
Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 4

Problems and prospects of financing of innovative activity of the agricultural organizations

Rapid growth of the population, impact of climate change, need of reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases for agriculture, fast development of emerging economies and the growing instability connected with shortage of land, water and energy resources - all this raises a critical role of the innovations designed to make agriculture more competitive and steady. Besides universal tendencies modern Russia pursues own interests concerning innovative activity of the agricultural organizations is ensuring national food security of the country. Despite the high level of the competition in the sphere of agriculture, innovative activity of the organizations occupied in this sphere, rather low. The purpose of this article is studying of problems and the prospects of financing of innovative activity of the agricultural organizations. The methodology of work is based on the statistical analysis and general scientific methods of carrying out a research: synthesis, deduction, induction, formalization, etc. During a research by authors it is proved that shortage of financing is the key reason of low innovative activity of the agricultural organizations. Authors have defined prerequisites to manifestation of innovative activity by the agricultural organizations, key problems of financing of innovative activity are revealed, prospects are designated and recommendations about improvement of financing of innovative activity of the agricultural organizations are offered. Prospects of a solution of the problem of financing of innovative activity of the agricultural organizations are connected with formation of the corresponding institutional providing. Creation of specialized investment funds and development of cluster processes is recommended. It will allow increasing investment appeal of the agricultural organizations and will expand their financial opportunities concerning innovative activity.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 6

About problems of reproduction of the machine and tractor park of farms of the oryol region agriculture sector

The crop production with specialization on grain crops remains fundamental branch of agriculture of the Oryol region. In this regard in modern conditions of managing application of machine operations, active operation of the machine and tractor fleet and competent technical policy of farms act as one of key factors of effective functioning of agricultural producers. A research objective is identification of the key moments interfering development of the machine and tractor fleet. The geography of a research covers 24 municipal districts and one city district for the purpose of their group and systematization in the direction and level of branch specialization, agricultural production, gross collecting and acreage, on quantitative structure of the machine and tractor park of farms of the region. Reduction of machine number on each 1000 hectares of acreage and uneven change of indicators of reproduction (coefficients of updating and leaving) in areas is noted. Current situation has turned out to be consequence of cumulative influence of negative factors: absence or insufficient level of implementation of federal and regional target programs of technical development of farms; prevalence of leaving of machine; the increasing share in agriculture of the subjects of small and average business having the low level of financial stability; impossibility of statistical monitoring of farms of small business for the purpose of control of technical reproduction, and also slow response of producers to disparity of prices for products of agriculture and mechanical engineering.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 7

Professional competence of personnel as factor of ensuring competitiveness

The purpose of the study of the article is to justify the role of personnel in ensuring the competitiveness of agro-industrial enterprises and determining the main directions of its development, which is necessary for formulating the principal provisions of the personnel strategy in the agricultural sector for the latter's withdrawal to the forefront of the national economy. This article in the methodological plan is a content analysis of the main research conducted in Russia and abroad aimed at identifying and solving the problems of reproduction and import substitution. Analytical and information materials received during the preparation of this article have been generalized, structured in accordance with general requirements for the development of scientific and methodological foundations on the topic of the article. The methodological solutions proposed in this article that take into account the features of the functioning and development of economic entities of the agrarian industry and agriculture under the conditions of economic sanctions are at the same time universal since they can be adapted for other spheres and branches of the real sector of the economy at the global and national levels. The article shows that the formation of competencies of workers of the agro-industrial enterprise becomes a source of its competitive advantages. Interrelation of competitive personnel with other elements of competitiveness of the agro-industrial enterprise is shown. It has been established that the development of personnel of agro-industrial enterprises requires a corresponding diversified provision. The leading directions of personnel strategy for the development of the staff of agroindustrial enterprises are determined, within the framework of which the characteristics of their mechanisms are given, the joint action of which will improve the competitiveness components of the personnel of agro-industrial enterprises.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 8

Methodology for assessing personal potential in agriculture

The article substantiates the need to assess the personal potential in agriculture on the basis of data unified for the country as a whole, since it is impossible to take into account the private indicators of specific organizations at the macro level. Similar monitoring studies in the country have already been carried out, but they concerned only staffing of agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation, and not the industry as a whole. To this end, a methodology was developed to assess the personal potential in agriculture, which includes: a methodology for determining the levels of personal potential of managers and specialists, workers in agricultural organizations, the calculation of the integrated indicator of the level of personal potential, as well as the methodology for determining the pace of reproduction of personal potential in agriculture. Based on the results of the latter, the correlation matrix of a multifactor model is calculated and mathematical models are constructed for the three indicators that have the greatest impact on the rates of reproduction of personal potential in the industry, namely: the index of the balanced financial result of agricultural organizations, the labor productivity index, the index of physical volume of investment in fixed assets. Thus, the proposed methodology for assessing the personal potential in agriculture, allows you to objectively evaluate it, and the construction of mathematical models - to predict the pace of reproduction. Together they help to obtain an objective, mathematically calculated result and represent one of the bases for legislative and executive authorities in the development of socio-economic projects and programs related to agriculture.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 9

