
Issue № 9, September 2017, article № 10

Problems and opportunities of development of cattle breeding in russia

Meat cattle breeding should develop, because this influences the indicators of the Food Security Doctrine and the food provision of the population. The deficit of beef consumption - 29‰ and reducing the production of cattle meat in Russia were revealed. The main reason is a reduction in the number of dairy cattle with an insufficient rate of development of specialized beef cattle. The share of products obtained from meat and cattle is 15.4‰. The market survey indicates that the consumers focus on a cheaper kind - poultry meat. However, there is a need for rational nutrition of the population within the food security of the country. For this purpose, industrial production of beef using intensive resource-saving technologies is required. It is proved that in this growing of young animals the living weight increases and the quality composition of meat improves. It is required to take into account localization of this sub-sector. This is closely related to the availability and location of the forage reserve. Reduction of the share of grazing food in the feed balance leads to a decrease in the profitability of beef production. Increasing the concentration level of cattle has a positive impact on the profitability of production. Problems were identified that hamper the development of beef cattle: a high proportion of households, the underdevelopment of the material and institutional infrastructure of the sales markets, low profitability, import dependence on key resources, high depreciation of fixed assets, low level of state support, irrational use of natural forage. State support is necessary for the development of investment processes. Use of public-private partnership in various forms, depending on the financial possibilities is offered. The long-term basis of cooperation will create the necessary conditions for expanded reproduction of the sub-sector and will stimulate consumption, which is also important to implement domestic food aid at the federal level.

Issue № 9, September 2017, article № 11

Organization of optimum of the market of grain in the saratov region

Modern development of grain branch in the Saratov region is caused by a number of problems. It is backwardness of channels of realization, their low efficiency, and insufficient information support of participants of the market. It is caused by lack of the effective economic mechanism of optimum performance of the market of grain. The corresponding researches have been conducted and it is established that production and sale of grain has low profitability. According to it a research objective is providing the optimum organization of functioning of the market of grain in the Saratov region. Proceeding from it, methodological approach to a research of the market of grain is defined and it is constructed "the tree is more whole" than improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the market of grain. In the course of the research general scientific and private methods were used. For increase in efficiency of sale of grain, authors have developed imitating model of increase in efficiency of realization of spring-sown field in the Saratov region with use of forward contracts. Use of imitating model on the basis of an optimization algorithm according to the Pareto principle with use of forward contracts will exempt the farmer from search of buyers unusual for him, will provide the guaranteed sale of grain at the favourable prices for both parties. Pareto optimum represents the optimal solution for all participants of the transaction considering their interests and conditions. In the presented optimizing model of Pareto optimum profitability (R1=58.0‰), the price is (X =1193.63 rub/c). The received optimum is the best for both parties.

Issue № 9, September 2017, article № 12

The optimization model of agricultural land use: methodology and practice of implementation in the region

This article is devoted to the study of economic prerequisites for the development and testing the model optimization of agricultural land using in Belgorod region. The study laid the foundation the system of agricultural farming, a key element of which is crop rotation system traditionally established in the region. The main types of crops, systems of crop rotations in the region are winter and spring cereals, legumes - soybean, row crops industrial crops - maize for grain and silage, sugar beet, sunflower, forage crops. We emphasize that the optimization model of agricultural land use is based on the comparison of the values of the Main types of crops, systems of crop rotations in the region are winter and spring cereals, legumes - soybean, row crops industrial crops - maize for grain and silage, sugar beet, sunflower, forage crops. We emphasize that the optimization model of agricultural land use is based on the comparison of values of indicators of return cost of capital for the production and sale of products from the land. In turn, a function of the impact of land describes the relationship between incremental doses of capital invested in land, and change of gross output or net income. The graphical model allows determining maximum performance, optimum performance, the best absolute returns, the best relative returns, marginal returns of land and the corresponding optimal, optimum, marginal cost of capital and labour. In addition, calculations were based on the established cost of production and sales of agricultural products, to make it possible to objectively verify the optimization model of regional agricultural land use.

