
Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 8

Organizational and economic solutions for cattle breeding to improve profitability and expanded reproduction

Sustainability rate of any livestock industry is the expanded reproduction, which is determined by a number of technological and economic factors. The main limiting factor of development for domestic cattle breeding was the low profitability. According to our estimates, the Government allocated more than 100 billion rubbles for development of dairy cattle breeding within implementation of sectoral programs. The main share of these funds was used to subsidize interest rates on loans. Such state support measures allowed to improve the qualitative performance in the industry by improving species composition and genetic potential. Productivity of dairy herds annually increases and according to preliminary data for 2016, it is amounted to more than 5.5 thousand kg of milk per cash cow for the agricultural enterprises. However, the lack of effective measures aimed at development of industry has led to negative dynamics on main quantitative indicator of the industry. For the expired year production of milk was reduced by 73 thousand tons, and the number of cows has decreased by 158 thousand heads. System solution for complex of industry problems is only possible through increasing profitability and maintaining competitiveness of domestic producers. It’s prematurely to expect dairy cattle breeding could get out of stagnation, while Government maintains the illusion of "all-powerful "invisible" hand of market", which itself will correct the situation on food markets, and that the main recovery tool of our economy is foreign investments.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 10

Technique of an assessment of resource potential in the agricultural organizations

Results of activity of the agricultural organizations are defined by security with resources, their structure, updating speed, efficiency of use. The purpose is a complex research of resource potential in the agricultural organizations. All resources of economy belong to the resource capacity of the organization: earth, manpower, fixed business assets, material current assets and energy resources. Complexity in creation of an estimated indicator consists in an incommensurability of different types of resources: land, labour and material. For a complex assessment and the analysis of use of resource capacity of the agricultural organization it is expedient to use set of various methods and techniques. In article various methods of a complex assessment of resource potential and efficiency of his use are considered: the correlation and regression analysis, a technique of an assessment of resource balance of potential on the basis of an integrated indicator, a technique of an assessment of resource potential on the basis of economic and financial risk. Various techniques are approved for an assessment of resource capacity of the concrete agricultural organization. The algorithm of formation of indicators for an assessment of balance of resource potential is offered. The conclusion is drawn that only complex use of various methods of a research of resource potential will allow to prove and to correctly make the administrative decision.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 11

Development of placement and specialization of oil-bearing crops in the region

In modern conditions, the development of the location and specialization of oilseeds should ensure the sustainable development of those crops that are in demand on the market, taking into account the optimal, integrated use of the natural and resource potential of the region, which will allow producing products with the lowest costs. The purpose is the analysis of placement of oil-bearing crops in the region. The cultivation of oilseeds in the Penza region is one of the promising segments of agrarian production, which is not only a cost-effective supplier of vegetable oil for the production of vegetable oils for food and technical needs, and also increases the profitability of agricultural producers. Despite the relatively small size of the Penza region, the natural and economic conditions on its territory vary considerably. It is part of the zone of risky farming. This has a direct impact on the location and specialization of oilseeds and causes the need to take into account the factors of technological and organizational and managerial nature. The paper analyzes the dynamics of sown areas and yields of oilseeds in the Penza region, the regions are distributed according to the specific weight of crops in the structure of sown areas, the most promising oil crops are identified for the conditions of the region. Depending on the natural and economic conditions, zones of cultivation of oilseeds of different types are identified, as well as their specialization. A set of measures is proposed to improve the location and deepen the specialization of oilseeds in the region.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 12

To the question of increasing the competitiveness of rural territories

None of the rural area can develop evenly in all directions. The main task of strategic planning of their development is to identify «poles of growth». The competitiveness of rural areas can be viewed as a set of characteristics, allowing forming a competitive advantage to ensure the superiority of one over the territory of the other areas in terms of the attractiveness of the population living and conducting economic activity. The competitiveness of the territory is determined not only by the availability of competitive advantages, but the ability of management to ensure the possibility of their implementation within the framework of managing territorial development. The most important indicator reflecting the quality of the development of rural areas is changing the dynamics of the rural population living within the boundaries of the localized area and its demographic structure. Universal approach to the formation of the competitive advantages of some rural areas cannot be, but it can happen to consolidate the interests of individual territorial entities, business entities, individuals whose activities are incorporated sustainable economic and social ties. As the conditions of formation of the competitive advantages of rural settlements Belogorsk district of the Amur region in terms of development of agricultural production can be distinguished: the existence not involved in the economic turnover of productive land, a fairly high level of development of the farm sector, the growing demand for all kinds of agricultural products, the willingness significant part of farmers to develop Animal husbandry provided that the products are guaranteed to be sold at economically reasonable prices and to provide access to preferential credit resources and state support, rather high potential sector of households willing to increase the volume of agricultural production while ensuring its purchase under state control. While agreeing with the objective nature of the process of reducing the number of rural population, the state has yet to acknowledge its responsibility for ensuring the quality of life of the rural population, especially in sparsely populated settlements, and the ability of reproduction of its human capital.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 13

