
Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 13

State support of an agricultural technological platform of eeu member countries

The purpose is a research of formation of the tool of technological platforms as element of innovative infrastructure. The Eurasian agricultural technological platform is created for the purpose of carrying out system work on accumulation of the advanced national and world achievements of scientific technical progress in the sphere of agro-industrial complex, mobilization of scientific capacity of the members. There are some features of functioning of technological platforms in Russia: an initial stage of development, lack of financing, creation at the initiative of the state "from top to down", insufficient consolidation, high degree of an overregulation, presence of potential in interstate interaction. Integration into world economic space assumes appropriate level of interstate support of the Eurasian agricultural technological platform, not below, than at similar structures in the developed countries of the world. Approach to the choice of the mechanism of improvement of the state support of development of an agricultural technological platform of the countries of EEU has to be flexible, not establishing domination of one tool over another as it depends on concrete factors. The reasonable combination of all forms and types of interstate support of technological platforms gives those additional opportunities and efficiency. Based on foreign experience and taking into account features of domestic development of technological platforms and clusters in article a number of the directions of development and mechanisms of improvement of the state support of the Eurasian agricultural technological platform are allocated.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 15

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 1

Grocery cards: producers and needy russians wait promised for 15 years

The research objective is the analysis of history of development of the program of support of lower-income strata of Russia, generalization of results of sociological polls of the population and experience of implementation of regional pilot projects. During the research it is proved that the Russian government subordinates the solution of the problems providing implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the social state, an environment of external and internal actors of policy. As a result of the agrarian sector of the economy, and therefore the Russians have become hostages of the agrarian revolution of 1990-ies. Put the country on "food in the needle" 1990-ies, the Government had adopted a number of decisions, which allowed to ramp up production of farm products, but is unable to ensure its accessibility to a large part of the population because of its low purchasing power and non commercial networks cooperate with domestic manufacturers on conditions acceptable to the past the era. To do this would be through food assistance to low-income citizens of Russia. But a half dozen years the idea of introduction of ration cards was actually used as a stick in the run-up to the elections. The Government is currently considering two options: targeted assistance through monthly listing a certain amount on the electronic card and opening soup kitchens. Materials of sociological researches testify to the positive attitude of the majority to the monetary and product assistance. Adoption of grocery cards demands serious legislative providing, justification of a number of fundamental issues by determination of criterion of a threshold of needs, the list of the federal and regional programs replaced by this project, identification of really needing citizens, the solution of the arising psychological problems.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 2

Anti-offshore policy and development of tax potential of agrarian sector

The work purpose is the scientific analysis of anti-offshore policy for national economy, identification of a role of offshore business in development of tax capacity of the territories, and also a research of the mechanism of return of the capital which are directly influencing economic security and food independence of the country. In article need of decrease in offshore appeal to subjects of economic activity of agrarian sector with a support on the rational tax law and the special tax modes is satirized. Relevance of development of tax base of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities on the basis of the special tax modes used by small and medium business is proved also weaknesses on the basis of an assessment of world experts reveal their strong. The analysis of activities of authorities for development of tax base of agrarian sector of economy is carried out, need of development of the special tax modes with establishment of the wide field of the communications covering the small and average organizations of agrarian sector is emphasized. The tax manoeuvre to increase in tax base, its feasibility in the Russian realities is comprehended. The description of priorities of the Russian tax policy and its transformation in modern conditions of a difficult geopolitical situation and sanctions restrictions is given. The conclusion about inevitability of transition of Russia to number of innovatively developed economic powers is drawn, the complex of the actions directed to creation of optimum conditions of an involvement of all economic agents into innovative activity and fillings of agrarian economy by innovative contents is offered.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 3

Paradigma of development of technologies of agrarian and industrial complex

The purpose of article is to open and analyse features of design of industrial system agro-industrial complex which arise under the influence of various backbone factors at association in a whole of the making and overworking technologies of agrarian and industrial complex. The applied system approach has allowed to open the causes of big systems and their largest form - agro complexes, to show historical inevitability of their formation, dialectic development of these highly effective technological formations. The article is devoted to methodological aspects of scientific and engineering researches at design of industrial system technological complexes in agrarian and industrial complex. In the centre of attention the solution of the problem of association in uniform technology of industrial production of crop and livestock raw materials and its industrial processing is found. Core of work is the dialectic method of knowledge which is expressed in a system research of development of technology and technologies of agrarian and industrial complex. The circle of the discussed questions includes a new paradigm of scientific developments in agrarian and industrial complex: mutually strengthening of the connected technologies, industrialization of the agricultural and overworking technologies, interdisciplinary. Many provisions of this article are offered as statement of a problem. For design and creation of the system complexes "Agrarian and Food Technology" qualified personnel of the specialists systems engineers knowing both technologies of agricultural production, and technology of processing industries is necessary.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 4

Improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of integration

The research objective is to prove need and a direction of improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of integration of grocery agro formation. The research is based on methods of practical and theoretical knowledge. In article the maintenance of the main organizational forms of integration of grocery formations which are most extended in practice is opened; the main problems which need to be solved in the course of integration on a grocery chain are formulated; the scheme of improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of integration is offered. The analysis of opportunities and interests of all direct and indirect participants of integration is carried out, need of increase in a role of local and regional governing bodies for the organization of effective agrarian sector is emphasized. The carried-out analysis and synthesis of theoretical approaches have allowed confirming a hypothesis that the organizational and economic mechanism of the integrated formations in agrarian and industrial complex has essential defects, low competitiveness of products and instability in functioning as a result of violation of equivalence of exchange on a chain of creation of a product. As the purposes of integration are established: increase in competitiveness of end products, effective use and reproduction of resources of participants. The basic principles, tools and forms of the organizational and economic mechanism in agrarian and industrial complex are defined. For improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism use of reproduction approach, respect for the basic principles of integration, balance of interests of participants, increase in economic efficiency and competitiveness of all stages of activity of the integrated formation is offered.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 5

Tendencies of development of agroinsurance in russia: regional aspect

Agricultural insurance as an element of protection of agrarians from adverse natural phenomena was born in the middle of the last century and today in a number of countries has reached a high level of development. In Russia, the experience of becoming an agri-insurance system has shown that this system cannot develop without state support. Russia has a huge potential for the development of the agricultural insurance market. Trends in the development of regional agricultural insurance markets point to its relevance in the main grain-producing regions of the European part of Russia. The article analyzes the changes in the system of agricultural insurance of Russia. Adoption of the first profile law (No. 260-FL) allowed reducing the cost of insurance, thereby ensuring an increase in the share of insured crops, increasing the financial stability of agricultural producers. The conclusion is made that all the changes were directed to the comprehensive consideration of the interests of the agrarians. An important link in the system of agricultural insurance is a specialized association - the National Union of Agro-Insurers of Russia. The features of state support for insurance with the transition to a «unified subsidy» are considered, in the context of which there is uncertainty in supporting insurance. The conclusion is made that the development of agri-insurance is a cross-cutting strategic task in the financial field, requiring the allocation of agricultural insurance in a separate direction of state support.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 6

Management of land resources: regional aspect

Urgent problem is full involvement of land resources in a civil turn. A research objective is search of the directions of increase in effective management of land resources which are in state ownership. During the research the systems concept, methods of the analysis and statistical information processing was applied. Management of the land resources which are in state ownership consists in use by authorities of the organizational and economic mechanism of impact on managing of subjects in the field of use, possession and the order of land resources. Farmlands of Kalmykia for January 1, 2016 make 92,5‰ of all area of the earth of the republic, it requires mass involvement them in economic circulation, transmissions to economic entities that is complicated by absence of title and technical documentation on real estate objects and the land plots. Long-term large-scale use of lands without ecological factors led to lowering of fertility of soils, braking of transition to system of ecologically safe land-use, created essential difficulties in support of food security. Further social and economic development of the Republic of Kalmykia requires formation of effective structure and management system by the state property and land fund. Implementation of the automated specialized software will allow realizing fully the accounting of the state property of the Republic of Kalmykia, to carry out complete inventory, to carry the Register of state ownership with further updating. Increase in effective management of land resources will allow stabilizing arrivals in the republican budget from use and implementation of the state property, including the land plots.

Issue № 6, June 2017, article № 7

Features of formation and assessment of the regional program of development of dairy sub complex

Among subjects of Siberian Federal District Krasnoyarsk Krai takes the ninth place on production of milk. However in the conditions of the free competition the dairy and grocery sub complex isn't able to have profitability, comparable with attachments to other spheres, besides in branch the low level of security with real investments, etc. is watched. Saving the current dynamics in dairy cattle breeding of Krasnoyarsk Krai can lead to production lowering. All this testifies to need of the state regulation of development of a sub complex that is promoted by use of the plan methods allowing defining the directions of the forthcoming activities, to project possible changes in the market and other fields of activity. The sub programme "Development of sub industry of livestock production, processing and sales of products of livestock production" existing in Krasnoyarsk Krai for 2014-2020 isn't the general-purpose tool providing effective development of branch. Therefore the purpose and research problems is theoretical reasons for the mechanism of formation of the edge program of development of the dairy and grocery sub complex including ten stages from the analysis and detection of the main problems of development before monitoring of execution of plan reference points. An essential element at the same time is the assessment of efficiency of the program based on comparison of the actual and planned targets of the quantitative and qualitative character which technique of carrying out is provided in article. The technique assumes determination of a ratio of an index of a gain of productivity of cows and an index of subsidizing. Practical application of results of a research will increase efficiency of functioning of a dairy and grocery sub complex of the region and will create premises to support of food security.