Issue № 9, September 2017, article № 13

Methodological aspects of stage-by-stage formation of raw zones of the sugar plants

The main objective of raw material zone of sugar beet production is the production of high quality raw materials, in quantities that ensure full capacity utilization of sugar mills during the period of sugar refining period. The formation of competitive raw zones of sugar factories should include the following key stages: the assessment of security resource and production potential of sugar factories and sugar beet farms; identification of quantity beet required for each sugar factory for optimal loading of their production capacities; analysis of productivity of sugar beet farms of the raw material base of sugar factories; distribution of planting acreage of sugar beet farms of commodity areas; evaluation of the effectiveness of sugar beet production; analysis of the efficiency of processing sugar beet in sugar factories, depending on the degree of utilization of their production capacities and indicators of financial-economic activity; evaluation of the existing relationship between sugar beet farms and sugar factories and development of proposals for their improvement; development of the mechanism of inter-farm agro-industrial associations, with a complete technological cycle; development of actions on modernization and reconstruction of material-technical base of sugar beet production in terms of attractiveness and payback of capital investments; organization of recyclable materials and wastes of sugar beet production; provision of conditions for increasing the level of productivity of workers of the sugar industry. Using the above presented method of formation of a competitive sugar beet production will allow to link the interests of participants in a single technological chain, increase the efficiency of agricultural activities and to provide the opportunity to develop a complex of actions for its further functioning and development.

Issue № 9, September 2017, article № 14

Agrarian question and demography: problems and solution

The complexity and scale of social and economic problems in Russia is considerably predetermined by suspense of questions of the land relations and connected with it unsuccessful processes in demography and family ways of all segments of the population of the country. The hypothesis that the solution of the problem of demography in an essential measure depends on definition of the land question and institutionally the protected private property on the earth is made. This article presents theoretical and practical regulations concerning dialectical interaction and correlation of agrarian question as well as population and society reproduction. The article also covers historical and evolutional transformations of these problems and some solutions in modern Russia. The objective necessity to supplement market self regulation (endogenous) with state regulation (exogenous, external to market mechanisms) is a characteristic feature of all industries of economics. It is very important for modern agriculture now; in particular it is connected with the farm problem recognized by all brunches of economics. It is very sharp in land regulations and is connected with the creation of new land property form; land market, serious problems in agricultural economics and population living standards. Generalization of scientific literature and other sources have convinced that cardinal measures in carrying out agrarian policy of modern Russia are necessary. The linkage between strong population growth, agricultural labour motivation, family institution strengthening, the state political stability and land question reasonable solution (land allotment) is proved by argumentation and experience. The solution of this problem is connected with the fact that lands belongs to people and is institutionally defended. The farm institution in Russia provides the basis of the state economic development and positive demography. Some tendencies to develop and enhance this institution are presented in this article. Permission of the land question will allow not only to solve economic and political problems, but also to create prerequisites of steady expanded reproduction of the population in Russia.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 1

Impact assessment of administrative decisions on economic security of the agricultural organization

Process of adoption of administrative decisions is the effective instrument of ensuring economic security of economic entity. Protection of the rights and the financial and economic interests of the agricultural organization have to be provided at the expense of effective administrative decisions. The research objective is in that on the example of the concrete agricultural organization to show and estimate the level of influence of system of adoption of administrative decisions on degree of economic security of the organization. An object of a research was JSC Mtsensk Agricultural Firm of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region. The author's technique of assessment of level of economic security of the agricultural organization on the basis of implementation of administrative decisions is offered and also influence of administrative decisions on indicative indicators of economic security is analysed. It is necessary to estimate interrelation level on the basis of dynamics of indicators for a row of years. Level of cumulative economic security was estimated by means of the indicative indicators reflecting a condition of various spheres of production economic activity of the organization. The conclusion is drawn that at the cumulative level of value of economic security of 80‰ the system of adoption of administrative decisions in the organization works rather effectively. At the seeming efficiency of administrative decisions regarding ensuring economic security of the primary activity of JSC Mtsensk Agricultural Firm which is characterized by indicators of profitability of production, economic return and profitability of equity close attention of management to activity of the organization as indicators are on the verge of admissible values is required.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 2

