
Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 6

Organizational-economic mechanism of development of reproductiveage subcomplex of russia

In this paper, the current trends in the development of the flax product sub complex are considered, which are formed under the influence of systemic social and economic problems in this sector. The conclusion is drawn that the main system problem in a flax sub complex is the interdepartmental dissociation of technically interfaced agricultural and industrial productions and also the scientific sector. Comparative variants of the implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism that contributes to changing the course of flax cultivation development in Russia are given. On the basis of the constructed conceptual scheme of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the flax complex, the main instruments for influencing the negative trends in the industry of production and processing of linen raw materials, which help restore production and economic relations and establish economic relations in the branch organizations, are revealed. In addition, the assessment of risks in the implementation of the planned organizational and economic mechanism of functioning and the necessary structural changes in the development trends of the flax product sub-complex is given. Organizational and economic measures have to stimulate not only cultivation of a fiber flax, but also allied industries of processing of linen raw materials and light industry. The offered organizational and economic mechanism will allow to coordinate and in a complex to solve priority problems of development, to stimulate attraction of private investments into branches of lean production and its processing, to modernize processing industries, to reach target indicators.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 7

Vegetable market of russia: problems and tendencies of development

Russia is among the ten largest vegetable producers in the world. The share of Russia in the world production of vegetables is 1.5‰. The current level of vegetable production does not fully meet the growing needs of the country's population. In the past five years, there has been an increase in the production of vegetables, both due to the expansion of cultivation areas, and through intensification of production. However, the main producers of vegetables in Russia still remain small-scale farms of the population, which hampers the introduction of intensive technologies and causes a high production cost of vegetables, and hence the low competitiveness of domestic products in comparison with imports. In the article the tendencies of development of the vegetable market for the last 20 years, its organizational features and potential development opportunities are considered. The role of the greenhouse economy in providing the population with fresh vegetables of domestic production is shown, especially in the off-season period due to its accelerated development with state support and effective deployment of greenhouses in the regions of Russia. An important role of the greenhouse economy in import substitution of vegetable production was noted. One of the conditions for increasing vegetable resources is to reduce losses in the process of storage, transportation and sale of vegetable products, which requires intensive development of the infrastructure of the vegetable market, especially the storage and processing of vegetable products.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 8

The analysis of structural shifts in the context of a solution of the problem of import substitution

The purpose is studying of opportunities of effective realization of policy of import substitution in the agro sphere through the analysis of the corresponding structural shifts. The article presents theoretical and methodical analysis of structural changes. The specifics of structural changes in crop production and livestock production in the Far East of the Russian Federation have been studied in the context of solving problem of imports phase-out of food. There was made a conclusion about negative direction of structural changes in livestock production. Changing profitability of agricultural products in Russia and the Russian Far East concerning industries during 2011-2015 was analyzed. The major product groups structure which influences upon solution of problem of imports phase-out was studied. Basic indicators of the relevant structural changing were calculated. The most efficient regional producers of agricultural products were identified. The conclusion is drawn that the import substitution program of livestock production in the Far Eastern Federal District decides inefficiently. The level of self-sufficiency of the region with meat and dairy products low and critically depends on extra regional deliveries. The most effective regional contractor of the land relations among all categories of farms in the context of implementation of "road map" on import substitution are the agricultural organizations.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 9

Justification of the directions of development of rural consumer cooperation

The current stage of development of the agricultural sector in Kazakhstan is characterized by the instability of development, the monopoly of large agricultural and processing enterprises, and the low competitiveness of products manufactured by small business entities. The consistent and effective development of the cooperative movement in the countryside is now of great importance for overcoming the long agrarian crisis and improving the current situation in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the research carried out in this article is devoted to the definition and justification of prevailing tendencies for the development of rural consumer cooperation. The research is executed on materials of the Kostanay region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the conducted studies, such tendencies may include: development of an algorithm for the formation of a cooperative organization, development and solution of economic and mathematical models for determining optimal parameters of a cooperative, formation of a mechanism for supporting rural consumer cooperation at the regional level. The development and application in practice of scientifically grounded tendencies for increasing the efficiency of development of rural consumer cooperation will make it possible for the agricultural sector of the Kazakh economy to occupy a rightful place in the national economy of the country. The highly efficient functioning of cooperative structures, in turn, will ensure an increase in the economic performance of both individual shareholders (personal farms) and the cooperative organization as a whole, and will contribute to the growth of economic activity of the rural population.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 11

