
Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 1

Conceptual aspects of creation and development of agro-industrial clusters in the region

History shows that numerous attempts of reforming of agro-industrial complex of Russia on a uniform basis, without regional specifics, haven't resulted in effective results. Cluster structures in developed and developing countries become the key mechanism of increase in their competitiveness. In this regard the question of formation of agro-industrial clusters is urgent. Clusters develop economic space of the region, using innovative processes, creating new products, technologies. A research objective is to open theoretic-methodical questions of creation and development of regional agro-industrial clusters as most perspective forms of the economic associations providing increase in competitiveness of economy of the region. The research is based on the general scientific methodology providing use of system and cluster approaches to the solution of problems. Need of formation of regional agro-industrial clusters is proved, the scheme of preparatory organizational work on creation of an agro-industrial cluster in the region is shown. The essence of a cluster of agro-industrial sector is disclosed, the purpose of their creation is formulated and the block diagram of formation is offered. In the strategy of a cluster the following basic provisions have to be considered: development of resource-saving technologies; introduction of modern developments, technologies and innovations; deep processing of agricultural production; organization of ecologically safe production; expansion of the range of finished goods; improvement of quality of end products. Key parameters of functioning of agro-industrial clusters are determined; the actions promoting his economic development are marked out. Conclusions are drawn on appeal of use of clusters in realization of regional economic policy. Specifics of agricultural production, his social importance, need of increase in competitiveness of production and other factors promote obtaining favourable economic result from association.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 2

The composed systems of food supply

Strengthening of import dependence on food creates undoubted threat of economic security of Russia. In this regard full providing the population of the country with food and development of system of food supply is an important task. A research objective is to consider theoretical aspects of formation of system of food supply. Methods of scientific research of theoretical level are used: abstraction, formalization, analysis and generalization. The conclusion is drawn that subsystems of formation of food funds, distribution and sale of food, consumption of food belong to basic elements of system of food supply. Interaction of these elements is directed to achievement of an ultimate goal of system - providing the population with qualitative food in the volumes necessary for normal activity. Coordination of interaction and respect for balances of interests of economic entities is provided with the state and market regulation. In food supply of the Russian Federation priority value belongs to agro-industrial complex. Indicators of an assessment of elements of system of food supply depending on their purposes are systematized, and also the factors exerting impact on the level of food supply of the population are revealed. Determination of essence, criterion and indicators of an assessment of development of system of food supply of the population of the country forms a basis for definition of the major factors exerting impact on his state and development. Studying of the factors defining a state and the level of development of subsystems allows to reveal weaknesses of system of food supply, the reason of the existing problems and to define the main directions of its development.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 5

The synergetic effect of membership of small agribusiness subjects in associations

Domestic experience and world practice demonstrate substantial increase of efficiency of functioning of subjects of small agribusiness as members, participants, partners of associations in comparison with their isolated activity. A research objective is a justification of efficiency of small business functioning in agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of membership in non-profit organizations on the example of associations. In a research the monographic method, the analysis of activity of small enterprises and associations of the Oryol region, synthesis of experience functioning of associations of subjects of small agribusiness are used. The article is devoted to the grounds of the efficiency increase of small business functioning in agro industrial complex on the basis of their membership in non-commercial organizations on the example of associations. The origin of the so-called synergetic effect for individual subjects as a result of their integration, joint activities, rights protection, promotion of ideas and higher informing are described by the authors. The review of the legal regulation of non-commercial organizations in the Russian legislation is presented in this work. The economic characteristic of the categories of peasant (farmer) economies, personal subsidiary farms, individual entrepreneurs are given. Their principal problems and urgent tasks are assumed. The regional practical experience of achievement of achieving of the synergetic effect in small agribusiness on the example of the Associations «Orel-AKKOR» and «Orel Quality» is revealed in details by the authors. The procedures of the creation, main goals, directions of their activities, gained results and perspectives of their e further functioning are described. The most significant factors for the development of small agribusiness subjects in Orel region on the base of synergetic effect joining association members are analysed in the article.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 6

