
Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 15

Regulation of production, processing and trade in organic production in the eu

Production and trade in organic production in the EU is carried out within well worked system of measures of state regulation showing high efficiency. A research objective is to open main goals and the most important elements of system of regulation of production, processing and trade of organic production in the EU. Measures of regulation act on all levels of crop production and livestock production - from processing of the earth and keeping of animals before processing and distribution of organic food and also their control. Measures of regulation of organic agriculture are a part of the system measures of the general character and specific measures. Organic production has to keep natural systems and cycles as much as possible. Biological and mechanical productions have to be used for and on condition of achievement of stability. The special attention at the same time has to be directed to three moments: preservation of natural soil processes, maintaining long-term crop rotations, prevention of distribution of insect’s wreckers. Expansion of the EU and significant increase in number of the agricultural producers applying for the state support have demanded specification and addition of requirements, integration of groups and bigger standardization of provisions for the purpose of simplification of application and control. Experience of the EU demands further studying for the purpose of possible use at development of the system of regulation of production and trade in organic production in Russia.

Increase in competitiveness of agrarian and industrial complex of the region is an export development basis

Main objective of a research is justification of the directions of increase in competitiveness of agrarian and industrial complex of the region (Voronezh region) for expansion of interregional export and export growth. In article results of the carried-out problem-oriented analysis of production of agricultural and food products are given in the Voronezh region, the level of food supply and saturation of the food market of the region. Rating assessment of area among regions of Central Federal District shows the leading positions on production of grain crops, sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, milk, and meat of cattle, wool, and vegetables. Sure growth rates of production of agricultural and food products and high monetary income (the 4th place in Central Federal District) allowed bringing area to the leading positions on food supply: milk, meat, vegetables, sugar and fruit. The reached competitive positions were result: initial basic advantages (favourable climatic and transport and logistics conditions); the stable public regional policy which created favourable investment conditions; the rates advancing the all-Russian productions. The achieved results of food supply due to own production stabilize possibilities of expansion of export of agrarian production on condition of increase in competitiveness of agro-industrial complex of the region. However by production of separate types of agricultural production the extensive orientation takes place and also the strong dependence on climatic factors is still observed. Results of the strategic analysis strong and weaknesses, opportunities and threats allowed to reveal key problems of social and economic development of the region and to prove perspective competitive advantages which realization will allow to increase competitiveness, to strengthen competitive positions in the national market and will contribute to the development of export of agricultural and food products.

Efficiency of government support and financing instruments for investment project in the sectors of agriculture industry

In sectors of agricultural production in Russia, starting from 2014 there has been a slowdown in the pace of innovation and investment development, including for reasons of inconsistency between the forms of government support for agricultural production to changes in the macroeconomic environment and the challenges facing the agro-industrial complex. Analysis of investment trends in the agribusiness sectors, comparison of financing instruments and forms of state support for investment projects have revealed significant differences between them in terms of risks, breadth and limitations for agricultural producers. Analysis of the comparative effectiveness of financing instruments and forms of state support for investment projects was carried out within the framework of the public welfare theory. Calculations of the total costs for the implementation of projects by agricultural organizations and society represented by the state that paid subsidies made it possible to compare the overall financial burden on producers of agricultural products, federal and regional budgets. Modeling of financial load of agricultural producers under various financing terms and forms of support is executed counting on the conditional project. New forms of state support for the investment process - concessional lending and reimbursement of capital expenditures - are highly effective for their recipients, but have selectivity and low availability for the bulk of agricultural producers. The necessity of correcting the distribution of government support funds in favour of forms and instruments ensuring the achievement of the optimum from the standpoint of the theory of social welfare is substantiated. Based on the implementation of the "best guarantee principle", a mechanism for limiting the market power of credit institutions authorized to work with agro-industrial organizations was proposed. The expansion of opportunities for most agricultural producers to obtain credit resources at preferential rates with partial compensation of investment costs is especially important for activating the innovation and investment process in dairy cattle, where medium-sized farms form the basis of the industry.

Trends in the development of the agrarian sector of the amur region

The basis of the rural economy of most Russian regions is agriculture. Agriculture of the Amur Region is represented by various categories of agricultural commodity producers - agricultural organizations; Peasant (farm) farms and individual entrepreneurs; Households (personal subsidiary plots of the population, collective and individual gardens and orchards). The considerable length of the territories of the Amur Region areas objectively determines their significant differentiation in terms of agricultural production, which determines the specialization of economic entities in the agrarian sector of the region. In recent years, there has been a tendency to deepen the differentiation of regions in terms of the level of development of crop production. Growth in the volume of production of crop production is mainly due to soy. The level of soybean production in 2015 in the Amur Region exceeded the same indicator in 2011 by more than 1.2 times. In the livestock sector there have been positive trends in the production of meat from livestock and poultry. A volume of production in farms of all categories for 2011-2015 iincreased by 6.4 thousand tons and this positive trend was recorded in the context of all farms. The predominant growth in the production of meat of livestock and poultry in the region was provided by agricultural enterprises and households. In recent years, the inertia of falling production volumes of the agro-industrial complex of the region as a whole has been stopped, but conditions for sustained growth have so far not been formed. In recent years, there have been changes in the structure of the production of the agrarian sector by farm categories. First of all, there is a decrease in the volume of production in the households of the population, associated with the impact of a combination of various factors.