Forecasting agro-food trade integration effects in eurasian economic union

The coordinated agrofood policy can't be productive without monitoring of economic and social indicators of agrarian and industrial complex of the countries of EEU. The choice of agro food policy can be estimated development of integration processes. The system of measurement of essential properties and characteristics of these processes is necessary for successful regulation of integration processes in the agrarian sphere of EEU. In article the analysis of the integrated agro food markets of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is carried out, the method for assessment of integration processes in trade in agricultural and food products of member countries of EEU is offered. For the agro food markets it is necessary to count indicators of sectoral integration. Assessment of effects of convergence of indicators of value added of agriculture of member countries of EEU is executed on the basis of calculation of coefficients of a variation of the temporary ranks calculated for EEU and for each couple of member countries. The analysis of processes of convergence in EEU shows their sustainable development. The conclusion is drawn on positive influence of integration on intra-branch trade. The revealed convergence is a consequence of integration political steps, and increase in speed of convergence after creation of the CU and EEU is observed. Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, integration, forecast, trade, agriculture.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 12

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 13

International experience of insurance of agricultural risks: prospects for russia

Agricultural production annually suffers great losses from risky events.Economic damage to agricultural organizations can be not only comparable with the financial results of their activities, but also exceed them in some time. Currently, without government support to agricultural producers is difficult to carry out their activities. The result of the influence of various risk events may arise such a situation when the agricultural organizations are not able to cope with the damage caused by them. World practice shows that insurance is one of the most effective tools to reduce financial losses due to the negative impact on agricultural production of various unfavorable factors. Insurance of agrarian risks in Russia is a relatively new phenomenon. Its formation in our country undergoes changes on the methodological, organizational, legal, economic and financial nature. The increasing role of state support in insurance of risks of agricultural organizations associated with Russia's accession to the world trade organization. The article examines the experience of implementation of the system of agricultural insurance in countries with significant agricultural resources, positive and negative sides used foreign models of agricultural insurance, possibilities of application of foreign experience in Russia. The urgency of implementation of innovative management models in the system of agricultural insurance, as well as the need for a comprehensive study of the system of measures of state support and protection of farmers from different climatic risks, it is emphasized that these activities will lead to the creation of a sustainable system of business operation in the sphere of agricultural production. It is concluded that agriculture is the sector most exposed to emergency situations of natural character, which can harm not just individual farmers but also the food security of the entire country. The necessary further actions for the development of a unified strategic planning system of agricultural insurance that meets the ambitious objectives of the entire agricultural sector of the country.

Issue № 7, July 2017, article № 2

The evaluation of the level of economic risks for agribusiness organizations in the oryol region

The analysis of business activity of the agricultural organizations of the Oryol region which has shown heterogeneity of financial stability of agrarian formations of this region is presented in article. It demonstrates high probability of formation and development in their activity of various economic risks connected with excessive dependence on loan sources. Therefore the factorial model of an evaluation of levels of economic risks based on the comparative analysis of deviations of indicators of a financial condition of the organizations from the established standard values is offered. The existing models and software products are initially developed for an evaluation of a financial condition of the non-agricultural organizations, so, don't reflect fully specifics of their activity. Between the level of economic risks and indicators of financial stability there is the return interrelation. The conclusion is drawn that the organizations of the Oryol region test an acute shortage in own sources of financing and are dependent on the loan capital. 5 groups of agrarian formations have been allocated, a certain level of economic risks is inherent in each of which. At the same time the most part of data of the organizations of Krasnozorensky, Novoderevenkovsky and Kromsky districts (more than 63‰), have rather high risk level which is negatively influencing their economic activity. The correlation and regression analysis has confirmed validity of a hypothesis, concerning existence of close interrelation of level of economic risks of the agricultural organizations with the level of their financial stability. Various expected scenarios of development of levels of economic risks of the agricultural organizations, possible negative consequences allowing to warn connected with emergence of risks are constructed.