
Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 4

Regional features and prospects of development of key industries of ryazan region economy

Sustainable and forward development of the country is based on financial and social wellbeing of her certain regions. Welfare of each region depends on current state of priority branches of economy which make base of its dynamic development. The primary key industries for the Ryazan region should be considered branches of the sphere of industrial and agricultural production where the additional product is created. Economic sanctions, financial crises have left a negative mark on a condition of economic and social development of the region. Low efficiency is caused by high costs of production and the addresses reducing payback of production, works, and services. Their low level according to forecasts will remain during the next five-year period. Research objective is to search of priority ways of realization of region potential opportunities for improvement of a social and economic situation by means of transfer of management emphases on the sphere of production and effective use of non-current assets. Results of a research show that in the region low return of the fixed business assets (non-current assets), and as a result low profitability of the made production (works, services) in many branches of economy is observed. The conducted researches allow to formulate key conclusions, giving the chance to claim, that the priority attention needs to be paid to modernization and updating of the equipment and technologies in all priority branches of production activity of the region that will provide labour productivity growth, will lower the current costs of production and will increase profitability of financial and economic activity.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 5

The directions of informatization of supplying and marketing activity in agriculture

Informatization is considered as an organizational process connected with creation of some optimal conditions for satisfaction of users’ information needs through the formation of the necessary information resources and providing access to them. The strategic goal of informatization is to develop an information support system of management processes, which is adequate to the information needs of the management subject. The basic element of the information management system is an information infrastructure consisting of some technical means and communication channels. These means provide realization of the particular procedures and let effectively implement the specific information tasks. There are some key objectives relating to the organization control supply and marketing activity: the tasks determining the requirements and substantiation of the amount of commodity products; the tasks accounting and controlling of business transactions connected with the resources acquisition and products sales; the formation of the information fund on the basis of markets monitoring and their marketing research; the optimization of document flow with contractors and the transition to the electronic document management. The priority directions of informatization of supply and marketing activity are: the development of information infrastructure, the automation of planning processes, the automation of accounting and control, the formation of the marketing information fund, the introduction of system of electronic document circulation, the integration level increase into a single information space. The nature of informatization of supply and marketing activity can be reduced to the formation and development of the system of informational support. The computerization of the supply and marketing activity should be carried out in the framework of a unified informatization policy of the management of the economic entity’s development. The informatization policy is realized through the selection of the model type of the business entity’s informatization: models of the integrated one, models of the partial (functional) one, outsourcing functions of information support models.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 8

Condition of production and way of improvement of food grain quality

In article problems of stabilization of production, sale and improvement of quality of grain are investigated. Relevance of development of grain production is caused by use of grain for food supply, on the fodder purposes, creation of reserve fund. Development of domestic grain production is defined by influence of a difficult complex of natural, economic, scientific and technical, organizational, internal and external factors. Gross collecting grain considerably fluctuates by years that in a certain measure are connected with natural and climatic conditions of production of grain crops, and also shortcomings of the organization of providing with material resources, observance of agro-technological requirements. Volumes of cultivation of rye, a buckwheat and leguminous cultures, were significantly reduced. In the Volga region federal district and its regions production of grain develops less intensively in comparison with the developed countries of the world. Despite the available progress in increase in production of grain stability of harvests and his quality isn't reached. The amount of grain of 4-5 classes grows, decreases volumes of realization of grain of spring-sown field of 2-3 classes. The Republic of Tatarstan is faced by a task to bring the average annual output of grain to 5.5-6.0 million tons, and productivity grain to 30-35 c/hectare on the region. Along with improvement of quality of grain it is necessary to improve system of realization of grain, to take organizational and economic, technological measures for reduction of his losses, to improve technologies of cultivation. The significant role is played by strengthening of the state support and pricing on high-quality grain.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 9

The directions of increasing the efficiency of beef cattle breeding in krasnodar krai

Research objective is an identification of the directions of increase in efficiency of meat cattle breeding on the basis of the analysis of the current state of production of meat of cattle in Krasnodar Krai, a comparative assessment of efficiency of breeds, the investment project. The article contains the results of an analysis of the current state of production of cattle meat in the Krasnodar Territory. The authors note the low specific gravity of livestock of specialized meat breeds in the total number of cattle on fattening and unprofitableness of production of this kind of products among the majority of producers in the region. In the article the authors economically substantiate the need to switch to modern cattle meat production technologies using a higher genetic potential for the production of animal meat breeds and the best taste qualities of the produced products. The study presents the results of a comparative analysis of the efficiency of using domestic and foreign breeding in specialized meat cattle breeding. The article proves the economic feasibility of locating reproductive farms and complexes that realize reproduction, suckling calves and growing young cattle, in agricultural organizations of the South Piedmont zone of the Krasnodar Territory, which has the largest supply of pastures. The article presents the results of calculations of efficiency indicators and the riskiness of investments in the construction and organization of the operation of such production facilities. The authors substantiated the priority directions and targeting of state support for this sub-sector in the region.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 10