Improvement of management in the conditions of innovative economy

The existing management system in the agrarian sector doesn't provide innovative approach because of lag in informatization of management and organization of productions. In article key theoretical and methodological aspects of improvement of management of the organizations of the agrarian sector for motivation of large agricultural producers to the high-performance work based on social, economic, ecological, institutional and technological innovations are considered. Author's vision of structure of management of the organizations as sets of the interconnected mechanisms of the organization, motivation, informatization of management of the organizations of the agrarian sector in the conditions of innovative economy for ensuring the sustainable and balanced development is presented. Planning and control become internal elements of mechanisms of the organization, motivation and informatization, and knowledge acquisition - the main motive of functioning of a control system of the organizations in any branch. The Informatization mechanism of management in the agrarian sphere has to provide balance of social, economic, ecological, institutional and technological development. The conclusion is drawn on need of change of approach for classical definition of management. The presented interpretation of management of the organizations of the agrarian sector answers the system reproduction approach which has settled in scientific community. To formation of structures of management at all levels of the agrarian sector has to concentrate on achievement the parity competitive advantages for each level generated by innovations.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 3

Formation of transformational processes economic mechanism in agrarian sector

The purpose is to research a problem of transformation of the economic mechanism on the basis of system approach. The main aspects of transformation of the economic mechanism are disclosed in dialectic unity that has allowed defining specific character, development stages from a position of operation of economic laws. The conclusion is drawn that transition from the economic mechanism created in planned economy to his new contents in market conditions of managing is connected with radical transformation as change is caused by change of the form of ownership which has entailed radical restructurings of his elements. The kernel of transformations to which the economic interest and an economic impulse leading to process of improvement of the economic mechanism under the influence of development of productive forces belong is revealed. Forms of transformation of the economic mechanism in the form of evolutionary, revolutionary and deformationaly depending on the speed of the happening changes are defined. Stages of development of the economic mechanism are allocated: cumulative in which there is an increment of properties of elements, and generation where the economic mechanism as the created category is considered. The strengthened measures for maintenance of branch which are carried out by the state contributed to the development of agriculture, however this process can't have long-term character and demands transition to the new directions of development.

Issue № 8, August 2017, article № 5

The use of financial instruments in the grain market

The condition of the grain market is a peculiar indicator of quality of the economic reforms undertaken in the country and implementation of the programs aimed at the development of agro-industrial complex of the country. The economic situation of the country in the world market, efficiency of interaction with other countries in many respects depends on the level of development of the agrarian direction which key element is production and processing of grain. The relevance of a research is caused by insufficient study of questions of use of financial instruments in the grain market. Article purpose is a research of mechanisms of grain trade and insurance of branch risks. Problems of the market of grain are divided into four components: land question; problem of sale of grain and insurance of risks; export problem; problem of quality of grain. Comparison of derivatives of the Russian stock market and the leading world grain exchange is carried out. For the comparative analysis of the organization of trade the leading exchanges organizing trade in futures and options for wheat have been chosen. The factors exerting impact on the cost of the Russian futures for grain are defined. The conclusion is drawn that the specification of the Russian futures practically copies foreign analogues. The analysis of the Russian quotations of grain futures has stood on speculative hind legs of the most part of future transactions with grain, weak interrelation between the national market of grain futures and foreign, lack of interrelation between the stock market and the market of grain futures, existence of a seasonal component in a dynamic number of quotations of futures for grain. It is proved that for development of grain futures in Russia all necessary conditions are created. The future for grain will allow reducing considerably price risk of participants of the grain market. In article recommendations about optimization and regulation of trade in grain are offered.