Potential manpower of agro-industrial complex: problems of formation and solution

Further development of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia, increase in competitiveness of agricultural production is connected with technological modernization of branch, its transfer to an innovative way of development. Only well prepared staff of heads and experts will be able to provide the solution of the standing tasks. The quality of human resources is one of the major factors defining social and economic development of society. In this regard in article problems of formation of potential manpower of branch are considered, measures and ways of their decision are proposed. And formation of potential manpower of agrarian and industrial complex are distinguished from the reasons having negative effect on fixing of experts in agricultural production: low income of villagers; high unemployment rate, lack of alternative employment; deterioration in a demographic situation in rural territories. Due to the lack of the long-term forecast of requirement of agrarian and industrial complex for qualified specialists in labour market remains unbalanced supply and demand on graduates of agrarian higher education institutions. One of the reasons influencing overall performance of agrarian higher education institutions and quality of training of experts is their chronic insufficient funding. Processes of a partsellization of rural settlements substantially increase risks of development of poverty. Deterioration in a demographic situation will complicate a problem of formation of modern manpower of branch, ensuring food security of the country; will create a serious geopolitical problem as there is "a social desertification" of huge Russian territories

Contradictions of the market of agro insurance with the state support

The state support of insurance in agriculture allows regulating agro-industrial production effectively. In Russia agricultural insurance with the state support didn't become an effective measure of protection of property interests of agricultural producers, stabilization of their income and a financial state. A research objective is justification of the directions of improvement of agro insurance on the basis of identification of the main contradictions taking into account regional features. An assessment of agricultural insurance with the state support in Russia and Altai Krai is given; the reasons reducing efficiency of insurance in agriculture are established. The directions of improvement of insurance in agriculture with the state support are offered. At a research the system of contradictions of agro insurance in Russia and Altai Krai including connected with need of differentiation of insurance tariffs, the low insurance culture of insurers, asymmetry of information of the main subjects of the market, cost intensity of monitoring from insurers, complexity of initiation of risks in actual practice has been revealed. It interferes with the balanced realization of economic interests of insurers and insurers. In Altai Krai most large insurance companies refuse agro insurance in the territory of Altai Krai. The total area of the insured crops hasn't exceeded 3.1‰ of cultivated area of the region. The average level of insurance payments for 2013-2016 hasn't exceeded 28.7‰ of the sum of the got awards. The prospects of agro insurance are connected with more detailed differentiation of tariff rates, expansion of range of available unconditional franchises and values of the insured sums, stimulation of development of non-profit insurance cooperatives, societies of mutual insurance and other directions.

The system of factors of effective land use in agriculture

On the basis of generalization and critical discussion of scientific statements of institutional, neo-institutional and other theories, different points of view of domestic and foreign scientists developed the system of factors of increase of efficiency of agricultural land use. With regard to exogenous factors, the proposed linear algorithm including step-by-step implementation of the prescribed actions on state, economic and socio-economic stages. At some stages it is necessary to adjust the external impact of the transformation of land relations through the adoption of managerial decisions to smooth the internal conditions of the development of this process. The authors made the formula for determining the amount of expenses for the transaction, "forecasting the dynamics of socio-economic development of subject of Russian Federation" that gives you the ability to search logically linked variants of optimization of transaction costs. As a result of studying the relevant theoretical and methodological guidelines established that have a direct and indirect influence on agricultural land use endogenous factors can be economic, each of which acts in concert with the factors of other groups of transformation of the land relations - institutional and social. The authors have modelled the influence of social endogenous factors on the efficiency of agricultural land use and control of land resources in agriculture. The practical value of the research consists in the implementation of the proposed conceptual directions of transformation of the land relations and control of land resources in agriculture.

Characteristics of the agri-indusrial complex as the object of management

Agri-indusrial complexes of various levels are a classic form of the territorial-sectoral division of labour, the rationality of which largely determines the quality of the food security system, as well as the effectiveness of the system of interregional interactions and export-import activities. Specificity of management of any socio-economic system is determined by the quality of the institutional environment and the level of development of individual institutions. As an object of state management, the agri-indusrial complex is the natural element of the state support system, the volumes and directions of which have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the territorial-sectoral education management system. The organization of a system for managing multi-level territorial and sectoral entities is carried out on the basis of the totality of functions being realized, taking into account its organizational, systemic, territorial and sectoral features, as well as the totality of the management tasks being solved by the system. The objective nature of the control functions makes them universal for socio-economic systems of various types and levels, but the mechanisms for implementing these functions can differ quite significantly in accordance with the specifics of the systems themselves, manifested in different target orientations, levels and scales. The main problems that limit the development potential of the agri-indusrial complex are: a deformed structure of the agrarian sector, the high importance of non-commodity forms of management in the production of certain types of agricultural products, the poor struct redness of the system of social division of labour, the underdevelopment of the institutional environment, the fragmentation of the innovative system of agri-indusrial complex and relatively low innovation potential of its elements, mismatch of border regions and economic spaces controlled by large business structures, virtually unlimited growth in the concentration of capital and the scale of agri-industrial production, leading to the monopolization of agrarian markets and the destruction of the natural competitive environment, the presence of serious disparities in the development of individual territories, critically low levels of development of industrial and market infrastructure, etc.