Analysis of a condition of production and consumption of dairy products

Milk and dairy products are an integral part of a food allowance of the person. In modern conditions an important role is played by stable maintenance from the state of sustainable development of production capabilities of producers of milk. And the volume of own production has to not only provide the minimum needs of the population for dairy products, but also meet the established standards of their consumption. In this regard there is a need of the analysis of the developing situation, and also definition of the importance of the factors influencing production of milk and dairy products for elaboration of actions according to the solution of the accruing problems. A research objective is application of methods of the statistical analysis for studying of a condition of the Russian market of milk and dairy products. The research of production of this or that type of food has to be directed to identification of the hidden reserves and their quantitative assessment. Therefore it was necessary for achievement of goals: to reveal dynamics of production and consumption of dairy products at various levels of production systems on the basis of official statistical data; to find out whether there correspond the reached levels of production and consumption of milk and dairy products to the established rational norm of consumption per capita; to investigate the factors influencing consumption of dairy products in regions of the federal district holding a leading position in the country by means of carrying out correlation and regression analysis. The conclusion is drawn on imbalance of the reached levels of production and consumption of milk. The constructed regression model has shown that the high-quality shift of the studied processes is hidden in increase in number of cattle. The analysis has shown that the branch of dairy cattle breeding of the Samara region possesses sufficient resources for increase in production efficiency and stable sustainable development in the future. Recommendations about expediency of increase in the markets of production and consumption of dairy products became a result of carrying out a research; possible ways of achievement of the chosen priorities are designated.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 11

Consumer cooperation in system of food supply

The research objective is to analyse a condition of consumer cooperation, to define further perspective of her development. Social and economic shocks of the ninetieth years of the XX century have caused huge economic damage to consumer cooperation; have broken development of cooperative societies and unions. Modern consumer cooperation is focused on service of groups of country people which don't attract interest of other subjects of the market consumer societies of Tsentrosoyuz of Russia have considerable financially - the technical base intended for implementation of trade, preparations and processing of agricultural production, social and consumer services of country people. In article features of consumer cooperation of Tsentrosoyuz of the Russian Federation in food supply, a role of small-scale agrarian production, marketing in system of consumer cooperation in the food market are considered, the content of consumer cooperation in the village reveals, the structure and an order of rendering of services by supplying and marketing cooperatives is analyzed, the role of cooperative formations in the agro food market is shown. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation consumer societies and the unions have provided construction new and modernization of the operating enterprises for processing of food staples which are brought closer to producers of production with the purpose of creation of the "preparation-processing-sale" model. Perspective branch for consumer cooperation is public catering.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 13

Strategies of pasture livestock economy adaptation to climate change in high mountains and arctic regions

The adaptation strategies of herding households were studied in the high mountains region, at Tibetan Plateau, China. The sustainability of socio-economic systems of this region is analyzed in comparison with the Arctic socio-economic systems, having many common features. The livestock production (sheep, goats, yak and horse) is the main source of sustainability in herding communities. The livestock production in Tibet as well as in the Arctic is limited by highly variable climate, a short vegetation period and climate risks, especially by sharp fluctuations in temperatures and frequent snowstorms in winter and spring. Climate risks as well as no resilient governance affect the character of adaptation adopted by local herding communities. Most popular adaptation strategies in Tibet are: building permanent houses for animals; buying forage from markets; planting artificial grasses and grains; fewer livestock migrations; formation of livestock disease prevention community’s organization. The irrational governmental policy in the conditions of market incentives for increasing livestock production in Tibetan high mountains herder communities, and in Arctic Sami reindeer communities can undermine their adaptive capacity, and from this perspective, institutional change has made grassland social-economical systems less resilient to climate variability and change. This policy directed towards sedentary pasture systems introduction in comparison with traditional herding leads to decrease of ecological pasture resilience to climatic risks. In the territory of the Russian Arctic, the state practically doesn't give financial support to reindeer breeding that also doesn't promote increase in stability of traditional pasturable systems, reduces adaptive opportunities and viability of indigenous communities of the Arctic.