Directions and measures of agriculture adaptation of member states of eeu to global climatic changes

Climate change is one of the most important international problems of the XXI century, which goes beyond a scientific problem and represents a complex interdisciplinary problem, spanning environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development. Climate changes are diverse and are manifested, in particular, to change the frequency and intensity of climate abnormalities and extreme weather phenomena, causing serious damage to the economy of the agricultural sector. The territory of the countries of the EEU, to a large extent refers to the area of risky agriculture. According to international experts, it is expected that high temperature and insufficient water supply in Central and southern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, i.e. where are the States of the EAEU will have serious impact on water resources availability, crop yields and production, the potential of hydropower. Each of the countries of the Association of the EEU has programs, projects, or other records involving carrying out measures to adapt agriculture to global climate change. National programmes and projects on adaptation have their own characteristics, but at the same time and shared the ways of countering the adverse impact of climate change on agriculture. Common for the EEU approaches for adaptation of agriculture in the framework of a coherent agricultural policy is a condition of the successful functioning of the agro-industrial complex of member States.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 14

Agrarian policy of china: current state and tendencies of development

China owing to increase in demand for food from increasing population and, in particular middle class with high rates of consumption, and despite annually growing indicators of production of agricultural production, has gradually turned into the largest net importer. In this connection, in modern conditions agrarian policy of China is directed, first of all, to achievement of the following main objectives - satisfaction of demand for agricultural production and food of mainly internal production, maintenance of the income of agricultural producers and development of rural areas. Treat the priority directions of modern agrarian policy of China: ensuring food security; protection of arable lands; increase in productivity of agriculture; restructuring of agriculture; improvement of trade in agricultural production; increase in the income of farmers; social security of rural areas; agrarian education; growth of investments into agriculture and rural territories; development of the principle of openness of agriculture. In the near future China expects growth of rates of industrialization and urbanization, development is market the focused economy, the increasing involvement into the international cooperation. Speed of social and economic development of China will depend on a condition of agriculture substantially. The solution of problems of agriculture, the village and the peasantry will remain a priority task. Agriculture will still be the basis of the economy, and the country intends to go on the way of his modernization, creating the long-term mechanism of integration of the city and village. The most important directions for Russia are the joint solution of problems of increase in efficiency of agricultural production and development of the overworking base, especially in remote areas; exchange of experience of creation of effective food systems and methods of conducting agribusiness, and also state support of infrastructure projects in the agro food sphere. Also strengthening of interaction of China and Russia at negotiations within multilateral trade system, and also on exchange of experience of use of the measures of support of agrarian sector allowed by rules of the WTO is obviously necessary.

Issue № 5, May 2017, article № 3

Federal leasing of agricultural machinery is as factor of development and technological modernization of agrarian and industrial complex

The retrospective assessment of the general tendency of reduction of the park of agricultural machinery taking into account changes of structure of the market and volumes of her acquisition is presented in article. The role and significance of federal leasing as factor of technological modernization of agrarian and industrial complex is defined. Total volumes of deliveries of agricultural machinery according to programs of federal leasing through the state company JSC "Rosagroleasing" attracted to the solution of problems of updating and technical ensuring agricultural production are presented. Volumes of deliveries of the equipment within implementation of the special programs stimulating development, both branches of domestic agricultural engineering industry, and agricultural production are estimated. Critical evaluation of development of data of branches is given; the main directions of stimulation of deliveries of the equipment through system of the federal leasing serving as one of instruments of development and technological modernization of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia are planned. For effective use and work of federal leasing of agricultural machinery and the equipment carrying out recapitalization of JSC "Rosagroleasing", application of uniform approach when rendering the state support at the federal and regional levels is offered.