Analysis of the market of a vegetable marrow

The purpose of the research was the analysis of the zucchini market, the state of production in terms of key indicators in the world as a whole, in Russia, as well as on its individual subjects, and the assessment of the export and import components of this market..Gross harvest of squash and pumpkins in the world in 2010-2014 years increased from 23.26 million tons in 2010 year to 25.2 million tons in 2014 year - 1.9 million tones, or 8.3‰. Maximum volume of the gross harvest of squash and pumpkins made in China - 7.24 million tons of zucchini planted area in Russia in 1999-2015 years decreased to 34 thousand ha in 1999 year to 27.7 thousand ha in 2015 year. The main producers of zucchini in Russia today are the economy of the population. They accounted for 72.2‰ of the gross harvest zucchini. Main production volumes of marrow squash (89‰) are concentrated in the South (33.4‰ taking into account the Crimea), Volga (6.7‰), Central (22.6‰) and Siberian (6.7‰) counties. Processing of zucchini in Russia with 68.4 million of standard cans in 2002 increased to 112.9 million of standard cans in 2007 and gradually decreased to 0.27 million of standard cans in 2013. In 2015, production of canned zucchini increased to 3.22 million of standard cans. For ensuring consumption of vegetables at the level recommended by World Health Organization it is necessary to increase production of vegetable marrow to 0.86 million tons; to create keeping quality hybrids of vegetable marrows for transition to their universal year-round realization; to transfer cultivation of vegetable marrows to industrial technologies that will reduce by 3-5 times an expense of resources per unit area; to develop domestic commodity seed farming and to refuse purchase of expensive import seeds, to gradually increase processing of zucchini to the level of 2007.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 10

Innovative model of monitoring of optimum return of agricultural lands

In article the method of definition of optimum return on the basis of creation of model of the increasing and decreasing return of the capital and the work put in processing of agricultural lands is considered. The following assumption is accepted that each increment of the capital and the work put in processing of the land generates generally in proportion smaller increase in quantity of the received product if only the specified increment hasn't coincided on time with improvement of an agro technology and (or) attraction of additional other natural resources. As information base for creation of model the forms 8-APK "Report on costs of the main production" and 9-APK "The report on production, expenses, prime cost and sales of products of crop production" have been taken. Graphical and tabular representation of model has allowed establishing two optimum values of return of the earth in a point 3 where the profit maximum on unit of the suffered expenses is reached, and in a point 4 - the maximum mass of profit. The conclusion is drawn that increase in volumes of production of agriculture per 1 hectare is poorly influenced by the instruments of the state support of the income of the land user used today. Innovations will exert impact on production if are capable to provide at the same growing values of costs of production and product sales higher gain of productivity in comparison with traditional technology. The presented innovative model is recommended to be put into practice as the economic tool for monitoring of change in time of optimum return of the capital and the work put in the earth.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 11

Definition of growth points in agrarian sector of economy

The home agricultural industry is functioning in comparative favourable conditions at present. The reason of it is the food embargo, which is securing an agrarian competitiveness at the inland market. However, the embargo is unable to continue infinitely. Therefore, a period of embargo is necessary to use for rise of agricultural industry efficiency. This task is attainable under condition of strategic development of agricultural industry. It requires the points of growth definition of agrarian sector, which to condition a subject of investigation actuality. Issues of agrarian sector development are studied by many prominent scientists. Nevertheless, in spite of a mass scientific publications for that issue, an increase of competitive at the world agrarian market, current economical, technological, social and ecological challenges, are demanded to work up it problem additionally. The purpose of investigation is the points of growth definition of agrarian sector, which will favour the strategic development of Oryol region agrarian sector. To achieve it purpose are used the next methods of investigation: monographic method (at appraisal of state and trend of agricultural industry development); abstract-logical method (at carrying out comparative analysis of agricultural industry development in the Central Federal District). The results of investigation are established points of growth of Oryol region agrarian sector. These include a plant-growing (grain branch; sugar beet growing), stockbreeding (pigs-breeding branch). These points of growth development will favour rise of agricultural industry efficiency in the region, to established competitive advantages of agrarian producers at the inland market.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 12

Influence of territorial branch structure on development of agricultural production in siberian federal district

There have been major shifts in production and consumption of agricultural products in the regions of the Siberian Federal District. Grain economy was oriented to self-sufficiency, while the structure of grain production has changed towards wheat. The greatest change in the structure of grain production was observed in Kemerovo, Tomsk and Irkutsk regions, the Republics of Buryatia and Tuva. At the same time, the main part of the cattle is located in Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. Similar structural changes occurred in allocation of vegetables and potato production. Significant negative changes are observed in sheep breeding where the number of sheep in the Siberian region has decreased very much. Thus, there is a significant differentiation in agricultural resources potential as the territories in Russia are vast and complicated for development of agricultural production. However, the current allocation and sectoral structure of Siberian agribusiness mainly reflects the role of the region in the territorial division of labor not only as a major producer of agricultural products for their own needs, but also as an exporter of grain, potatoes, poultry and pork. The authors outline the amount of reserves sufficient for agricultural growth and point out the necessity to take efficient measures in order to implement structural reforms and therefore to increase the part of agricultural production.