy cattle breeding and to reveal problems in placement of forage crops. Decrease in a livestock of the cattle including cows, has led to decrease in production of livestock production and reduction of acreage of forage crops. In a section of separate types of forage crops the largest specific weight is the share of annual herbs which are used for preparation of hay, green forage, a senazh, grass meal, briquettes, and granules in system of the green conveyor. One-year forage crops are cultivated in a certain climatic zone. In recent years their acreage was countrywide reduced and the main of them are concentrated in Volga, Siberian and Central federal districts. Long-term herbs are cultivated usually in mix with a clover, a lucerne and other bean cultures. On natural and economic zones various grades of long-term bean and cereal herbs are zoned, crop rotations and an agro technology of cultivation are developed for them. Production of fodder root crops is concentrated in regions with the developed dairy cattle breeding in the Central and Volga federal districts. Increase in production of livestock production is connected with volumes prepared and quantity of the spent forage on the head of cattle. The accelerated development of a forage production as due to use of factors of an intensification, and rational placement of production of forages is necessary.

Issue № 3, March 2017, article № 2

Information support of supply and sales activities management

Underdeveloped supply system of economic subjects in agrarian sphere and procurement of products significantly restricts the effectiveness of agricultural producers and causes the growth of distribution costs. The choice of the model of organization of supply and sales activities is determined by the level of development of the entity and implemented marketing concept. Each type of economic subjects of the agrarian sphere realizes its own supply and sales policy and forms a system of supply and sales activities within its own needs. Advantages and real opportunities of creation of the full-scale divisions specializing in realization of functions of supply and sale are available for the large integrated agro-industrial formations. It is noted that the market of information and consulting services in ensuring supplying and marketing activity on the principles of outsourcing is characterized by extremely low level of development. In article basic provisions of formation of information system support in management of supplying and marketing activity are formulated. The considerable part of the agricultural organizations and large farms which are characterized by rather large scales of production and the wide range of the made production, but the low level of informatization of management can become clients of the specialized information and marketing centres. To such centres, created and financed with assistance of the state on the principles of cooperation of small business entities, functions on formation of system of information support of supplying and marketing activity on the terms of outsourcing can be transferred.