Use of the concept "deming cycle" in agrarian and industrial complex

The global agro-industrial complex is a separate sector of agricultural production to perform tasks to meet the primary physiological needs. Therefore, product quality, and thus the quality of the business processes of the organization are critical to the conservation and enhancement of the health of the world population, in view of the above discussion in this paper attempts to study the issues of quality management of business processes and production in relation to companies operating in agro-industrial sector. The Methodology approach is based on an interdisciplinary concept of quality management in relation to the specifics of functioning and development of the agro-industrial sector. Studies based on statistical forecasting state-level food, testify to the backlog of production from the real needs of humanity in these products, because it is necessary to stimulate further sustainable development of the global agricultural sector. Concept of "Deming Cycle" (PDCA) is one of the priority tools in this area. Proposed the concept of "Deming Cycle" quality control is recommended for use in the agro-industrial complete cycle companies. This scheme can be adapted by eliminating unused units for non-cycle companies. On the basis of the scientific research in this article, the following conclusions were made: Humanity is faced with the necessity of philosophical rethinking of industrial and labour relations, where the main role is played by the process of continuous improvement of quality due to the limited resources of the population and the constant increase in the number and length of life of the population; Use the Deming cycle on the one hand it brings ease of agribusiness production process, but on the other - clearly defines the structure of the process due to the internal logic of the management cycle; «Deming Cycle" is the apex of the pyramid of modern quality management tools in agriculture.

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 7

A resource assessment of organic production on lay lands

In the article the formation and development of agriculture-based production of organic products is discussed. The author's representation describes the concept of "organic agriculture", "agriculture, focused on the production of organic products". Justified and reasoned background of involvement in the agricultural cycle fallow and unused land for the purposes of organic agriculture. It is important to note that the special importance of the problem of fallow and abandoned land noted Vladimir Putin in his annual address to the Federal Assembly in 2016. The article substantiates the main directions of formation and implementation of the concept-oriented agriculture to organic production, at the level of subject of the Russian Federation in the framework of the strategy of import substitution of food. The authors proposed a method of forming and realization of regional target programs of development of agriculture, on its basis was developed a project of the regional target program "Involvement in agricultural production is not used for the intended purpose of arable and fallow agricultural lands of the Altai territory in order to organic production for the period 2017 - 2022". On the basis of strategic plans of development of the organic sector of agriculture of the Altai territory, and also developed by the authors of the project of the regional target program calculated forecast of production of agricultural products of the Altai territory for the period 2017-2027 with the release of the share of organic of agricultural products and assessment of effectiveness. Results of investigations were reviewed by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation and recommended for use in the practice of forming of strategy of development of the organic agricultural production in the agricultural regions of the country (certificate of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 13/2530 from 19.11.2014).

Issue № 4, April 2017, article № 8

Potential development of enterprise segment green economy the republic of crimea

The "green" economy of Russia is in a phase of the formation and development, in this regard, it should be noted that theoretical and standard bases for carrying out necessary "green" transformations are created in the country insufficiently. Article updated task of creating a green economy based on environmental management and natural resources. The study is based on sufficient scientific and practical base for international business, certain internationally agreed goals of transition to a green economy and the direction of its development, as well as on the priorities of Russian policy in this area. Change of the legal framework regulating activity and social economic processes in the Republic of Crimea is the most favourable moment and a condition for restoration and development of its economy. Scientific novelty of the research are: classification of the principles of green economy in the macroeconomic and rental; defining resource of effects and market potential assessment of parameters of green economy, which may specify from a regional perspective of the Republic of Crimea; determination on the basis of a systematic and strategic analysis of green sectors of the economy, business development which will ensure strong growth of the economy of the Crimea; development of measures for the formation of an effective regional policy in the development of a green economy and agro-business segments, aimed at ensuring environmental and food security of the Republic of Crimea. In the article the comparative analysis of the implementation of environmental innovation by federal districts and agro-industrial regions of the Russian Federation identified potential risk factors and the growth of the green economy of the Republic of Crimea.